סמדר הילה שמואלי בשיחה עם אבי מעוז על מערכת המשפט שמונעת מהממשלה לעבוד ומצה"ל לנצח. לדברי מעוז לנתניהו יש ראיה אסטרטגית יחודית והוא מבין לאן אנחנו צועדים. אני לא רואה מישהו שיכול להכנס לנעליו הגדולות וכל אלטרנטיבה של מנהיג אחר תסכן את המדינה
סמדר הילה שמואלי בשיחה עם אבי מעוז על העיוותים במערכת המשפט שחייבים תיקון, ועל נתניהו שלדברי מעוז חייב להשאר בשלטון כי האלטרנטיבה השלטונית תסכן את קיום המדינה
סמדר הילה שמואלי בשיחה עם אבי מעוז על מערכת המשפט שמונעת מהממשלה לעבוד ומצה"ל לנצח. לדברי מעוז לנתניהו יש ראיה אסטרטגית יחודית והוא מבין לאן אנחנו צועדים. אני לא רואה מישהו שיכול להכנס לנעליו הגדולות וכל אלטרנטיבה של מנהיג אחר תסכן את המדינה
ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות
אליעזר צ'יטה כהן מדבר על המחדלים הצבאיים שאיפשרו את טבח ה-7/10 ומציג חזון פוליטי משטרי חדש למדינת ישראל
פורטל החדשות של TOV, הוא זירת אקטואליה ותרבות המשלבת לראשונה עדכונים מכל הנעשה במדינה ומאפשרת צריכת תכנים תרבותיים נקיים ומסוננים. באתר תמצאו תוכן הנוגע לכם בכל תחומי החיים כשהוא נקי ומסונן.
אפשר לבחור ערים מסוימות בלחיצה על המיקום
Have faith, the nation of Israel is defended by G-d.
How long are we going to stay in the Philadelphia corridor? How long will it take for Gazan muslims to stop being unequal with Israel, and being angry about inequality? How long will it be before islam is reformed? How long will muslims be racist against Jews, or are we pretending they aren’t hyper critical of Jews?
There was a population transfer, where Greek muslims were expelled to turkey, and Christian turks were expelled to Greece. The same thing happened in india, but not in ultra criticized Jewish Israel.
There are plenty of European nations with few or no Jews, who allow many non white immigrants in, why is that?
When I play video games, it feels like a part of my mind gets rest. Is sin associated with resting? Indulging in stupid, idolatrous, games, making small talk and more?
I often remember not to think much of myself and my intellect, because its all from G-d, aqnd because of G-d. I am reminded of a passage where the siddur says, we bless Hashem and then He blesses us. How does that work? Indulge the infinite, and your minds options expand? If you think negative thoughts, your mind can close. Whats more positive than our G-d?
Thinking back on so many women and mothers I have known, I must say, a great many were very hateful of me, just because I was white and light skinned. All light skinned white men must experience this.
Don’t you just love how Maduros opposition in Venezuela has been convicted of multiple felonies, and arrested? They are obviously political charges, but the democrats don’t want to acknowledge that such things could exist! LOL. So they seized his plane, but I still haven’t heard the reason why. In G-d I trust.
I imagine auto manufacturers, can hide from the green mafia, if hiding is even necessary, by claiming that the consumers have range anxiety, and charger location anxiety, making hybrids and plug in hybrids a much easier fit for the customers, for now.
Even hybrids don't make sense, although they should. Who doesn't want more power and fuel efficiency? But in the real world, the rav4 hybrid costs three and a half thousand dollars more than the gas version. I would prefer it for the power, even though I dont like cvt's. But the battery is supposed to last 10 years, I watched a youtube saying that it was 10-15 thousand to replace. Thats going to be horrible for residuals. Use standardized hydraulics, or car batteries. For that kind of money, why not? In G-d I trust.
Although we are trapped by the accusation of racism, despite other nations and people having far more discriminatory policies and opinions than we Jews have, especially Ashkenaz Jews, we can point out that right now the muslims have lower education levels, right now they have higher violence levels, and less tolerance of others. This way, whoever wants to believe that one day in the future arab muslims will be equal to all other people, can do so.
