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הפרקליטות הצבאית החליטה להכריז מלחמה על חיילי צה"ל שנלחמים בעזה: כמה חיילים נעצרו עד כה?

אלעזר שטרום והרב אביעד גדות משוחחים על חוסר האיזון ביחס שמקבלים הלוחמים שלנו לעומת היחס שמקבלים המחבלים. לוחם יהודי שצילם סרטון שבו הוא נוקם במחבל שבא לרצוח ולאנוס יהודים, עושה זאת למען יראו וייראו. "הוא מדבר עם הערבים בשפה שלהם", אומר גדות. "נגד אותו לוחם הפרקליטות תגיש כתב אישום, אבל אדם עזתי שרצח, אנס ובזז יהודים ב-7/10, לא יואשם במעשי טרור, כי אינו משויך לארגון החמאס. העיסוק בזוטות האלו בזמן לחימה אינו נתפס בעיניי, וגם העובדה שאף אחד מהפיקוד עדיין לא הועמד לדין על הפקרת יישובי העוטף". בצבא לא אוהבים חיילים שמבטאים עמדה מיליטנטית או לאומית מדי. השמועה אומרת ש-50 חיילים נלקחו משדה הקרב לחקירות מצ"ח. המציאות משקפת לנו את העיוות של מערכת המשפט.

ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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7 חודשים לפני

לא מבינה איפה הממשלה.. לא רואים שהם עושים הפיכה צבאית שחיילים יראו שמעמידים לדין חיילים הם לא ירצו להתגייס..נראה לכם הגיוני??? איפה שר הביטחון?

7 חודשים לפני
הגב ל  סיגלית צ

שר הבטחון הוא המוביל של המעשים הללו

7 חודשים לפני

מה שחשוב להם זה לפגוע בציבור הימני ולהפיל הממשלה

7 חודשים לפני

Report: 42 Israeli homesteads demolished in half a year | Israel National News – Arutz Sheva

How I despise these constant discriminatory attacks against Jewish efforts to secure our legal land, granted by G-d and the binding San Remo conference. We have proven that the palestinian people are a mere fabrication of the left, so as to avoid dealing with muslim racism against Jews, and religiously justified discrimination against Jews. Yet still, the left operates, in our nation, within our army, giving orders to attack our people, our rights, our efforts to strengthen our nation.

The outrage of it is considerable, but I hope I can find words that influence some people, and improve our situation. We are trying to negotiate with people who as a society, cannot make peace with us, or our existence. They know that if they do make peace with us, then we will dominate them. Culturally, intellectually, and economically. That is the reality. Either they protect their hatred, or they will be overwhelmed.

It is not something they can live with. Most arabs are not great scholars. The joys they experience in life are much more simple, than what we Jews consider achievements. Life is entitled to exist, even if the standards by which that life exists is not honorable in our eyes. To simply live in denial of those differences, and speak of limitless potential, is not to act as a blessing, but it is to work to cover up the pain, and to silence the voice of the suffering.

I understand it is dangerous to talk about this sort of thing. In public, before you get to know people, I recommend you protect yourself, by concealing your real thoughts. Accept that you must lie, and you must become a liar. Moses knew that the Jewish people would be expelled from ancient Israel, our last great opportunity for defending our freedom, before we had even stepped into Israel. Ancient Jews lacked the nuance, the sophistication, to embrace the balance between heaven and earth, we are able to today, thanks to thousands of years of smart Jews help.

Many of you might need to consider if we could achieve the speaking of the truth, if we harness our modern outrage, from our still simplistic narrative, and being denied the right to talk about Jewish rights and grievances, in the face of a hatred so great it has never been concealable, and usually has not been stoppable.

It is a good debate to indulge. We prefer to identify issues, discuss them, and then work to resolve them. But it seems do to the compilation of difficulties we face, we cannot stop the Jew haters, represented by the left, from oppressing our people, and our efforts to work towards our freedom. Why live under leftist tyranny forever? It is for the Messiah to overthrow the balance of power we live under, with G-ds blessing. We should keep working towards that goal, as is our souls desire.

We cannot stop our adversaries from utilizing all the societal manipulations we know they are familiar with. They cannot help themselves, and besides, it builds a stronger fortitude. They tell all the lies, implement all the manipulations, and prune our tree of all the weaker Jews, from supporting what is good, until they certainly know better. It sounds like we are trying to build super men. We as a society are not going to make it if we demand anything near perfection on the Jewish people of Israel, if the burden is to great, we will not progress. But the truth does win out. When it is heard, which is often not the case, with false paradigms being imposed, and used to justify our surrender.

Look at the current situation, hamas slaughters 1200 Jews, and the debate we are permitted, is if we are allowed to remove hamas as a political entity, from existence. How much more degraded can we be? How weak and powerless are we, according to the measurement before us. Iran declares war on us, attacks us, and nothing happens of substance in retaliation. Hezbola fires missiles at us by the hundreds, and the media claims well everyone wants peace, and to avoid world war three, so Israel should just live with it. If the world will fall apart because the Jews defend themselves, then it should fall apart or be destroyed.

