סגור את תיבת החיפוש

סא"ל יעקב סבג מומחה לענייני ערבים: "אפשר היה להחזיר את החטופים תוך יומיים"

סא"ל במיל יעקוב סבג לשעבר יועץ לעינייני ערבים במנהל האזרחי בעזה: הכנסת הסיוע הכספי לעזה מממן את החמאס ומאפשר לו להמשיך לפעול. חמאס גוזר קופון ענק מכל סכום שנכנס לקניית נשק. המחבלים ממשיכים להסתתר במנהרות וחלקם הסתלק מעזה דרך ציר פילדלפי. אנחנו גידלנו את מפלצת החמאס ואנחנו ממשיכים להזין אותה. השנאה לישראל בעזה גוברת ומקשה על האפשרות להגיע להסכמים. חוסר האסטרטגיה בצה"ל גורמת לנו להחזיר אוכלוסיה לשטחים שכבר נכבשו ואז צריך להלחם שם שוב ולטהר אותם ממחבלי חמאס.

ערוץ ToV אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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Why are the Jewish people so bad at accepting that people hate Jews, that the threat is real, that it is within their range of options? Why have we had so much suffering, to understand this very obvious and easy concept about race relations in the world? Because we Jews allow ourselves to be influenced and led by women. We allow women to much influence, above and beyond what is healthy. It is women who can go through life oblivious to the reality of male aggression, and racial competition. They are not threatened with violence, like the men are. The same men that we see all around us, with hateful faces, and insulting words, are smiling faces to the women, with deceptive, loving words.
 When we men know ourselves, when the women know themselves, when we as a couple understand and accept the things that men can see and are aware of and the things that women are good at, when we accept our inequality, then the Jewish people will not suffer so much from Jew haters. We will have clarity, we will see the human beings for what they are, and what they are capable of, and we will adjust our behavior with reality, not what we hope the human being is capable of. When it becomes possible for us to communicate, because women and men who have foreign loyalties and wish to disrupt intelligent conversation, are ignored more, then we will not be confused as what to do about some men and women being friendly, and societies as a whole having many Jew haters in them.
 To accept a society with many Jew haters, is to inflict damage on your Jewish neighbors. Also, it should be understood that most people are wise enough to know no matter what they believe, there are requirements to navigating the public. You must put on a straight face, you must smile, and speak of unity and peace, even if you believe that Jewish people should be exterminated. It is not possible to know most people unless you speak to them for a while, unless you get to know them, either catching their lies, or having them confess their real opinions to you. If they are good liars, and they hide there opinions, there may not be a way to realize they are lying.
 The only way to protect yourself from a people you know hate Jews, is to distance yourself from them. We all accept that some men might be serial killers, most of us are not looking for them when we meet new people, because they are so rare. But, the statistics on muslim public opinion, and the people they elect, imply a very high level of hatred for Jews. In G-d I trust.
We will be exposed to muslim Jew hatred for a long time, they will have many opportunities to kidnap Jews. The Jewish people, in Israel and America, are not ready to disengage from the muslims yet. We must choose a different route, we must take complete control of Gaza, and we must make sure that the muslim johadis regret attacking Israel. The only way to do this is to seize land. 

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