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אני הייתי בשטח כל הזמן הזה ואני אומר לכם שקונספציית אוסלו שולטת לנו במדינה עד היום

אל"מ במי"ל יעקב סבג אומר ליצחק זאגא: ככל שניתנו יותר סמכויות לפלסטינים הבעיות גדלו. הפלסטינים משתמשים ביכולות שאנחנו נותנים להם כדי לטפח ולהגדיל את גופי הטרור. אנחנו רואים את זה בעזה וביו"ש. שליטה באוכלוסייה הערבית אינה קלה או רצויה, אבל כרגע היא הפתרון הטוב ביותר. בעזה חייבים לרוקן את השטח ולהכניס בפינצטה רק את מי שנחליט. כרגע אין החלטות מה לעשות בשטח וכך אי אפשר להגיע לתוצאות. אסטרטגיה חייבת לבוא מהדרג המדיני. הדרג הצבאי לא מציג הצעות אסטרגטיות לדרג המדיני ,כי נוח לו להמשיך עם קונספציות אוסלו ולחפש את הקבלן הבא שינהל עבורו את השטח.

ערוץ ToV אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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2 חודשים לפני

אבל מאז שהראש הסית נגד רבין,ומאז הגיע שר המשטרה לסמל המכונית של רבין,האשם שולט פה רב הזמן,ותומך הטרור הוא שר בכיר.מדוע לא תיקנו את זה שלושים שנה?

2 חודשים לפני

ממתי היא פסקה

2 חודשים לפני

Every single month, and every single election, the leftist media, colluding with the leftist politicians of Israel, deceive us. They put out statistic after statistic claiming to tell us the level of support for political candidates, as well as public opinion on issues and policies, and every single time there is a vast 10, 15, or 20 percent variability among the numbers. This is while they strait faced claim that the margin of error in their statistic, is give or take 2 or 3 percent.

I cannot say with certainty what percent of Israelis want a deal, or think a deal is possible. I am sure, that through omission, you will not include a statement about how many Israelis find it intolerable that hamas should remain in power, which is exactly what every one of the american peace initiatives has called for over the past 8 months.

Perhaps some Jews are not built to decide military matters. A great many Jews do not seem to grasp how pervasive american money is over the Israeli government, and through it, the Israeli military. The governments of the world, have decided that the truth and democracy were not and are not possible with human kind yet, and so they have embraced simulated representation with free will and enough fairness included, to give the system legitimacy. Examples of truth, hope and change exist, and those inflicted with dark beliefs and perceptions should focus on explaining why that is.

I do not believe that A majority of Israel supports a hostage deal, where hamas remains in power, Israels borders become dissolved, and hostages are predictably taken again. It is hard not to be overwhelmed by the cruelty of the world, the complication of human relations. Some people do not respect the power of human biology, of how entrenched religion, propaganda, culture, and other factors are. Most human beings are very hard to convince of facts that they don’t like, or which contradict their world view, about how a person should act, in order to succeed.

 I can tell you the way to act in Israel, in Tel Aviv, to succeed, is not the way you behave in Gaza, or Lebanon, or New York city. We should try to explain to Israelis that muslims are not changing any time soon, it is very hard for them to change, and as long as they do not change, we need to talk to them in a different way than the way we talk to other Jews, or americans and Europeans.

 The way you talk to poor masculine men, proud men who get violent and into fights often, is to act and talk like they do. Without showing weakness, expressing confidence, and making it clear that violence will be reciprocated if necessary. It is not the female way of dealing with proud, violent men, but it is the way that a nations leaders must talk to those of the arab muslim culture or identity group.

We must know what our people and our nation need, and alter ourselves, in order to reduce the amount of conflict with the arab muslims, as much as we can. Clinging to deterrence, is the best way to deescalate.  We cannot allow hamas to remain in power, and we must regain control of Israels borders. Arab muslims do not respect female leaders, they perceive them to be weak. We would benefit from sticking to male diplomats between the Jewish people, and the arab muslims.

But they will see who leads our nation on the tv, they will be disgusted by the influence that females have over our decision making process. The impression they come away with must be that despite the unusual ways that Jews talk and relate to their women, and debate with them the best course of action to take, when Israel is attacked, the Jewish people will be united, and answer them as one people, with understanding about the way that violence works in this world, and willingness to do what is needed to protect the Jewish people from the racist opinions of the gentiles.

