סגור את תיבת החיפוש

הדיון הנוקב הזה עם שרון קלדרון ממטה משפחות החטופים הסתיים בדרך הכי פחות צפויה

שרון קלדרון ממשפחות החטופים מתעמתת בשידור עם אל"מ במיל' איתמר איתם וד"ר יאיר אנסבכר על החשיבות של עסקה מול חמאס ועל האפשרות לצאת מעזה ולהפסיק את הלחימה כדי לקבל אותם בחיים.

סא"ל במיל' איתמר איתם וד"ר יאיר אנסבכר אומרים לשרון קלדרון ממשפחות החטופים שלדעתם חמאס לא ילך אל שום מתווה של עסקה. אם נצא מעזה ומפילדלפי חמאס ישקם את עצמו ונעמוד מול אותה בעיה בעוד זמן קצר. אין שום תחליף לניצחון על האויב. כל נסיגה של צה"ל תעלה לנו בחיי אדם בעתיד.

ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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6 חודשים לפני

Think of Microsoft as the same as the environmental movement. The environmentalists create a pretense for controlling all industry, while Microsoft creates a justification for slowing down your computer, and putting you on a time out whenever the people in charge decide you deserve one.

The question for many people appears to be, not are you globalist or are you nationalist, but are you pro white or anti white. Even claiming to be pro equal opportunity, seems to be a deflection from the pro white community.

The problem weith the Jewish people, that they don’t realize, is that they are not special, G-d makes them Holly and special. Talented high IQ people are inclined to be hated, resulting in a motive, an urge to harm them to satiate the haters. Human kind is most functional not celebrating the great, but tearing it down, and desecrating it. Is that a law of the physical world? Is there a moral law with value inbetween Hashem and the physical world?


I am not sure if Shas Deri said what was claimed or not, but if he did, he certainly is not representing the religious right wing mizrahi-spherad voters of Israel who voted for him and shas. Where does this mentality come from, that we should not say anything, or commit to anything, that might anger hamas into killing the Jews they hold hostage? Is this a deception cultivated by the media?

Because the Torah that religious Jews study says the enemies warring against the Jews are motivated by Jew hatred, they are not reasonable enough to negotiate with, especially those who have openly said their intention is to destroy Israel, and are using Jewish hostages to protect themselves from being conquered. Mass murderers of Jewish women and children, are you kidding me? Asserting that their means of rearming is going to be blocked is excessive incitement? Craziness.

Who knows what to make of the importance of keeping records of everything said. Maybe its time to announce to the people of Israel, that the right wing block is waiting for enough Israelis to understand that the Israeli government is infiltrated, before moving against them. It doesn’t seem far off from claiming the media is colluding with Israeli government agencies misrepresenting statements, stirring conflict, and spreading false rumors to the Israeli public. In G-d I trust.

Policy is more like war than debate, because it can point guns at those who refuse to obey, it can arrest, and impoverish, forbid, and legally terrify. In G-d I trust.

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