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מדוע השמאל הישראלי פוחד כל כך מהמילה נקמה?

תא"ל במיל' דדי שמחי בשיחה עם יצחק זאגא על החיסולים ועל המעבר מהגנה להתקפה

ת"אל במיל' דדי שמחי אומר ליצחק זאגא שהגיע סוף סוף הזמן בו צה"ל יוזם נקמה במקום לחכות ולהגיב לתקיפות האויב. לדבריו יש לנו עורף חזק ואמיץ, לוחמים שרוצים נקמה ויכולות צבאיות מהמתקדמות בעולם, והגיע הזמן שנמשיך להנחית מהלומות על חיזבאללה ועל לבנון ולהכריע את המלחמה.

ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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We should support legislation in florida, that allows convenience clerks to open carry. It will reduce the amount of attacks they suffer, and increase the number of convenience stores in high crime areas.

I remember when I was 19 years old or so, I got a job at an ice skating ring. I initially worked handing out skates, in the administrative section of the ice skating ring. While I was there, they sold the company to another investor. Which happened over and over again. As a bonus, for the windfall of profit the owner got, he gave the head manager many thousands of dollars, and a free car, as well as the assistant manager, and other parts of the administrative staff.

I had ended up working as a cook in the convenience shop the ice skating ring had. I remember thinking, I had made a mistake, by not sticking to the administrative department. That job never paid enough to rent an apartment. Why would only a hand full of employees, out of a small group of people, receive benefit from the sale of a company receive massive benefit.

 I think the reality of the American system is elitist. They support the rich, and deceive the poor. More and more, they have no interest in maintaining the middle class. Sad, because I feel I am heading in the direction of justifying elite power. But their corruption, greed, and tyrannical impulse, implies that it will be more righteous to highlight the injustice of the American union.

The problem with recommendations about the difficulties between the genders to understand one another, and agree to terms to form unions that bless them both, is that our school system is hostile to the well being of our people, which poisons the minds of men and women when they are at the age where they are most able to form successful unions.

What is needed in the black community, is for someone to clean out the drug dealers, to stop the shoplifting, so the stores move back into black neighborhoods. When you vote for a black mayor who gets elected by talking about hating white people, then you end up with someone who knows he is a crook and a liar, and cant fight immorality in the first place. I am sure black people want to be able to have strong black leaders who fight immorality, buy hate white people. That option is not available. So vote for a white man, and the black neighborhoods will improve.

If Iran refuses to fight, and refuses to attack Israel, despite the killing of their hamas proxies, then Israel should press more assassinations and attacks, to further our goals of diminishing and destroying the organizations aligned against us, and the weapons they have to attack us.


It seems hard to imagine that America will fire on Israeli planes attacking hezbola or iran. If they chose to do so, they should be permitted to do so.

​​Gentiles should not be allowed to steal from Jews, and black people should not be allowed to steal from white people. We can talk about if the wealth redistribution between races is fair, or if it is not fair. We can have detailed, repeated conversations about if in fact Jews are oppressing gentiles, or if white gentiles are oppressing blacks, creating the racial inequality we are all able to see in the world. Inequality existed, in a very similar order, before white gentile empire, so I do not see how you can claim that white racism is what makes black inequality.

Young white women are easy to seduce, addict to drugs, and pimp out, because they don’t believe that there are very evil people in the world, and lower races hate them for being white, and want to enslave and destroy them. Most women are to dumb to survive in the world on their own. They need husbands to protect them.

Since women are to dumb to figure things out, to manage their choices, how do we make them accept our control and our judgment?

The ancient world practiced child sacrifice. I wonder if there was a racial component to it. Did they sacrifice the dark skinned babies, or the light skinned babies, or both?

How are you going to learn to make friends, without sports, and games? Are you going to get with a group of people, who vomit out facts and truths, and appreciate the knowledge that has been bestowed, in order to decide who your friends will be? That is not a likely means of socializing, it is also somewhat doubtful that it would be pleasurable. Socialization and having fun would seem to be things you should do when you are not working. Why would your emotional state not benefit from some joking and humor? Why would you not be better if you embraced such expressions some time? Does all of human kind have to have a respectable IQ, in order for you to enjoy their company? What if they have completely different interests to you? What use does a rocket scientist, have for an artist? Or vice-versa? We are hobbling our personalities, and our souls. Resulting in underperforming growth rates, if that helps motivate you.

G-d has chosen the man to be the head of the household. The woman is inclined to submission, the woman is less intelligent, and illogical, large amounts of the time, in large percentages of women. She is overwhelmed by her feelings often, and lacks self control over them. She does not understand sin, as well as men do. She does not understand how things work, or understand systems. Usually, she only feels what is right and what is wrong.

G-d has destined the vast majority of us to live in poverty, or to struggle with money, for most of the days of our lives. Especially our youths, as well as much of our middle age.

