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איש ההתיישבות בועז העצני: "אבי אבות הטומאה זה ששתקנו לקמפיין הזה"

בועז העצני בשיחה עם זיו מאור ונגה ארבל על קמפיין ההסתה של אלימות המתנחלים והתעלמות הממשלה מאלימות הפלסטינים והנסקציות הכלכליות של ארה"ב על תושבי יו"ש

בועז העצני אומר לזיו מאור ונגה ארבל: לא היינו צריכים לשתוק כשהתחיל קמפיין ההסתה על אלימות המתנחלים. אלימות המתנחלים מינימליסטית ובאה כתגובה לאלימות הפלסטינים. ההסתה השיקרית והפרוע הזו מחלחלת לתודעת הציבור הישראלי, והממשלה נמנעת מלהתעמת עם האמת ועם אלימות הפלסטינים בשטח, כדי לא להתעמת עם הרשות ולא להעמיד בפניה דרישות לנקוט באמצעים, ונותנת לממשל האמרקאי להתערב לה בריבונות ולהטיל סנקציות כלכליות על תושבים ביו"ש.

ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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6 חודשים לפני

"אבי אבות הטומאה"
זו הכותרת שתשאר חתומה על שמם:
יהודה פוקס.
יואב גלנט.
הדובר הגרי.
החטיבה האנטי יהודית.
ימ"ר ש"י.
המינהל האזרחי.
ושותפיהם בבגץ ופרקליטות תקשורת ואספסוף.

6 חודשים לפני

This idea of placing many solar panels in the Sahara is silly, the security risk is to great, and there is massive amounts of land not covered in forests or farm land, that is not cultivated because of economic controls, or lack of access to fresh water, or bad soil.

Muslim individuals have a range, as all organizations have a limited influence on the human being. But as an organization, religious islam has both greater influence on the thoughts and minds of muslims, influencing larger percentages of their population, as well as the predictable outcome of the religion chosen by the arab muslims of the middle east, reflecting the high level of violence and supremacist attitudes common in their society before islam.

If the Jewish people, or the white gentiles have some intelligence, it is not useful, if their emotions over rule their logical capabilities. On a societal level the dynamic is the same, some weaker minds are overwhelmed, some are not, and the score board dictates what is possible for the nations leadership.

 If your mind directs you to believe that the leadership is genuinely evil, through and through, rather than preferring to maximize its own power, for those invested in dictatorial, authoritarian and tyrannical investments and rule, then give up hope and stop complaining. Because if there is nothing but evil, it will never allow progress, or free speech, or victory for the good. But if you can see examples of another power in existence in this world, then fight on.

Netanyahu is going to look bad giving a speech in America, while bombs go off in Israel. Appropriate.

Islamic terror organizations without a national sponsor like iran, will certainly be somewhat diminished. From my understanding, the gulf nations do not allow official support for terror organizations, I think to various degrees, this is the same for the rest of the arab muslim nations. But I may be wrong on what level of support those organizations are funded by official government, or trained by official government.

The USA and Europe are big supporters of organizations that are routinely discovered to be terrorist organizations, probably as a result of America actually being more of a left wing dictatorship, than it is a democracy with equal balance of power between left and right. The wealthy of the west are decisive supporters of the left wing mask, and those interests extend to using Islamic muslims to oppress right wingers, religious, and those who stand up for Jewish and white gentile rights.

To all the good Jewish men out there, there is nothing wrong with you, dating does not work. Sex with women is to valuable, they can trade it for the attention of the best looking men. We men would do the same thing if we had the power that women have. Abandon the American dream, it does not work, their rich smile and celebrate while their people perish. We are not like them. They have anxiety over Jews, it is not good for dating at all. You have no place in their society, and the procedure for lying to women and leading them on, does not suit most of us. Abandon the hope of making friends in the leftist paradigm, dating does not work. Embrace the religious way, openly choosing to be Jewish. It is not perfect, it is not natural, it is not complete, but it is appropriate for a time of war, and the Jewish people is in a war. No matter what lies the American media says.

There are many Jews, Christians, and leftists who believe that the Jewish people are the key for solving race relations. Some in a good open way, while some leftists see the Jews as a tool to implement the censorship and authoritarianism they believe in. Even those who don’t think the Jewish topic can solve the whole picture, agree that they are a way to bring up the topic without threatening themselves as much.

