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ד"ר אורי מילשטיין: אי אפשר להרתיע אנשים שמקדשים את המוות, תבינו את זה!

ההסטוריון אורי מילשטיין בשיחה עם זיו מאור על יכולתו של צה"ל להילחם בחמאס באמצעי סייבר

בשיחה עם זיו מאור אומר ההיסטוריון אורי מילשטיין: חיילנו הצעירים חדורים מוטיבציה להגן על המדינה. לצערנו הדרג הצבאי הבכיר הפך את צה"ל לצבא הגנה, פגע ביכולת התקיפה שלו, ושכח שאנחנו נלחמים מול אויב שמקדש את המוות ונלחם באופן בו לחמו לפני 1300 שנה בימי מוחמד.

ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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7 חודשים לפני

Her check from the pentagon must have been very hefty. In G-d I trust.

Women who are unhappy with their husbands contributions to the households, and get divorced usually dont remarry, they stay alone, have no one to take them out, or to have sex with. Their lives become worse usually.

Hollywood cant make good movies, or new movie stars anymore, because they have outlawed the right wing, outlawed progress, outlawed wisdom. Truth is destructive to authoritarian fascists and dictators. The brainless mind cannot survive. A people learning about themselves cannot make it without an oral history, or a written history.

Men think about how the world works, they think about systems and machines, and they worry. Women do not. They are focused on their relationships, their feelings, cleanliness, health. They believe they can do it, because they see other people doing it. They do not understand that the way to rule is by introducing scarcity, and promoting the superiority of some men over others. They can be satisfied being busy all the time, men cannot. If women dont appreciate what the men contribute in relationships, then they lose their other half, the half with most of the brains.

White men are mostly hated in america and europe, which lowers their value in the sexual marketplace.

Iranian leaders, are theocratic dictators, who support terrorism around the world, and believe in the muslim plan of using terrorism and deception, to make islam supreme. Thats whose getting nukes.

Its amazing that there is a correlation with how Israel was destroyed, by targeting each of the 13 tribes, and today with Jews in Tel Aviv imagining that only Tel Aviv is needed, and the american southwests immigration problem being ignored and conquered by Mexicans, while the rest of the nation didn’t care enough about the problem. We are a small minded people. Unfortunately, in order to lead the world, the nation with the chosen currency, needs to be more sophisticated in its outlook on how to manage race relations, other than to stop the non whites from coming into America.

The americans are mostly in denial about muslim Jew hatred, support for violence, and conquest. The Jewish people should not align themselves with a people who are in denial about war being declared on them.

If there are only 1 mil muslims in Israel, they will talk like liberals wish they did.

Look at the example of labia, thanks to censorship, and media manipulation, when european and american white nations want to take down a muslim government, they can. The muslims are none the wiser for it.

Frankly, I have wanted the IDF to attack hezbola and lebanon for awhile now.

I dont see how any american can imagine that the american government would take the side of white Jews, which is what most american Jews are, against muslims. It would be like america supporting white supremacists, fighting against muslims. Its not an exact fit, americas actions in the middle east are censored, but it would be close, in amounts of media condemnation. In G-d I trust.

G-d has chosen for men to lead their families.

The billionaires decide what information you are allowed in public schools they control, according to the emotional, moral state of your generation and community. What facts you cant accept yet are also obviously a factor.

Israel may have decided to finally kill hayina, because hezbola got an emp bomb.

Women can explain their situation, and make men understand them and their plight.

Sad that when Jews move to a gentile country, the gentile country, uses the money they make of Jews, to oppress Jews who are trying to free the Jewish people, by restoring our homeland.

Why wouldn’t Israel be able to produce or buy rifles and machine guns? If Israel gets kicked out of gaza, and an international coalition takes over, the muslim radicals will harm their reputation by fighting against internationalist forces. If Israel stays in Gaza, the muslims will grow more powerful. In G-d I trust.

Most american billionaires are mafia, not capitalists.

What is implied by leftist intolerance, violence, authoritarianism, is that women are evil, in large quantities.

Women are in such precarious positions, it is understandable that they are coping by adopting super nice language.

The leftist women say racism, because they wish to remain in complete denial of racial hatred, because they are afraid. 150 countries worldwide are racist, the leftist regime simply dies not allow us to hear their racial hatred, leaving us defenseless, endlessly suffering their attacks and abuse, ridiculed, hated and accused of racism when we talk about their racism. In G-d I trust.

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