ד"ר גדי טאוב מציין שיותר ממחצית הציבור כיום מבין שבית המשפט בישראל פוגע בדמוקרטיה, ושגם חלק גדול מהשמאל מודע לכך, אך מוכן לקבל את ההתערבות של השופטים במערכת המדינה כל עוד הם משרתים את האג'נדה השמאלנית. הוא מציין שבעבר, חמש שנים קודם לכן, לא היו אנשים שהאמינו בכך וראו את המונח "דיפ סטייט" כתיאוריה קונספירטיבית.
בנוסף, טאוב מתאר את המונופול של תקשורת המיינסטרים על נרטיב ציבורי כבעיה חמורה, ומסביר שהשקריות בנרטיב הזה מהווה מכשול רציני לשינוי. לדעתו, אם תצליח החברה לשבור את המונופול הזה, תשתנה צורת החשיבה הציבורית, ותהיה אפשרות לתקן את המצב במדינה.
This narrative continues to go back and forth between including the statement that hamas will be removed, and only mentioning that the hostages will be saved.
I still think that hamas will fight to defeat in Gaza. As long as they force Israel to occupy Gaza, it will represent a major setback to the two state solution. A challenge to multicultural supremacy. Regardless if it is fair. Maybe the rest of the worlds rejection of multiculturalism will be exposed, maybe it wont. Maybe it will happen after we stand up for what is right. It doesn’t strike me as difficult for Jews to decide that lying about the validity of the palestinian land claim, in order to de escalate muslim hatred of Jews, is that difficult of a strategy to refute. Inappropriate to the threat that played a major part in October 7th.
Most Israelis, especially the ones who count, believe that hamas must be removed, and that Israel must occupy Gaza for the foreseeable future. I doubt that the people in charge count the opinions of every Israeli Jew equally. The press cannot be used as a measuring stick for the beliefs of the Jewish people. The enemies of G-d can temporarily distort the depiction of the Israeli peoples opinions. There are numerous contradictory polls, that expose the political nature of supposed public opinion.
I don't think that Europe and America can tolerate an Israeli deviation from the commitment to multiculturalism for even a short period of time. Like it or not, Israel is outside of the western ability to censor completely. Their world view narrative position is, that there is nothing wrong with Islam, there is no reason to treat Muslims any differently than any other group, not even the Jews have any valid concern that can’t be solved through appeasement, and working out a deal.
The other hidden motive, influencing the public with the considerable reach of American and European rulers, is the fact that the west must maintain the Jews of Israel in a perpetual state of near death, or tremendous suffering, whenever the Jews decide to talk about the illegitimacy of the western narrative. The illegitimacy of multiculturalism, that permits them to maintain a semi survivable environment for Jews of the west to make their financial contributions in. If the Jews break out from the financial constraints that have been levied upon them, in order to conceal their inequality, or they improve their security situation, making it difficult to punish them for speech that is excessively upsetting to the western leftist fool, then western domination over Israel weakens, and the Jewish prisoner may attempt an escape.
That’s why the Israeli conquest of Gaza, creates an unbridgeable gap, between Israel and the European people, and the interests of the European rulers, which will result in their open condemnation of Israel, which will empower the Muslims in Europe, provoke them to attack European Jews, strengthen Israel through Aliya, weaken Europe financially, and deliver Europe to the hands of the Muslims. A fantastic achievement for global Islam. Europe will scream Jews are islamaphobes, destroying any legitimacy they have before G-d, among the billionaires, and many of the people of Europe, to successfully resist islam themselves.
Even in america, massive inroads can be made by islam, by creating a wedge between america and Israel. Screaming muslims are legitimate, and Jews are bad, will permit millions of muslims to flood America. For now they will only be making progress perhaps, depending on the speed of immigration. But big inroads in America will bare great fruit, in terrorism, against outspoken american Jews, against american legitimacy, and favor by G-d.
I don’t see the radical Muslims having a great outlet fighting Israel directly. Their attacks, will be received by Israelis as unacceptable, not demoralizing. Forcing Muslim nations to support the conflict against Israel is good, and an easy way to derail the Aberham accords, but I think Muslims view agreements signed with Israel as irrelevant, dust to be cast off when they launch the real attacks against Israel, with the backing of Europe, the standing down of America, and the international community. The support of the Arab Muslim dictators is assumed. Toppling them over now, would only serve as more evidence as to the violence of what pure Islam means.
Islamic supremacists benefit tremendously by allowing Israel to take over Gaza, forcing it to do so, even engaging the fight in Judea and Samaria. Threaten the western empires choke hold on Israel, and western exceptionalism will fall, and huge parts, probably a majority will join the ranks of Jew haters. Americans will not remember what was wrong with Islam in the first place. What good is Christianity, if it is to weak to do anything. What’s the point of democracy, if rich Jews control everything that happens in it.
Is it another Jewish scheme? It is more like G-ds. The vast majority of the Jewish people want to cling to the west. The Jewish leaders of America and Israel, want to cling to the west. Bringing the real conversation to the forefront will result in a more faithful Judaism and Israel, a more faithful world, and it will deliver the decadent west to the hands of Islam. In G-d I trust.
Weird to imagine Muslims supporting the destruction of the two state solution, because the multiculturalists of America and Europe, cannot tolerate it being ended. They could become open fascists, communists, authoritarians. Doing so would destroy asset valuations, plunging the west into poverty, enabling Islam to take major control of the streets. Gangs controlling cities, is a very good environment for Islam. A direct attack on Israel under the current Muslim legitimacy is not easy or recommended. If Israel wins, then the Muslims become bigger victims, and the Jews become more of oppressors again.
The Jews have decided to stand up, America and Europe have not decided to stand up. They haven’t even half arsed it, not even a quarter. Trump is trying to deport illegals who have committed crimes after they immigrated. Border crossing are down, because they have scared away the immigrants, not because Americas mandate and laws reflect a real closed door. Understandable for poor people to come up with thousands of dollars, to try to get into America, is a high risk attempt, not to be attempted if the environment appears to be not good.
We are literally concluding that the western leftist is more fanatical than the muslim. Maybe just more influential a bit. Is it really surprising? We have seen the white girl with the muslim boyfriend. He knows she is protecting him. He would look ridiculous, if it wasn’t for her.
Its not hard for muslims to think that after 1200 Jews have died, that more attacks are not ideal right now. Better to let them win in the short term, so Europe can oppose Israel, and america can expose itself as anti Jewish and anti Israel as well.
צודק . השאלה אם נבחרי הימין ובראשם שר התקשורת יפנימו את זה ויעשו לשינוי המצב .
התקשורת חייבת להיות בראש סדר העדיפויות של הימין .