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אליהו יוסיאן: "הפסיכולגיה של המנהיגים שלנו עקומה, הנצחון על האויב פשוט ובהישג יד"

אליהו יוסיאן בראיון לערוץ TOV מעביר ביקורת על ניהול הלחימה, ומדבר על תמונת הניצחון שתשנה את הכל.

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Looked at another way, staying in Gaza, is a step towards abandoning the two state solution, but not an absolute one. I do not have a measurement from on high, but I believe that we will be tested before we fail the test of a two state solution. So I do not believe that we do not have the power to form communities in Gaza, because we cannot protect them. Next time, Jews will open fire on large crowds of attacking muslims. We will release them from jail when we are in charge. If expanding Jewish communities was no longer available, G-d would make available a banner, a means of moving forward, and that means would possibly be incentivized relocation for arab muslims.
What we need, is single Jewish mothers, to tell young Jewish women, that they should not become single mothers, that they should try harder to get good Jewish men. Meanwhile the debate among the young women of America, is if they should spend their lives chasing rich men or not. Like literal talking cows, to be mounted in the fields, but thanks to the laws pertaining to divorce and alimony, they have no chance at getting marriages or children out of these unions.
The Spanish and the nazis, did not care if a Jew converted to Christianity. They seized their assets, they discriminated against them in their careers, they tortured them, and killed them. I don’t know how this modern final exposure of Jewish inequality is going to go, but considering the racial view of most of the modern world, I don’t think converting will protect you, I even think being a half Jew will be a curse for all the days of your life.
Suffering, economic and emotional, is massively disproportionately borne by the women of a society.
People who think that rome is the example of what Americas future looks like are mistaken. Today, competition, far more competent than the barbarians, is much closer than it was two thousand years ago. I don’t know if a new and bigger empire is appropriate comparison, meaning that the Ottomans and the Carthagena’s are not good examples. But Israel is certainly a type of competition, a higher moral state, promoting the west to embrace those higher standards, or be moved out of the way through an authoritarian government. The Chinese have a foreign identity, they have foreign loyalties, and so do the Indians.
The muslims have rejected peaceful coexistence with the Jews of Israel, just like they will reject peaceful coexistence with the white gentiles of Europe and America.
If a muslim cant stand to look at a Jew, he should not live in any part of Israel, even autonomous zones.
Lepen did not win the whole election, which is surprising to me. I thought, that since she came in first during the first round, she would win it. I guess she only had a little over a third of the vote. Which means the opposition can form a coalition against Lepen. I doubt that was a surprise to the french. I wonder if Lepen got more or less votes in the second round. I suppose, going on the theme of how things work I believe, Lepen got more seats, so she has more power
Gantz made a statement about whoever crossed into Israel to slaughter Jews, on October 7th, deserves to die. I suppose that is helpful, to the Jews who killed the muslims after they captured him, and are now facing criminal charges.
The vast majority of the American media, American schools and universities, American corporations applying for visas for foreign employees, all deny that an issue with islam exists. Almost all western European nations hold the same opinion. All democrats hold the same opinion, despite sometimes claiming to oppose anti semitism, or saying they support Israel. Vast numbers of republicans do not point out that islam is committing human rights violations against non muslims in every single muslim nation on earth, as well as in conflict with every bordering non muslim nation on earth surrounding them.
How can it be argued that western support on a national level is genuine, or reliable? If it is western governments who are opposed to change, perhaps for financial interests, perhaps because the western left will become belligerent. Regardless of the motive, the fact of the matter is that they are not good allies. They cover up violent hate crimes committed by muslims against Jews. What can be clearer evidence, of the lack of support for Jewish security in Israel, than a complete abandonment and coverup of security violations against Jews in America? They don’t expose or prosecute hate speech made by muslims against Jews, but they sure do repeat supposed religious passages that are unfair to gentiles in the western internet. In G-d I trust.

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