I still feel it is all bogus. Poor white people, even in poor eastern European nations, and Jews who hold racist or discriminatory opinion are hated by women, and poor or wealthy brown people who hold discriminatory opinions are not criticized. Shouldn’t we just accept that many women hate Jewish men and white men, and many non whites hate us as well, and the billionaires who own the media will not allow us to expose them? If they are trying to exterminate us, and our only option is to fight so be it, but it seems like there is still lots of progress in the discourse. Europe sucks, so does America mostly, but there is still hope that the epic racism and prejudicial standards the bigoted women and non whites of the world impose on Israel will finally compel a nation to say NO.
Once upon a time, we used to be told fables about reporters, who would actually document the opinions of people on the streets, but I suppose that is to much information for us to be permitted. Understandably, it contradicts western multicultural propaganda! Right comrades?
The next step, I hope you get to in the next few decades while we rot in hell, would be how stupid and hateful are arab muslims to believe in such wild revisions of history? What is the level of honesty and integrity among the arab muslims? Then we can begin to develop the consent to disregard their opinions, and hopefully the american peoples opinions as well, so we can implement rational security policies for the Jewish nation, and establish for ourselves safe living environments.
You should be honest, and say are they really confused, or do they want to hear that they are right, and they are willing to fight for it?
Also, I would like to buy the book, but I am not sure where to place the order. I need something to practice my hebrew. In G-d I trust.
We should fight the lefts revisionism with our own. Show depictions of the nazis, claiming that Jewish bankers are oppressing the german people, claim that Zionists committed genocide against the people of Ukraine.
You can choose to ignore the fighting and the hatred in the world. Ignore the rape gangs, who target non muslims in Europe, and in almost certainly in America as well. Ignore the denial of non muslim rights for millions of people, throughout the middle east. Ignore the numerous attacks on hindus in southern asia.
You can hide away from the haters attacking Jews in America. You can refuse to learn about yourself, your biology, your thinking. You can ignore all the people who talk about you, who hate you, who criticize you. Maybe by the end of your life, death will allow you escape, from the desire to have purpose, to have authenticity, to honor your heritage, to think about your nature. But why accept such a limited life in the first place? When all you have to do to avoid all that pain, is to marry a Jew?
I don’t think Taiwan can be defended at all, and I question south koreas abilities to defend itself. China can send 1,000 planes to Taiwan, wipe out whatever air defenses exist, and then leverage total air superiority. How can the US counter that? Or the Japanese? The Chinese would be able to bomb 100% of all troops who exposed themselves, making resistance costly and pointless. Hidden troops with hidden missiles could take down some landing craft, but whats the point? The Chinese could win in hours.
Once China controls Taiwan, they would have more range through their new air strip, to engage the US navy. How would America dislodge the Chinese? Those air craft carriers would be exposed to sinking during the brief conflict, if one occurs, and after Taiwan is converted into an air strip, the US navy would be essentially fighting against the Chinese air force, not the Chinese navy.
I doubt south Korea could be defended from a full Chinese onslaught either. Can they handle the entire Chinese airforce being thrown at them? Once the Chinese have air strips in South Korea and Taiwan, dominance of the south China sea seems massive. Perhaps secret agreements associated with economic strength will decide the day, or other factors, including high tech weapons, but on paper, it seems like China could bring a massive military into instant engagement if they wished. In G-d I trust.
יש לי חדשות בשביל מר מעוז. ביבי הוא סוס טרואיני שקרן שעובד על כולם בעיניים. עכשיו הוא עשה הצגה כאילו עוד 42 שנה לא נצא מפילדלפי ומאחורי הקלעים הוא כבר הודיע לכל העולם שבמסגרת הפעימה השניה אנחנו נצא מפילדלפי, שזה אומר שהכול חרטא ברטא. האיש הוא נוכל . מידותיו הגדולות הן רק בנוכלות. ויש מי שיחילף אותו וקוראים לו אליהו יוסיאן. הוא כבר בדרך לכניסה מלאה לפוליטיקה. ואיתו יש שורה ארוכה של אנשים מעולים שמחכים לשנות את כל הפוליטיקה הישראלית המתועבת עד כה שבה ראשי ממשלה כביכול ימניים שיקרו לבוחרים שלהם ובגדו בהם אחד אחרי השני ברגע שנבחרו. אתה עצמך שייך לדור שהיה מוכן לאכול את סדרת ראשי הממשלה הבוגדים שהיו לימין שתמיד בסוף נשבו בלחץ האמריקאי והעולמי ושברו שמאלה. לא רוצים בוגדים כאלה יותר