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קרולין גליק: עד כמה גרועה באמת קמילה האריס?

קרולין גליק מסבירה את הנזק שגרם בעלה של קמילה האריס למלחמה באנטישמיות בארה"ב

אלעזר שטרום בשיחה עם קרולין גליק על דמותה של קמילה האריס. לדברי קרולין קמילה לא טובה לישראל, למרות שהיא נשואה ליהודי. בעלה של הריס היה בצוות הבית הלבן למלחמה באנטישמיות ועשה שם רק נזק. הוא התנגד להגדרת אנטי ציונות כאנטישמיות.

ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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רק תתקנו בבקשה **קאמלה** לא "קמילה".

5 חודשים לפני

75 missiles fired into Israel, and it does not make the front page of some Israeli news sites.

The americans are trying to pressure Israel to surrender to hamas, an organization that has declared its intention to take Israeli hostages again and again, in exchange for some hostages.


The americans set the overtin window, and then continuously talk within that window, seeing if they can get you to submit.

The nazis got a third of the votes in the german parliament. In the context of European and Israeli type of coalition building, that is a legitimate election win for the nazis.

Trump taking credit for Taylor Swifts support, without her consent, using AI and/or CGI, is a bad thing for us all. It will likely indulge our worst fears, and it will be used to conceal the truth eventually.

When you break up with your current guy, for pissing you off, for not being and doing what you want, understand, the next guy is most likely only going to want sex, food, peace and pleasantness in his relationship as well.

Men feel guilty about wanting sex from women, but without it, women have very little to offer men.

It is surprising, that the Russians and the Chinese, point out that the west promotes homosexuality, in order to win them into alliance with the global south. As well as the west promoting womens liberation, which destroys women, confuses them, makes them forget what their role is in society, and destroying their reputation, in a way that cannot be changed, due to the innate nature of human biology and the universe, since submission and servitude, sexually, is shameful, and reduces the honor of the husband, the children, the family, the tribe, nation and people.

The western left does not acknowledge the existence of universal truths, or human biology, so it is incapable of combating these issues.

None of this is new, the part that I don’t find surprising, is considering how popular hating white people is, there is no anti white, or anti Jewish movement in the world. Especially considering that the facts appear to imply that the white gentiles do primarily support white gentile supremacy. The old white billionaires men, will not reveal the truth. Why wouldn’t their competition do so? If it is because they are Jews, that is even more popular to oppose.

From a frustration standpoint, it would be great to point out that the people in charge could send a vast number of people to concentration camps, protected by badly paid pigs, where a vast percentage of the people will be slaughtered. We could also easily be killed in mass by a host of modern weapons, almost completely detached from people power.

Better to become better because of your worry for people, than not at all, if morality wasn’t enough to motivate me.

It seems to me that leftist Britain is mostly evil. The left is totally anti Israel, and most of the right wing is anti Israel and anti Jewish as well. Miss Hopkins is making me think. She asked to join her newsletter, which is in the UK, which the Uk government claims it is going to bring up charges, for anyone who has an extradition treaty with the UK. I signed up, in the ode to the old me, that fought evil blindly.

But the UK’s claims, as well as much of Europe, of opposing anti semetism is a farce. They don’t point out who is committing most of the hate crimes against Jews, which basically makes their fight against Jew hatred almost meaningless. The numbers and the cultural pressure is not coming from the white right wing for the most part, even if they are blaming the Jews for bringing in the Jew hating muslims.

Like Jews are the only people whose interests might exist separate to the best interests of the white gentiles. There are no other nations of the world, and it would be wrong for Jews to oppose a white gentile narrative, that claims white gentiles are tolerant multiculturalists, who aren’t that bad for Jews. If you don’t report on the opinions of white gentiles, Jews will not know, the reality.

Germany is worse, in the sense that they don’t admit that muslims could commit hate crimes, therefore their attacks on Jews are not recorded. France and the rest of Europe are just as bad. You could have a cop walk down the street dressed as a Jew, and see what happens, but they don’t want to.

The point seems to be that in an election or two, the brits might be predictably ready to fight back. But that does not seem clear, and whats the point of hypotheticals, Israel has needs right now, so this is the security threats of our time, as a result of race relations in our time.

I imagine all religions will have humble pie one day, when they realize how much they have been deceived by evil men pretending to be moral.

We are so uninformed, we are like slaves, being debated.

Things feel different. Its actually amazing the degree that the west feels fragile. It doesn’t seem like it would take much to end life for the Jews in the west. In Europe, it does not seem like it would take much to provoke war with the muslims. The west is sick and dying, and its union, and narrative are weak.

Most women will not talk to men they don’t agree with. That is not the type of attitude a smart person has. Women have natural characteristics that defend her modesty, not build her intellect.

I bet the homosexuals of Germany and Russia, both hated Jews who were mostly religious, and Christians, and supported the nazis and the communists, both of whom, sent them off to the concentration camps.

Human beings who hate Jews or other groups, often require only the most basic of justification to allow them to express their violent feelings towards others. We Jews will need to understand what human beings are capable of, and understand the limits of intelligent thought and communication. Inequality resulted in permanent discrimination in the muslim world, they never apologized for their centuries of discrimination against Jews, and other non muslims. Unfortunately, the left of America and Europe, are incapable of standing up to the mostly darker skinned muslims, making the white gentile willingness to defend Jews from white supremacists, useless, because they will not protect Jews from muslim supremacists. In G-d I trust.

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