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החוקר הבכיר שמוכיח: רוב ערביי ישראל הם מהגרים מהמאה ה-19

ההיסטוריון והמזרחן מיכאל יגאל מימון מדבר עם ינקל"ה קליין על הדרך המוטעת בה תפסנו את דת האיסלאם. לדבריו אין מה לעשות הסכמים עם תושבי הארץ דוברי הערבית בתוכם הוא כולל את תושבי עזה יו"ש וערביי ישראל. מדובר באנשים שהגיעו הנה במאה ה-19 ונשארו פה, ואין להם שום חזקה על הארץ. צריך לגרש מכאן את כל מי שלא מסכים ונכנע לכך שישראל היא מדינת היהודים. מי שמשלים עם קיומינו פה יכול להשאר. ב-7/10 חווינו ג'יהאד. המוסלמים מצווים להמשיך במלחמת הג'יהאד מול הכופרים שנמצאים לצידם וכל עוד נגור בשכנות נסבול מכך. אני חושב שיהודים צריכים לשלוט ולגור בכל ארץ ישראל כולל בעזה.

ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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ומה יעשה ההומניסטי האוניברסלי המצהיר בגאווה אינטלקטואלי "אני יהודי אתאיסטי".

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שיסביר ראשית במה הוא "יהודי"…

6 חודשים לפני

The support for the UNWRA organization, exists, because the Jew haters want to support the maintenance of the policy of allowing multigenerational children, grand children, and great grand children, to remain refugees. It is little more than the expression of Jew hatred, manifested into action, by the bigots and supremacists of the world.

Why else would a separate human rights organization exist for the supposed victims of the Jews, with special rules, that said, as long as anyone in your family, from 75 years ago, was the claimed refugee of the Jews, you get to claim to be a refugee as well? According to UNWRA policy, the crime of Israels establishment will still be producing refugees a 1000 years from now.

This reality is censored by the majority of the american and european media, as well as schools, and the majority of the western politicians, who pretend not to know about these special Jew rules, applying to the worlds most visible conflict. They openly speak in a narrative that conceals these obvious facts, and then they proceed to attack the Jews while claiming to be reasonable.

They are little more than leaders of anti semitic mob, and that description applies to the majority of western leftist politicians, and sizable portions of the western right wing. The entire palestinian identity, is a western cover, to continue to censor the massive and obvious muslim Jew hatred, intolerance, and massive global human rights violations. The deception cannot be maintained without the consent and participation of the western right wing media and politicians.

 The western objective of censoring the crimes and bigotry of islam, is absolutely clear to anyone able to ask themselves what is America and European governments policy. If Israel does not remove itself from this western consensus, the parameters of Jewish rights in the western mind, combined with the challenges of open muslim racism and aggression, will lead to continued failures in Israeli security, resulting in death and destruction. Israels borders, with the nation of Israel, as well as internally with muslim no go zones, have already led to a critical failure in the confidence of the Jewish nations ability to defend the Jewish people. Restoring confidence will require new and clearly rational security requirements that acknowledge muslim hatred of Jews, and defend the Jewish people from it.

The spread of weapons, terrorists, and terrorism funding, flows well beyond the ability of Israeli security to defend from every direction. Israel is trapped in a western multicultural narrative, that is unable to acknowledge that brown muslims, can adopt authoritarian, supremacist, Jew hating ideology, and combat it. The American media currently limits debate by censoring any conversation going past the foolish claim that non whites cant be racist because they lack power. Completely censoring logic and history of racial violence.

Current leftist ideology actually assumes Jewish guilt as a result of Jewish inequality. Israel must separate itself from America, if it is to have any hope of imposing the correct level of boundaries, security screening, and destruction of self declared enemies of Israel, that will allow Israel to reduce the endless levels of attacks on it, that rob the Jewish people of a purpose other than an identity associated with violence, conflict, and hate. In G-d I trust.

Jew haters will perpetually be convinced that Jews are guilty of every form of bad, including racism, despite all evidence comparing standards against all races. How can you figure out who is the racist, when both sides accuse the other of racism? Compare policies against each side, and the actions of all the nations of the world.

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