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מדוע גם אחרי זוועות ה-7 באוקטובר המזרחן הידוע עדיין מתעקש שחמאס הם לא נאצים?

אליעזר שרקי מסביר למוטי קידר על ההבדל המהותי שיש לדעתו בין הג'יהאד שעשה בנו החמאס לבין הנאצים

אליעזר שרקי אומר לד"ר מוטי קידר שמטרת הג'יהאד שעושים לנו לסלק אותנו מהארץ. מדינת ישראל היא תועבה בלתי נסבלת בקרב מיליוני מוסלמים.  ה-7/10 נועד להשפיל אותנו. במקום להסכים להשפלה הזו צריך להרים את הקרן של ישראל. מאז הסכמי אוסלו הריבונות שלנו נשחקת ומספקת אושר לעולם הערבי. הנאצים רצו למחוק את הקיום היהודי מעל האדמה וההבדל בינם לבין הערבים הוא בתפיסה הכוללת. לערבים אין בעיה עם קיום היהודים כל עוד הם במעמד נחות מהם, ראה את יהדות ארצות ערב. בטבח אוקטובר גילינו שאנחנו באמת פוחדים מהערבים ומהעולם הבין לאומי ואנחנו צריכים לחזור להיות ריבונים פה בארץ.

ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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6 חודשים לפני

המוסלמים היו רוצים למחוק אותנו מהעולם.ה7 לאוקטובר היה מבחינתם הישג גדול,וברור שכל הפלגים בעזה יהודה ושומרון ינסו שוב ויותר להשמיד אותנו.ועוד לא דברתי על מדינות ערב..

6 חודשים לפני

לפי זה אם הבנתי, ההבדל הוא בתפיסה כוללת, שהנאצים רצו למחוק גוף בנפש והג'האד מסתפק בהשפלת הנפש כל הזמן שגם הגוף עם האף למטה תחת שלטונם, ותגובת המשקל היא להרים קרן ישראל. הלוואי שירבו להעמיק בזה אצלכם , להרים קרן ישראל. ליתר בירור.

6 חודשים לפני

Good. Someone has to put a stop to this. Why beg a terrorist organization to accept a deal where we permit it to survive, and have convenient access to military resupply, in exchange for hostages that they say they will take again and again?

If Sinwar begged for his life, and offered hostages in exchange for his safe passage to exile, I would accept that, but as far as the global community goes, the narrative I would push as much as we can, would be one where we highlight racism against Jews from muslims, hostile passages in the muslim religion, accounts of how many religious leaders support aggressive, discriminatory, ideas. Show how muslims around the world discriminate against non muslims. Show that discriminating against Jews is the official policy of the palestinians, and the muslim religion which they are a part of.

We may be censored or boycotted, but we need to get through that regardless. The alternative is suffering another attack. If we cant get rid of hamas, like the west desires that we do not, if we cant get rid of hezbola, or irans nuclear weapons program, then these are all implacable sworn enemies of Israel and the Jews who say they will attack.

No different than any other Jew haters in history, who armed themselves and declared their intention to attack. We will fail our test, if we do not want to rise to the occasion, or we are frightened away from defending ourselves, by the americans, or we think good enough thanks to mowing the lawn.

It is not good enough to mow the lawn and keep mowing, if you did not identify the problem, and you refuse to acknowledge it. International pressure will be levied to an Israeli government that we know succumbs to sufficient foreign pressure. If the Jews of Israel do not insist on identifying the threats against them and appropriately managing it, then we will not be able to compel the media to expose the right time for mowing the lawn, and the Israeli government will not be able to muster support for action without public pressure.

Gaza is an extreme claim against Israels right to impose security over Gaza, Judea, and Samaria. Gaza is a partial claim against the Jewish peoples legitimacy to exist. We shut down that narrative, by asserting, that if arab muslims reject peaceful coexistence and multiculturalism with the Jewish people of Israel, then they forfeit their right to live in the Jewish nation. Asserting our power, over a world that lies to create facts that allow them to blame Jews. G-d will entice the billionaires of the world to support us, to defeat those who wish to impose their narrative by force.

Lebanon does not represent a claim against Israeli sovereignty or legitimacy. It is not currently claimed by the western leftists as proof of our racism, of our oppression. A narrative we must reject outright. It is a hostile entity, that has fired upon Israel on many occasions, that declares its intentions to destroy Israel. The opinions of reasonable people matter, the opinions of stupid immoral people matter much less to the billionaires algorithyms.

 Arab muslims have consistently represented a security threat to the Jewish people of Israel, and the Israeli national enterprise. They have consistently chosen candidates who openly declared their opposition to the Israeli nation, and its people. Muslim religious leaders in Israel have openly opposed the freedom of the Jewish people as stipulated in the koran, outlined in the sharia.

