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תא"ל אפי איתם נגד גנץ ואיזנקוט: אני קורא לא להצביע לאנשים האלה שעשו מעשה מופקר!

אפי איתם אומר בראיון עם שגיא אברהמוף: בני גנץ קם ועוזב בזמן מלחמה ארוכה במקום לשדר אחידות לחיילים שלנו ולאוייב

אפי איתם אומר בראיון עם שגיא אברהמוף: בני גנץ קם ועוזב בזמן מלחמה ארוכה במקום לשדר אחידות לחיילים שלנו ולאוייב

ערוץ ToV אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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Wonderful news! I am happy to hear the argument made that the Islamic supremacists will only regret their actions if they lose land, or face demographic losses. A great deal more needs to be said and understood.

Israel needs to understand, that the American government and establishment do not even acknowledge that the Islamic supremacy movement, has targeted Israel and the Jewish people for destruction. They are unclear as to what their plan is, and clearly not committed to defeating the ideas of Islamic supremacy. Their discourse is being censored by the leftist forces that dominate America, and the policy that America is pushing with great vigor, is to treat the muslim supremacists as if they were peace loving people, only looking to make a good life for themselves. The reality is that the muslim people of the world are in the grips of a violent and expansionist idea, little different than the racial supremacists of nazi Germany.

To pretend that the Jewish peoples pursuit of a homogenous ethno religious state which is the most common nation type in the world, is equivalent to ideologies in the pursuit of violent supremacy is a farce, a tragedy, and clearly racist. We should call out western leftists and right wingers who make these claims against Israel, it is an outlandish exaggeration of Jewish thinking, policies and actions to pretend we are no different than the terrorists who fight against us, who intentionally target civilians, who openly state often their intention is to terrorize populations to fear confronting them. Not only in Israel, but also in Africa, south asia, Europe, and America.

It is also important to explain to the Jewish people of Israel and our supporters around the world, that this will be a long war. Most people are not ready to fully accept the entire truth. We must embrace each small step as if it was the entire war, and when we achieve forward understanding, then we engage the next set of facts and objectives.

It is moral for Jewish land claims to be heard. The religious claims as well as the secular claims. It is moral for us to make the case that muslims have rejected peaceful coexistence with the Jews of Israel, consistently, for well over a 100 years. We need to shine a light upon the people of America, and Europe, and insist that they acknowledge that their media and governments have been censoring the aggression and human rights violations of the muslims for a very long time, because of the white gentiles of the world mistaken association of criticizing arab muslims, with racial discrimination and oppression.

 I agree that different cultures have different standards, but we must not completely withdraw all criticism of arab muslims, simply because they look differently than we do. They are capable of a great deal more, they are able to live in peace, in vastly increased prosperity, with stability, and dignity. They can choose for themselves how harsh they wish to be on the criminal element.

We Jews are in a long struggle against parts of the Islamic world, against the west, against our own government and people. The sad reality is that we cannot count on the basic standards of security being upheld, without our application of pressure on the Israeli government and population. For this reason, as well as the others, Israel needs to restore the community that was destroyed when Israel illegally, and undemocratically expelled Jews from Gaza. The fact of the matter is, that if Jews live in Gaza, then the IDF will stay in Gaza, and Israeli governments will find it extremely difficult, to order the IDF to leave Gaza, every time there is an attack.

We are in a long war, and changing the direction of Jewish actions, towards insisting on Jewish rights, and disregarding upsetting the feelings of muslims and leftists who have embraced false claims against the Jewish people, is the way forward. Our actions strengthen our position, we will be attacked if we are nice, or if we are not nice. Because we are Jews. Therefore, we must apply realities on the ground that strengthen our land claim, that insist on accepting our presence in our nation, regardless of the effect it has on those who hate Jews, and wish them harm. In G-d I trust.

It is also good for Jewish moral, and focusing the minds of Jews as to what we are doing. We prefer peace, we prefer negotiation, but if we are attacked, if we are met with rigged conversation filled with lies, we will insist on our rights being put forward, and we will impose our rights and our homogenous ethno religious democracy, maximizing our security. We will even prove the superiority of religious Jewish government, its effects on muslim and global hasbara, and implement it above the objective of our critics, using their attacks as legitimate pretense for our furthering our cause.

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