סגור את תיבת החיפוש

יזהר ליפשיץ מקיבוץ ניר עוז: היה צריך מטוס אחד שיעשה בום על-קולי לאורך הגדר

יזהר ליפשיץ מקיבוץ ניר עוז, שאביו עודד נחטף ונרצח בעזה, מספר על השעות הראשונות של המצוקה, ועל ההמתנה לצבא שלא הגיע

יזהר ליפשיץ מקיבוץ ניר עוז, שאביו עודד נחטף ונרצח בעזה, מספר על השעות הראשונות של המצוקה, ועל ההמתנה לצבא שלא הגיע.

לדבריו, מספיק שהיה מגיע מטוס אחד שיעשה בום על-קולי לאורך הגדר כדי להבריח מאות מחבלים ו"בלתי מעורבים" שבאותן שעות חטפו אנשים.



ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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1 יום לפני

אין כבר ספקות שהיו כאן בגידות של כל מערכות הבטחון כדי להפיל את נתניהו והימין .
השמאל בפאניקה לאבד את שני משרתיהם הנותרים היועמ"שית וראש השב"כ ומנסה למנוע את פיטוריהם .
כמובן אסור להרתע מהקומץ הזה ואדרבא זה רק מוכיח כמה חשוב וקריטי לפטר אותם .
זה גם ע"פ החוק .

9 שעות לפני

The fight for Jewish rights, is the fight for Israel. It means recognizing that Jewish rights cannot be secured or maintained in exile, because Jewish identity and existence is beyond the pale in multicultural America, as well as the rest of the world. We can’t be our fabulous selves, without provoking rejection by those who see our exceptionalism as an insult to their mediocre behaviors. To stand up for Jewish security, means to recognize that people hate Jews due to Jewish inequality.
 To acknowledge Jewish inequality, means to destroy the cohesion maintaining system of America, pretending that everyone agrees we are all equal, and we all love each others company and diversity as well. Despite our obvious inequality. Imagine a white woman or man, in a black party, and every time they speak, they use vastly better vocabulary, talk about more interesting and sophisticated ideas, with greater love, hope, brutal honesty, and a reputation for success that the rest of the people do not have. Thinking you should make white gentiles understand that, to give you cover as a Jew to keep living in America?
 All the gentiles in the world live with inequality, the Arabs don’t like the Africans, but it doesn’t stop them from hating the Jews. Nor will your minor point of Jews sharing the persecution against their identity, stop the fact that white gentiles do not trust Jewish leadership, they don’t like being interrupted and confused by Jewish thinking, they don’t want to be dominated by Jews who don’t know who they are, and are managing their own anger at being racially hated, which they don’t understand why, and they think its unfair.
 If you don’t acknowledge Jewish inequality, there is nothing to defend from, and therefore you continuously embrace half solutions like air strikes on Gaza, but not occupying Gaza, because there is no problem with independence for Gaza. There is no problem with American control over Muslim nations, the American government is aware of Muslim deficiencies, and is able to compensate for them. Meanwhile Trump declared nation building in the Muslim world over, except he left out the Muslim part.
The same can be said for Jews in America. They cant know that they are a race of people, who have unique standards and perspectives on love, friendship, business partners, community, child rearing, studying, and more. They don’t know they are different, they have simplistic thoughts about why Jews are rejected by gentile societies, they massively underestimate the anger against them, and they end up making bad life choices as a result. You don’t see that America is biased against Jews, and will remain biased against Jews.
Right now you can say that Jews are trapped in the sophistication of white gentiles who know to lie about how their nation America really thinks, and feels about Jewish Israel. How it influences policy, how it is good to suspect and accuse Jews of going to far, and limiting discourse to slogans like Trump likes to do, and declarations about how he is the greatest supporter of Israel ever. When in reality he probably does everything he can behind the scenes, to impede the drive for Jewish independence from western immorality and stupidity pertaining to islam.
If Trump was trying to liberate the Jewish people and the white gentiles from racial hatred against them, we would know it. He is in a tremendously visible position, with great power over americas media and tech companies. He could carefully make statements exposing the injustice against us, and take apart the ideas that keep us down. Instead he just says he is the greatest supporter of Israel. In G-d I trust.

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