It would be better if the blood lust of the world is satied fighting against terrorists fighting nations surrounding Israel, like in syria. Let lebanon become a jihadi state, insulting the european memory of what it once was. Jordan and egypt should be forced to face their demons rather than Israel establishing a terror state in southern Gaza. Netanyahu wants to setup a terror state, Israeli leaders should lookout for Jewish soldiers, and maximize their security. In G-d I trust.

Most european parents support arabic being taught as a second language at school.

European nations who let the Jews in, who found the great empires, knew that things before the Jews were more tyrannical, more poor, later generations forget.

The difference between a good generation, and a bad one is how many percent? Maybe 30 or 40? Could be 20 or 10…

Men know that women are bad at thinking, and cant make money on their own like men can without the government helping them. Its hard for women to admit that, but us men can advocate for their plight. She is all alone, and dependent on others, fighting for her dignity, in a society that loves to take advantage of her, and rob her, leaving her weeping with nothing. She needs a man willing to make a long term commitment to end her hell. Getting her heart broken over and over again. Till her ability to pair bond is destroyed. Lied to and abused, deceived, and humiliated, and left in the gutter. A cruel mans toy that has ben used. Dating does not work, and it never did.

Do you really believe that the old white men, who are often Jews, will unleash the tanks, the planes, the bioweapons, the nukes, and the navy against the white people and the Jews? Or are they pretending to be leftists, letting Jew haters and white haters to vote for fascist anti white government?

This is what it takes, to prove to white gentile women, that their feelings are wrong. Or, its what it takes, for white gentile parents, and white gentile men, to realize that young white womens rebellion against biology, G-d, limitations which justify rules, disqualifies her from freedom, or the right to vote. Women are not free in most of the world, despite what the female liberal media says. In G-d I trust.

Imagine if under apartheid, segregation or slavery you would have said You can criticize black people and black behaviors, but not support slavery.

If Israel refuses to sanction settlers, they might be kicked out of the swift system.

Americans dont know how anti semtic their people are.

Most protecting of homes today happens with guns, with short guys having advantage over tall guys, because tall guys are bigger targets.

The majority of gentiles are either morally low or evil. When confronted with the idea of Jews, they reject their right to exist. They perceive the Jews as embodying good, and it contradicts the value of their worldview. All the behaviors they think are right, the right way to balance right and wrong, the mix of good and evil, the behaviors of a lower being. The insult is to great, for a people who are closer to predators in mentality. If they stop to think about it, if they hesitate, they will be torn apart by their own people. Is a better way possible? Maybe, maybe not.

 Certainly yes, but to what degree? In the world to come, people will be aware of Jewish inequality, and the blessings that the Jewish people bestow on other peoples, through their interactions, and partnerships. Jews will be distant, possibly enabling a more positive connection. The arabs will understand that they were under the influence of the curse from G-d. They had embraced the mentality of evil, and it was why they are impoverished, and filled with conflict.

Is this the best way to convince Jews to implement a new policy towards the arab muslims? I think it is one way of making them feel better. If we can show that after islam, and after confronting the painful reality of persisting racial inequality, the arab muslims will be friendly towards Jews, that would make Jews happy. But, I think that anger over inequality is permanent, because Jews are not supposed to leave Israel according to the Torah, I have heard, which means that there are reasons why Jews cant move back in with the gentiles in the world to come.

 It could be the people in charge and the faithful believers knowing the long term consequences of Jews living among gentiles, but I don’t think so. We can improve the human being, but we will not all become perfect beings. Flaws mean sin. I can imagine white gentiles not hating Jews, regardless of their inequality. A manageable sin. But what percent of white gentile society will that represent? I bet that the situation will be under control enough, to allow the economic benefit of Jews to be attained or traded for.

 I am inclined to think if the arab muslims improve decidedly, that maybe they can do economic exchanges, but I am not sure. I suppose Jews want to hear that they can visit, and have arabs for dinner, and worry about Jew hatred, no more. I doubt that level of interaction will be possible. It will open the door to many other issues, which means the rules will be very firm. Ugly old stupid Jews will have sex with young good looking smart gentiles, so the world is probably going to be much more fascistic than we think.

 There will be money in Jewish prostitution, men, women and sperm donors. Its silly to think all these cameras and tracking devices, are not going to be exposed to us, at some point in time. I get the feeling that Jewish women are going to be extremely unhappy with the future.

I wonder what percent of Jews and gentiles follow whatever’s popular?

Save the american Jewish hostages? What about the Israeli Jewish hostages? Strange distinction, from a man who speaks of G-d. In G-d I trust.

The muslims say they want to conquer the uk, france and america, why wouldnt they want to conquer Israel?

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