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אלוף במיל' גרשון הכהן: האם אנחנו יכולים להגן על עצמנו ללא אמריקה? מתי זה יהיה מסוכן?

אלוף גרשון הכהן ואלעזר שטרום בשיחה על יכולות האויב לפגוע בנו, על הסיכוי למערכה עולמית כלל גושית ועל האפשרות שלנו ללחום לבד בלי עזרת האמריקאים

אלוף גרשון הכהן מדבר עם אלעזר שטרום על האפשרות של מערכה גושית מול איראן ורוסיה, שבה לא נוכל להלחם בכוחות עצמנו. ישראל נכנסה לעידן חדש בו אנחנו צריכים קואליציה עם האמריקאים. נוצרו יכולות צבאיות חדשות דלות תקציב ומעוטות ידע, שמאפשרות לכוחות קטנים לפגוע פגיעות משמעותיות במדינות חזקות. לדבריו יש לנו הערכת יתר ליכולות צה"ל והערכת חסר ליכולות אויבנו.

ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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7 חודשים לפני

Male sexual psychology is tyrannical and oppressive, it is ego maniacal, and most female sexual psychology compliments it.

I look at the history of Jewish gentile race relations, and it strikes me that Jew hatred is a massively pervasive extreme emotional reaction to massive inequality. It is a reaction that overwhelms the moral standards of the foolish and the educated, and a result of societies lack of moral clarity and intelligence to tell the difference between good and evil, they are able to lie to themselves, and censor those who disagree with them and their conclusions.

There are interests that desire Jew hatred for a considerable list of reasons, from desiring to confiscate the Jews wealth, to wanting to promote racial awareness in their own people, which they believe they can unleash by justifying or permitting their people to attack the Jews, to interests who desire to escalate Jew hatred a small bit, to a manageable position, where the Jews are not visible, they remain powerless, where censorship is legalized and accepted, and a darker national dictatorship is imposed.

The leadership of a nation can be good or evil. Jews very much do have a foreign identity. Their abuse by the gentiles is obvious, and something some gentiles have always been aware of, since the advisor to Pharoh said, Jews are a fifth column, who will join our enemies should they attack. Why wouldn’t they if their treatment at the hands of the gentiles was cruel? Is it not natural for a people to resent massive inequality with another nations men?

 A foreign people, who have intrinsic motivation, to desire to diversify power throughout the worlds people. A people who are often bitter over the abuse they have suffered at the hands of the white gentiles. What about if their entire empires power is based on keeping those people down and trapped, wouldn’t the percentage of people who oppose justice for Jews increase if their standard of living, and liberties, were massively based on the contributions of the Jews?

When you consider the effect of these various motivations,

 Today we know that the media does not show the suffering of the Jews, because their independence is a threat to the white gentile perspective. The one that the white gentile nations need in order to remain productive and civil.

To make friends with A Jew, is to say to the world, I like Jews, I reject your claim of Jews being evil. It is a difficult thing to do, especially if you have already accepted that you need to hide what you really believe from your co workers, and other people you meet in society, because the truth is that women are not smart enough, or well tempered enough, to be making decisions as to what the laws and policies of the nation should be.

The same goes for white gentile men, who believe that Jews are bad, who think they are the source of negativity in society, when really the forces of evil are empowered by the white gentile males rejection of Jewish inequality, breaking the potential of merit as a solution for human kind to avoid war and annihilation through weapons of mass destruction. They do not understand that their people are far more leftist than them, they do not realize that the men of their race do not insist on dominating their females vote, it is unconquered territory.

What they end up being, is a voice saying no to the Jews, and yes to nothing or yes to white gentile supremacy. White gentile supremacy has very little support in the white gentile society, the west is now a multicultural society, they lack the power to support a white gentile dictatorship, so the leftist dictatorship continues to rule, with the backing of the rich of the west who see it as the most viable form of government for their people. It is a flawed form of government. Destined for failure.

If Iran takes out Washington DC, New York, and San Franscisco, China will rule the world.