Lebanon does not represent a claim against all Israeli land, and Israeli peoples identity. ‘palestine’, has organized the Jew haters in the world, the ignorant of their own racism. They support muslim violence against Jews for what the Jews supposedly did, but not Jewish violence against muslims, for what they actually have done. A disputed territory is a very significant claim in the minds and history of men, there are many historical accounts of how serious those claims can be, Israel should be informed of that context and consider its far reaching implications, in a world bigoted enough to question the right of the Jewish people and nation to exist.

If Israel goes into Lebanon, if it depletes lebanons manpower, and their weapons cache, I believe it will create a potential for us to elevate tribes or groups that desire to keep hezbola down for us, with our special forces assistance, as well as our air superiority. It may require a certain number of dead among the Lebanese, whatever that number is, we should accept it. But they must know that we are there to stay, and the only way to achieve that, is with understanding that Israel knows and speaks of openly the fact that arab muslims hate Jews, and are religiously commanded to war with the Jews.

We cannot be lulled to sleep, with claims that peace between Jews and arab muslims has been achieved, if we are aware that the vast majority of arab muslims do hate Jews, and they are religiously inspired to war against us, which will effect some very much, and many occasionally. If we understand that hatred over inequality is common, very strong in the education and moral level of the arab muslims. We will not be deceived into leaving Lebanon, if we understand that we have peace with Egypt, Saudi arabia, Jordan, and Syria, because these are large countries, with vast infrastructures, who do not desire to lose what they have to our attacks should they attack us directly.

 That model no longer applies to Lebanon. Hezbola has been able to tip the scales, in favor of the religious purists. The model for the Jewish people of Israel, is to look out at the middle east, and the world, and to see danger, a world that blames the Jews more than all the other nations in the world combined, in the united nations. We must accept responsibility for whatever threats reveal themselves, asses them, and manage them as best we are able.

 If one day a superior consciousness is attained, we can change our ways then, but not until that becomes a reality. They get to choose for themselves if they believe that Jews are a blessing or a curse to the world economy, and the worlds liberties. They are able to self deceive themselves, and censor ideas they don’t like, that is within their power to do, and there is nothing Israel can do to stop that.

Greater Israel can be attained by diplomacy, through financial attainment, through defensive war, and offensive war. Or a combination of all of them. There is no shame in supporting that goal, if the claims of Judaism are true, about a much higher standard of living, state of freedom and love among all of human kind being possible as a result of greater Israel being achieved, by a religious Jewish government, headed from a rebuilt Temple on the Mount. Not an Islamic mosque, a symbol of supremacy, oppression, and the power of violence to rule over men.

It may be the case that what the Jewish people are struggling right now, is that there might be people in the world who choose selfishness over goodness, who choose their own financial interests over what is moral, or even in their nations interests. We may be entering the stage of accepting that due to censorship, propaganda, and western participation in false narratives, reasoned conversation and conclusion is not possible, leaving only war as a tool to alter the security disposition of Israel.

We can inspire confidence in groups that are not hezbola, or muslim religious purists, by speaking frankly about Jew hatred in the entire muslim world. We inspire a lack of confidence when we speak stupidly about living in peace and equality, with people who hate us. The scale of our inequality makes our being arab middle easterners impossible. Know yourself.

 A middle class man can hang out with some poor men, but A billionaire cannot. A man with an IQ of 110 can hang out with men of 100 IQ, but a man of 140 will face rules, limitations, and burdens. An NBA star will have issues playing with the local guys in the park. The current natural state of the arab muslim society, is one of considerable violence, and murder. Rebellion, government overthrow, religious radicalism, and economic collapse. It is not a good fit for most Jews.

Even if some Jews fit in, some times, and have some moments of community, with some arab muslims, that does not mean that is a good model for the entire Jewish people, or that it is the ideal arrangement to maximize our security. Arabs have confidence in Jews who understand that they are hated, and are willing to use violence to maintain that domination. Not Jews who pretend we can all live together in peace and happiness.

The disputed territories represent one particular challenge to the Jews and their nation, Lebanon represents another challenge, and the rest of the nations surrounding Israel represent another disposition. Why is New Zealand not a threat to Israel, because of the laws of this world, namely geography. Their mentality, and emotional state, their philosophy on race relations, their religious thinking, all can also be classified and differentiated, pertaining to levels of concern.

Saying to the world that this endless conversation about peace is stupid, it is in complete denial about the racism and religious fanaticism that exists in the muslim world. It is a sickening self deception, and it should end is the right thing to do, and I support Ben Gavirs actions in this regard. In G-d I trust.

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