סגור את תיבת החיפוש

מה גרם למשה פייגלין להרים כוסית לחיים עם אלעזר שטורם?

אלעזר שטרום ומשה פייגלין מדברים בשידור חי על מדיניות החיסולים הממוקדים

אלעזר שטרום ומשה פייגלין בשידור חי מתייחסים לחיסולו של מוחמד דף. חיילנו, אומר פייגלין, משלמים בדמם על עוולות אוסלו. ההנהגה תחת האסטרטגיה האוסלואית, הופכת את ההצלחות הטקטיות בעזה להפסד מתגלגל. לא למדנו לקחים מאוסלו. אם נמשיך במדיניות העברת השליטה בעזה ממחבל אחד למחבל אחר, נחזור שוב לארוע כמו ה-7/10. צה"ל צריך להפוך מצבא של חיסולים ממוקדים לצבא לוחם וכובש. אני לא פסימי אומר פייגלין, הדור הצעיר והאמיץ של חיילנו מעודד אותי להאמין שיהיה טוב.

ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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7 חודשים לפני

I think we are limited in our ability to increase the clarity levels of human kind, and even if we can, it wont be any help to us for the task at hand, because most people will not be able to think clearly till after we impose acceptance of racial inequality. The bigger soul saver is taking control of the situation to avoid nuclear war with Islamic supremacists. Not persuading few to change their hearts.
Remember when the IDF said they wont deal with hezbola because of Israeli winter temperatures? They do like America tells them, unless they have to do something to put on a show.
It is predictable that young Ashkenaz men growing up in exile to ignorant parents, will not be born with the clarity of his situation, sufficient to court highly demanding women. An insurmountable hurdle for most, who have little idea what is going on.
The Israeli government is waiting for hezbola to slaughter many Jews, before it does something.
They only care if a Jew says something about them.
How does one describe our situation? One where America continues to claim to support Israel and the Jewish people, while the democrats fight for the Jew haters? Fight for the idea of multiculturalism? Multiculturalism isn’t the right terminology, because really the majority of the American establishment is covering up the racism of arab muslims, not fighting against racism like they claim. They just make up a narrative that supports their objectives, of putting Israel down, and keeping it down.
 Even the new VP, says that America will always be on the side of Israel, but America is sanctioning Jewish Israelis who are fighting for their legal land rights. Trumps man, just like Trump does not say that the majority of Americas establishment is actually fighting against Israel. There should be a faster way to say this, but maybe there isn’t. Lies can be complicated, and difficult to cut through.
 Trump said he wants to divide Israel, and give the muslims east Jerusalem, which means divide Jerusalem, and you can be sure the muslims will put their capital in Jerusalem. He told MMA muslim fighter he will end the fighting in Gaza immediately when he gets into office. The only way that is possible is with Israeli surrender, permitting hamas to remain in power. Otherwise, hamas will keep attacking Israel, for a very long time to come, and the world obviously cant help but talk about the Jews.
If Denmark had remained under nazi control, the security situation in Europe for decades, would have been very different. It is fair to say that iran as a legitimate country with a giant revenue stream from oil revenue, an intelligence service, an army and a police of hundreds of thousands to draw upon, with the universities churning out plenty of patriots every year, changes the security situation in the middle east considerably.
 I don’t like pretending that muslim racism and terrorism isn’t a serious issue, it only happens because of iran, because that isn’t the case. I am certain that there will be no peace with the muslims, even if iran was overthrown, just like there was endless attacks on Jews long before the Iranian revolution of 1979. There is validity in saying that terrorism and armed opposition to Israel and the Jews will be weakened with the destruction or decapitation of Irans leaders. Certainly, iran attaining nukes is very dangerous.
What percent of hamas and hezbola missiles come from iran? Who knows, but it is clear they are coming in through Egypt, which the Israeli government is negotiating for the abandonment of the philidelphia corridor, between gaza and Egypt. Apparently, they are sticking their heads in the sand, and pretending that is ok. Who knows if it is true, I pray Netanyahu and Israeli government officials reconsider. In G-d I trust.

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