סגור את תיבת החיפוש

ח"כ דיסטל חושפת מתוך הוועדה החסויה: תהיה בעיה משפטית להרשיע את הנוחבות

ד"ר מוטי קידר וח"כ דלית דיסטל בשיחה על נחיצות הרפורמה המשפטית, כפי שיא מובנת עכשיו לרוב העם.הציבור רואה את העוצמה של מערכת המשפט הישראלית ששולטת במדינה בלי שנבחרה לכך

ח"כ גלית דיסטל אומרת לד"ר מוטי קידר: היום עם ישראל ברובו המכריע מפוכח ומבין כמה נחוצה רפורמה משפטית. נשיא בית הדין בוחר את השופטים "הנכונים" לתיקים שונים. הרשות השופטת לקחה את הכוח מנבחרי הציבור. היום כל הצעת חוק עוברת דרך היועמ"שית. בן גביר הוא היחיד שמצליח לקחת את המדיניות שלו קדימה בזכות הפרובוקציות שהוא עושה. יש פה אליטה שמצליחה לגנוב את התודעה. אנחנו בתוך תיבת תהודה שקרית. יש במדינה תקרת זכוכית של שמאל חילוני, שאותה אי אפשר לפרוץ- בצבא, במערכת המשפט ובאקדמיה. דיסטל חושפת מידע הזוי שנמסר לה באחת הועדות בהן ישבה לפיו מערכת המשפט לא תוכל להעמיד לדין נוחבות שאין עדות ודאית לפעילותם בטבח.

ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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6 חודשים לפני

50 years ago, white countries accounted for over half the world economy. Include Japan, south korea, and Taiwan, nations arguably occupied, conquered and defended by America, and they represented over 60% of the worlds economy. It is not surprising that the people of the time, were not aware of the rest of the world, and perceived them as the poor people of the world. But their women would get on their knees for men of anywhere, so the collapse of what made the west special, their white skin and willingness to work with the Jews for a period of time, disappeared. They could think somewhat, and show up to work on time, but their weaknesses outweighed their strengths.

I heard a show talking about American ‘elite’ universities, saying that something like 40% of the students are children of donors. They also said something like 40% of the students are white. You could speculate therefore, that close to 100% of the white students parents are donors. America really is a dictatorship of the rich.

Ignorant monsters oppressing ignorant monsters. You have no idea what the size of the economy is, you should focus on forcing your government to tell the truth more often. In G-d I trust.

(yes, the girl might be innocent)

They say that the Chinese are very patient, but I wonder if that matters much, if they don’t have the right perspective to realize that gunpowder can be made into guns, or that controlling the worlds lands, and establishing trade with the worlds people increases the wealth, power and influence of the nation, or that the Jews and the white gentiles represented a threat to their sovereignty and destiny.

Considering that islam has a plan to conquer the entire world, and a desire to do so, demonstrates hatred for Christians and white men, even declaring its plan to conquer Britain, France, Germany, and America in numerous mosques, it is surprising that some americans and Europeans seem to think that muslims are not a threat to them and their nations, and that religious muslim theocracies like iran getting a nuke, does not seem to be genuinely concerning to some people. Hard to imagine, but that appears to be the case.

In order for AI to have any credibility, it will need to be honest about gender inequality, the influence of the wealthy over government, and probably racial inequality. Therefore, although it might be useful in the future as a tool of tyranny, in the present AI will represent a reduction of tyranny. Otherwise, it would be an easy test to see whose AI is better, Elon Musks, Google’s, or Chinas AI. People could actually find that the Chinese system has more integrity than the American government in ways that offend the left.

 I suspect, that even going against the left in the realm of homosexuality, white inequality, or the Jews, is not possible to implement, without turning the left into enemies of the government. If there was only one AI, it would still not be believed, and then it would be difficult to stop the regime from lying.

White western leftists seem oblivious, to the fact that America and Europe were the fortress’s of leftism. They could only bare the world, as long as the American and European government censored the entire world for their benefit. As they tare down America and Europe, the only power and nations on earth who actually support racial equality, will disappear.

It was acceptable to G-d that David, and Shaul, had many wives and lovers. I suspect that good is meant to dominate evil, which means we should get the best girls. We are commanded to enjoy pleasure, so our moderation level, should compliment our desire, while maintaining our compatibility for marriage. The testimony of Pinchas, was very fierce against gentiles.

I believe polygamy was implemented in part, because there are a dearth of women who have no husbands. We should re implement polygamy, so that we can save as many Jewish women as we are able. We will need to state to the globalists pretending to be leftists, that we are not part of their civilization, and we claim ownership of all of Israel. In G-d I trust.

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