Men are kinder to women of their own race, compared to how they treat women of other races. Not all races are equally as kind, or feel love as deeply as other races do. Some are more inclined to long term relationships, others are more inclined to short term relationships. African, and mullato nations are very intolerant of people who are different than them. They discriminate against people who are different than they are. They blame them for their inequality. Inequality existed before white empire did. The levels of success of different races, were exactly the same as they are today, before white empires.

Women will find the men of their own race to be kinder, and treat them better, than the men of other races. They may feel that men of other races want them more, but that’s because they are aware that they are unequal, and they wish to capture their rich inheritance. Dating men of every race is not possible. If you date black men with large sexual organs, you will no longer be compatible with races with smaller sexual organs.

 You can limit yourself, to the men of your own race, and always be compatible with them. If you date black men with large sexual organs, you will not fall in love with men of your own race with regular sized sexual organs, and men of your race will not enjoy sex with you as much. Isnt it obvious that men of different races, having different sized sexual organs, prove, that inequality is substantial, and extends to other parts of behavior?

Since most of us are going to spend our youths in poverty, most of our middle ages stressed over money, only to have a brief period of affluence when we are old, wouldn’t you rather spend your life making babies, and spending time with your family? Why risk everything, to become one of the few who become wealthy when your young? Why work 70 hours a week only to find out if the amount you saved, becomes more money? Missing out on your children’s lives, failing to teach them when they are young, failing to pass on your spirit to their minds? For the hope of escaping poverty?

We must forgive our women for not understanding the ramifications of different races of men, having different sized sexual organs. We all awakened in this world of ignorance and censorship. We must do what we can to save as many women as we can. To produce as many strong families as we are able. G-d has blessed Jews, white men, and orientals with the intelligence and potential to achieve things, and progress thought. We can solve the problems and difficulties that the world has challenged us with. That struggle, is the most interesting thing happening in this world. It gets all of the attention, we are blessed with the ability to be interesting, to be important, far in disproportion to our numbers.

There are not systems that make inequality, or put white people first, or white Jews first, inequality has existed for thousands of years, before media was influential, before there were governments, before there were many books, before banks were substantial. Inequality existed then, in the same order that it exists today.

I don’t think that the two state solution is viable, because the Jewish people, and many reasonable people around the world, now understand that Jew hatred still exists, it is irrational, it is violent, it is abusive, and malicious. It is self perpetuating, telling lies about Jews, and then believing the lies that are told about Jews, a combination of censorship and fake news, which amounts to nothing more than enjoying to express hatred of Jews, because inequality is insulting, it will always be insulting, and it will always provoke feelings of hatred, forever. The greater the level of inequality, the greater the provocation.

We Jews should not be waiting for Iran to attack us, nor avoid escalation, we should recognize that our security situation in the middle east is endangered, by the fact that iran openly supports violence against Israel, and its destruction through terrorist proxies, and it has now created a dangerous organization in hezbola, with dangerous capabilities that we should neutralize. The Jordanians, the Egyptians, the turks, and the Saudis do not seem to want war with Israel. In their speech, in their actions, the Iranians do appear to want war with Israel, with only the timing of their attack being questioned. We should not allow them to choose events, when they are completely prepared, we should attack their proxies and neutralize them, along with their nuclear weapons program.

If Israel pulls out of Gaza, then there is nothing logically or morally, that should stop the Gazans from accepting the presence of Turkish troops in Gaza. Or Iranian troops for that matter. Unless Israel insists on dominating Gaza, which is similar to occupying it, a distinction the gentiles will not fail to claim against Israel.

It seems to me that one of the biggest failings of the left, which is somewhat synonymous with the failings of Jewish and white gentile women in the west, is that they do not seem to understand that nations and races are real. They may not agree with them, they might say they are stupid all day long, but the fact of the matter is that the vast majority of the people in the world, as well as the people in the west, especially the men, believe in races, and they care about the well being of their nations over other nations.

Its like the women simply cant believe that there really are muslims who think they can use violence to establish themselves as on top. They really do believe that in massive numbers, and they are not willing to reason why that is not going to work, they have codified their victory in their religion, and the only thing that will stop them, is if they are defeated militarily, and exposed, destroying any chance of them covertly being able to exterminate all the different races, religions, and nations that stand in their path.

For the vast majority of history, the people of the Jewish race, overwhelmingly adhered to the Jewish religion, and those who converted to other belief systems, assimilated and disappeared. The vast majority of Europeans adhered to the Christian religion, whose particular moral policies almost always catered to white gentile preferences. The vast majority of orientals were budhists, and the vast majority of Indians were hindus. The vast majority of the mullatoes of the middle east, were muslims, and each of them catered to their majority preferences.

To pretend that most people do not overlap nationalism, racism, and religious identity, is simply to ignore the vast majority of the choices the vast majority of the people of the world have made for thousands of years. In G-d I trust.

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