Throughout the middle ages, and even in ancient times, for thousands of years, arabs did discriminate against africans, regardless if they were muslims or not. It was not accepted by vast percentages of black people in the past, and I am certain it will not be supported by the black people in the present. Arabs will not hesitate to say they will not allow their daughters to date black muslim men. They are not like white leftist women at all.

An attack on the Jews is not an attack on the arab muslims. Arab muslims have their own standards to uphold, they wish to protect their own racial inheritance. But that does not make them allies of the Jews, or consider themselves to be like the Jews. Just like the white gentiles do not consider Jews to be them. They do not uphold the same universal, intrinsic valuable truths and morals that enable success. They most definitely prefer white gentile rule, and white gentile protectionism, over toleration for all.

The arab muslims have their own identity, the white gentiles have their own identity, the africans have their own identity, and the Jewish people have their own identity. Tolleration and merit are two separate concepts. Tolleration does not work for Jews, especially Jews in Israel. The hatred against them is to great to be ignored, and turned the other cheek towards.

Why deny that men have sexual urges that have nothing to do with marriage? Why pretend that A Jew with no friends should not conclude that there must be something wrong with him, something he should figure out before he gets married? How is it moral for a young Ashkenaz Jewish man to desire to get married and be in a monogamous relationship, when he is a virgin, who has had a horrible time making friends? That has nothing to do with the male inclination, or male goodness. We do not express our goodness through our chastity, or modesty. It is rational to assume you should learn to make friends before you decide to commit to a lifetime relationship.

Just because the horrible, genocidal and monstrous white western empire requires epic censorship and blindness, the outlaw of education, doesn’t mean that system is moral. In fact it is inherent to the rejection of Jewish leadership and white gentile leadership, that rejected leaders are the enemies of the people. The people are the enemies of the rich people in charge. The enemy of the people is the friend of the rich. My enemies enemy is my friend. The people reject Jewish rule, and old white gentile male rule. They also reject being ruled by religious and right wing old white men. The people who rule are both.

The reality is that a majority of the west is leftist, not religious or right wing. So it is not appropriate to claim that the Jews and the white gentiles are on the same side. There are a considerable amount of right wing americans who are against the Jews as well. In G-d I trust.

