סגור את תיבת החיפוש

מי מנסה לפגוע בפרנסה של אליהו יוסיאן כדי לסתום לו את הפה?

אליהו יוסיאן מדבר על הנסיונות מצד גורמים פוליטים בארץ לבטל הרצאות שלו שמדברות על חייו באיראן בתקופת המהפכה האיסלאמית,והשפעתה על תפיסתו הביטחונית.

אלעזר שטרום מדבר עם אליהו יוסיאן על סדרת ההרצאות שהוא מעביר על חייו באיראן לאחר המהפכה האיסלאמית, ועל הדרך בה השפיעה המהפכה האיסלאמית על תפיסתו הביטחונית. יוסיאן מספר על הנסיונות של גורמים פוליטים בארץ , לבטל הרצאות שלו ולפגוע בפרנסתו.

ערוץ ToV אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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2 ימים לפני

The medias new strategy, for calling for Israel to surrender to the jihad, seems to be to claim that we have already won spectacularly, mostly due to the beeper operation, and we should celebrate that win, and stop fighting. In reality, as long as Gaza is not occupied, hamas will continue to maintain power, as sporadic news sources, used to point out, that hamas operatives were still in control, in different parts of Gaza.

The attack on hezbola, changes nothing about the fact that Gaza has not been occupied, there are no IDF troops, going to selected Gazan homes, arresting hamas operatives, interrogating them for information pertaining to the location of the hostages, searching for them, covering every inch of Gaza, and rescuing the hostages. They literally continue to rot away, a few miles away from Tel Aviv, while Netanyahu does nothing about it.

I dont even hear stories about the IDF occupying the land up to the Litani river. The entire Israeli effort, can still be rolled up, like nothing happened on October 7th, if Israeli forces were to stop their 'pinpoint' operations. In fact, hamas terrorists will have been strengthened, because the death and destruction will have served as a propaganda victory for their revised historical account, that blames everything on the Jews in palestinian authority schoolbooks.

 Rather than admitting, that radical muslims, used to call for war against the Jewish nation of Israel, in a combination of racism and religious doctrine. An interpretation, that was exposed as an immoral understanding of G-ds will. Which is what Israelis, and righteous people around the world hope that Gazan textbooks say after hamas has been defeated, and a new government is installed in Gaza. We do not hear about Netanyahu or this right wings governments plan to change the school books in Gaza or in Judea and Samaria.

Netanyahu even refuses to strike Iran, after they struck Israel with 200 missiles, wasting away Israeli public support for a counter strike on Iran. It would appear that Netanyahu is sabotaging the war effort. In G-d I trust.

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