Frankly, I think some gentiles refuse to take any financial losses is the issue. There is no apparent reason that escalation against hezbola and hamas should lead to ww3, and if a strike to neutralize irans nuclear weapons program alters the balance of power so much, then they shouldn’t have announced their intentions to wipe Israel off the map so clearly. If you are trying to balance incremental gains, don’t include nuclear weapons, nuclear threats and blackmail. If the Jewish nations life is on the line, then why shouldn’t the nations of the world break a sweat? What kind of Jew haters run this world?

Things were wildly harsh in the ancient world. I don’t think the Jewish people at the time had anywhere near the knowledge level needed to balance the mix of good and evil they needed over all the many parts of their lives in order to avoid alienating large percentages of the Jewish people. They also had to deal with the fact that succeeding, before we had penetrated the gentile mind, meant that establishment of the proper order among the peoples of the world, would probably require a vaster amount of people to kill than we will need to implement.

It is obvious that we will not get a majority of arab muslims to support expelling the gentiles from the land of Israel. No matter how logical our arguments are. Systems like censorship, interests of the upper class for stability, the expression of the arab muslim desire for honor, victory, and sex with the women of the enemy, guarantee that it is not going to be by logic alone that we will implement the progress that our people need to end the endless horror show that is the news from Israel.

We are fighting over disputed territories, with irrational, violent people. We cannot convince them to be reasonable. The americans are nowhere near recognizing that multiculturalism doesn’t work, that hatred against Jews is to great, that arab muslim intolerance has not even begun to be confronted. Smiling happy multicultural people is what the overwhelming majority of American government propaganda shows. Reality is very far away. Violent, drug filled, ghettoes, completely dangerous to any white male or female to walk through is closer to reality, a reality that is not forthcoming. Even the expulsion of illegal immigrants, is not seemingly likely to be deep, or meaningful against the scale of the issue we face. The demographic price of white American weakness is a bill that is going to come in much sooner than the meager policies of the American government.

There exist securable borders, and unsecurable borders. You can live with unsecure borders, if your neighbors want to live in peace with you. You cannot live with unsecure borders, if your neighbors don’t want to live in peace with you. You cannot convince the americans, to realize that your borders are not secure, if they don’t care enough to talk about your borders, because they know nothing about the military, and are distracted by the question of is their race at war with your race, and should they be hoping for your extermination. Nuance in their mind goes out the window.

It is up to you the Jews, to understand the world you live in, and to implement the policies that must be, in order to improve it. Even if it is clear that the worlds main superpower will not be able to understand or agree with the actions Jews must take. It is inherent that the Jewish people of Israel that are able to establish a righteous world, and the white gentile people of America, who are committed to the community, to universal ideas, which lead to self destruction, because they contradict the painful process of thinking, and establishing good over evil, are going to disagree, especially pertaining to saving the world from destruction due to racial hatred, and false paradigms, and false religions.

It makes sense that we will disagree, it is the separate essence of the two entities. It makes sense that the disagreement would not be obvious, but rooted in nuance. To many liars on all sides, to much fake news and propaganda, to much manipulation.

Maybe G-d created racial inequality, to show how foolish and emotional white women were. Part of what we have to do is understand that some women are and will be losers worshiping foolishness and evil always. In G-d I trust.

7 חודשים לפני

איפה שר הביטחון איפה שר הבריאות. רק לא איפה ראש הממשלה. תמשיכו לחרטט את עצמכם לדעת

7 חודשים לפני

ביבי ימין?? אם לזה אתם קוראים ימין תאשפזו את עצמכם

פטריוטים לביבי
פטריוטים לביבי
7 חודשים לפני

מעניין מה הייתם אומרים אם היתה זו ממשלת בנט/אולמרט/שרון/פרס/ברק

שלמה גנוט
שלמה גנוט
7 חודשים לפני

הפרקליטות היא גיס חמישי

7 חודשים לפני

נראה שצריכים לדבר על כך שכשם שההסבר הכי הגיוני לגבי ה7 באוקטובר הוא שיש לנו כאן בצמרת הבטחונית מבפנים אויבים שרוצים ברעתנו, כך גם בנושא הזה. הרי פשוט וברור שכל האחראים במשמרת של ה7 באוקטובר היו צריכים לעזוב מיד, ובמיוחד הרצי, ובטח שלא לנהל לנו את המשך המלחמה.

7 חודשים לפני

למה שטורם אומר על המקרה של החייל עם הצלחות שזה לא משנה ? זה בדיוק העניין !! ולא צריכים את הדעות של השטרום הדפוק הזה כאן

כתבות נוספות

מה אתם חושבים? נשמח שתגיבו.x

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