7 חודשים לפני

We live in a time where anger over Jewish inequality is channeled into hate openly. In America where hatred is excused, and permitted, and especially in the arab muslim world, which believes in using deception, violence and terror, in order to conquer all opposition to arab muslim supremacy. The west pretends such hatred is harmless, but they do not understand that they have enemies that confuse them, that censor threats against them, that conceal the fact that a certain level of instability in the streets lead to collapse, that certain levels of demographic loss are unsustainable, that many of their citizens are simple minded, and do not accept such decadent solutions to violent adversaries. Leading to the delegitimization of the state.
 Such a system of dealing with peoples frustration, creates an endless source of hostility directed at the Jewish people and identity group. The flaws of such a strategy are even more empowered, because the result of living under a system of representing hate result in a state of poverty and tyranny far greater than they would need to live under, if they did not reject inequality. Where mullatoes do not rule, no fighting crime is possible, the fight against terrorist groups is reduced.
Until anger over inequality is not discredited as immoral, until human beings spend as much time as they do now dedicating themselves to their hateful plans, to humbling their own hearts, a very predictable situation of perpetual outbursts of hatred are inevitable. There are limited options to deal with violent hateful individuals, or organizations like terror groups or nations. They can be destroyed, they can be punished, creating a temporary alleviation of hostile feelings, also called deterrence, they can be contained through harsh boundaries and separation, or they can be reformed, into a people who face the pain of their unequal inheritance.
The same will be the case for the americans. Inherently, they live under a lie, under a collection of ideas that torment them. They have a commitment to standards and ideals forged when they were poor, forged after painful wars. Ideas accepted due to extreme pain, dissipate. Justifications based on truths as to the harshness of war, are ineffective at stopping future wars. They cannot stop the power of racial conflict.
 Society is made up of groups, some have no memory, some have no knowledge of history, others are motivated by their racial interests. Progress and leadership are often decided by very small percentages of people. The weakness of the west is apparent for non whites and leftists to see, their women do not defend their own kind, their demographic demise is clear for all to see, they will be overwhelmed at the voting both in our life times. This creates motivation to continue to pursue conquest and deception. Claiming victimhood, and insensitivity, will be embraced, effectively. Only radical solutions, motivated by radical needs, can forge the solution that will be embraced by others in time.
 This situation is different than that of the Jews, because the Jews have the inherent advantage of not having to accept the superiority of a foreign people. It is inevitable that Jews should have an easier time discussing and dealing with inequality. Additionally, Jewish history, and Jewish relations in the world, compel Jews to realize the reality of the existence of Jew hatred, the hatred of the poor and unequal, for Jews who achieve more than others, who have that blessed reputation and inheritance.
All we can do, to overcome this challenge of American domination of Israel, is observe who the American people are, and what policies they promote domestically and towards the Jewish nation. If we are denied the ability to properly criticize America, or if we refuse to judge America, we will suffer an under assessment of threats to Israel. Americans live under a different emotional spiritual mix than the Jews of Israel do. They have lost the majority demographics in competition with the mullatoes and other non whites before, and are inclined to do so again. We must look at what are the real policies that America enforces pertaining to muslims and other groups angry over inequality, and what Americas policies towards those fighting islam worldwide, or we will suffer the consequences of a potential adversary, aligned against Jewish security and rights, influencing us excessively.
The benefits of high tech airplanes for our low tech adversaries is very small. The economic embargo of Israel is likely exaggerated, the west is not united, and the world has 175 nations in it. Most are hungry for all sorts of technological solutions. For Israel to become a rouge actor on the global scales, is basically nonsensical. How do you have a primary source of invention, of management tools, military equipment, and media act as a vigilantly disruptor. The idea is one depicting an outcast, small in influence. Not a trendsetter, attaining some of the most technologically advanced wealth creating patents.
Israel would be its own pole in a multipolar world order, due to its exclusive and rejuvenating ideas. It is unlikely to be a disruptor, since the benefit of aligning with Israel, far outweigh the negative impacts of doing so. Think of how transactional technology sales could be, how easy to conceal. Arab oil producers could not boycott China for buying military tech from Israel. The number of nations and groups desperate for cash is to numerous to count. There are many nations that would be interested in buying from one of the most high tech nations in the world. It is akin to saying will the poor be willing to rent a mansion for any price? Not to mention that the Jews are a small population to feed and subsidize their standard of living.
The most substantial reason that Jews should not submit to western threats of economic punishment, after obedience to G-d, and understanding of Him, and His ways, is that you should be able to understand how this world works. The billionaires know that leftism must be defeated, democratically, or authoritarianly. Otherwise, the entirety of the American and European economies, and nations, will first be reduced, and then destroyed.
 Kamila vs Trump are not a fair contest, although Kamila is a slightly better candidate than Biden. If you had two competent, eloquent candidates, expressing the two worldviews of wealth redistribution, versus strict adherence to merit, protecting the billionaires, the left would win now.
 Regardless if you question that, in 10-15 years, there seems to be little doubt that Europe will become somewhat like the middle east, and all of its charms, and America will become south America, with its massive corruption, bouts of socialism, and massively reduced standards of living. Even the most hopeful of dreamers, can only assign an extra 5 to 10 years to my assessment.
This world, is in large part a world in a war of ideas. Victory for Israel over the western lefts domination over the world is a perfect solution for the west. A small country, that is not attempting to be an empire, nor can it be an empire. A disliked people, that has an inclination to desire for the nations that represent chaos and open hate to be dominated over, by the nations whose inclination is to celebrate what is good, and fight for those universal standards that enable much higher standards of living, and greater state legitimacy.
Most Jews will not be sure of whats going to happen. They cannot be sure. We will not be victorious due to the number of planes that we have, but by spreading the right mix of ideas. The size of our military and economy is meager compared to those of the gentiles. We represent inequality that gentiles cant not see, they long to speak with their rulers, to be led. By embracing the ideas that work for G-d, and the dvarim of this world, in the right amounts, we can embrace our rightful place in this world. G-d willing. In G-d I trust.

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