 A nation with a strong economy, because it has the legitimacy, a nation with a strong government because it maintains the support of the poor and the rich, a technologically advanced military, because Israel has a strong economy, and a society that celebrates above average individuals. A union with the blessing of G-d, more than enough to give us victory on the battlefield, against those who attack us. Because we care about our poor, we care about our smart young men and women, we love our sisters, mothers and daughters. They are designed by our G-d with blessings, and we will all learn our places together. In G-d I trust.

2 חודשים לפני

Jews in exile become like saints, because they are confronted by a people who blatantly don’t care about G-d, or immorality, in critical numbers, its like having the world, or the community you live in, refuse to acknowledge what is killing them. You keep reaching higher and higher, to more radical and taboo truths, in an attempt to shock the patient into a response, but no response is forthcoming. Because the white gentile is a creation of the Jew. We established fortress Europe, we stopped its conquest. When they remove their support for any relationship with the Jews, they break with the ideas that perpetuate their existence. They return to their mean, and the financial structures of this world will withhold the blessing of the Jews from Jew haters.
It seems congruent, that in a society like Israels, that has religious as well secular moorings, which is still dominated by the gentiles remaining disproportionate power and influence, that the expression of progress, would be expressed in violence against the Jewish nation that forced it to change. Why? The domestic posture of Israel is one supportive of progress, the division of the Jews of Israel is natural, and substantial, until greater clarity is permitted in the Israeli media and schools. Israel is more divided than it will be after they know G-d, and His laws, but is not said that the end times can come about peacefully, or through pain?
It does not seem to be happening. We have conquered the minds of the elect of Israel, we even have the high ground among the gentiles, and the Jewish Gentile nation of America. Yet we are still fighting for our lives, attempting to establish the most basic of security standards in the land of Gaza which is ours, which we cannot conclusively prove that it is ours, because a narrative inclined towards our begrudging loss is being maneuvered.
We are being forced to submit to the lies of the gentiles about a palestinian people, to form a nation that represents a deadly threat to our existence. The only question is will they lay waste to our cities before they are expelled, with their primitive missiles, or will things play out slower, with Jews stuck in bomb shelters for months at a time, with ben Gurion airport closed, causing the Israeli economy to collapse, and millions of Jews to flee, endangering the collapse of the entire nation, due to altering demographics, and a united worlds intervention.
We cannot get recognition that the arab muslims represent a deadly threat to our existence, and so, if someone is allowed to constantly attack you, and you are not permitted to defend yourself, then you will eventually succumb to your eventual defeat. The IDF has going in and out of Gaza for 8 months, and they are not permitted to root out hamas by taking territory, control the distribution of resources, begin investigations on where weapons are being hidden, and who are former hamas members, who may join an insurrection against Israel.
We are in essence, having a debate on if we should be beaten nearly to death, or possibly completely. I suppose you could say life would continue in exile for most Jews. Until that hammer dropped. You could say we are in the same situation right now, with hezbola firing thousands of missiles into Tel Aviv, versus palestinians in Judea and Samaria firing thousands of missiles into Tel Aviv.
 The only reply I can think of, without exacting measurements from on high being available, is that G-d is in control, the test is are we willing to fight against evil, or are we laying down to evil, resulting in things getting worse for us. G-d can miraculously save us, or reduce our suffering. He will order the rich people in charge, to look over the statistics of the Jewish people, and they will say they are being good Jews, they don’t need to be punished at this time, and we will be permitted to neutralize the missiles of Hezbola, before they get the chance to unleash them on Israel.
It is possible, if we burn bright enough for G-d and what is good, suffering could even be anti G-d, if we are united, faithful and hopeful. A palestinian nation would be a lower madrega of achievement, a sin with a possible price to pay. But it seems like the debate in official quarters are revolving around the hostages, a lowly discourse.
The world certainly moves and learns far slower than I think. We also seem to be at the end of intelligent discussions with the americans. It makes sense that their talking points are permanently stuck on getting back the hostages, versus ceasing fire, and giving peace a chance, because all conversations about the viability of multiculturalism are censored in America. They cant talk about the muslim adherents being incompatible with the Jewish nation, because they are pretending that the whole world agrees with multiculturalism, and agrees with it, except the evil Jews and white gentile men who are racists.
Otherwise, western leftists would be some type of authoritarian fascists, imposing their own personal views, instead of them having mere scientific observations on how we are all alike, and all the same. The world testifies to their leftist multiculturalism, even if it is all completely fake. A bunch of American Jews, who refuse to care about logic, or morality, unless you make them. Because the reality is, that every single one of them is going to have to run for their lives to Israel, or get sent to the camps. Who knows if they will ever walk out of there, or what will be done to their families while they are in there.
 I shouldn’t have bought a tv. Maybe there will be a war that I am forced to watch while I save enough money to move.

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