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לא יאמן! בג"צ הולך לחייב את הממשלה לשלם כסף למחבלים מהרשות?

יו"ר אירגון נפגעי הטרור מאיר אינדור מדבר עם יצחק זאגא על הדרך בה מפלה בג"צ בין עתירות שהגישו משפחות ישראליות נפגעות טרור, לבין עתירות הרשתות הפלסטינית

מאיר אינדור יו"ר אירגון נפגעי הטרור "אלמגור" אומר באולפן TOV: הרשות הפלסטינאית שמסרבת לאפשר קיזוז פיצויים מהכספים שמעבירים להם למשפחות השכולות שקרוביהן נרצחו על ידי מחבלים פלסטינים, הגישה עתירה לבג"צ. במקום לדחות את העתירה על הסף, התיישב בג"צ לדון בה. לעומת זאת, כשנפגעי הטרור ביקשו לדון בפיצויים שמגיעים להם, סירב בג"צ בטענה שמדובר בעניין מדיני. "איך בית המשפט עושה איפה ואיפה ומוטה בהחלטותיו לטובת הפלסטינים?"  שואל אינדור. האולם היה מלא במשפחות נפגעי הטרור שהתפרצו בקרואות בוז לנוכח החלטות השופטים. האם מתחיל שינוי במחאת האזרחים על התנהלות השופטים?

ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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7 חודשים לפני

Israel should withdraw from the UN. As long as the government of Israel accept an international organization that is attempting to become the law, their leftist and treasonous courts will continue to have a pretense for claiming that the Jews of Israel accept Jew hatred.

It may not be fundamental, since the idea of the Jews of Israel accepting the anti semetic narrative representing the majority of the american media, and political discourse, which limits Jewish rights to getting the hostages back, not recognizing that hamas is a racist lying organization, supported by the muslims of Israel, not extending to recognizing the threat from hezbola or iran, is crazy. But it appears to be the only reasonable lever we have, to make a signal that the Jewish nation does not accept living with antisemetic laws or narratives. We are not fooled by censored and rigged discourses that pretend that Israel is not being treated worse than all the other nations of the world, because hating Jews is popular.

It is madness how white gentile leaders claim to be the best of the best, then they absolve themselves of all leadership requirements, and then claim that their people should just be born with an indestructible will, a natural awareness and wisdom, and that if their people do not all rise to that standard, then they deserve to be destroyed by their many enemies who hate them for having a reputation of being unequal. No wonder it is only a matter of time before western governments fall apart.

There will be many men and women who will be financially rewarded when the forces of evil in the world are defeated, and they will become richer than many people with greater genetic inheritances, and they will be able to buy their families way into higher classes.

The rise of merit among the races of the world. Causing a reorganization of power separate from supremacy, condensating of violence and conquest.

Black people can target civilians, and commit any human rights violations they want, just say you are doing it for Wakanda. It works for the muslims claiming they are fighting for Palestine.

We Jews are not having a debate between racism and anti racism, the leftist women are willing to break all the rules, letting murderers go without bail, defunding the police, and censoring muslim war crimes and discrimination worldwide.

We have no choice but to marry arab muslim islam with black people, because the left already has and does so.

If you can imagine such a thing, a sizable portion, almost certainly the majority, of the west is a white supremacist institution, that is pretending to be radically leftist. It not only allows itself to oppress the Jews, and steal their financial contributions, but it also allows it a pretense to conceal the entire world, to hide what is actually happening in the world. Do you think it is possible for America to have 800 foreign military bases, and for no country, to ever vote to get rid of them?

An affluent and caring country would offer senior citizens vouchers to get free pedicures.

What will the procedure be for convincing some of the women, maybe some leftist men? If they don’t have to listen, and they don’t want to listen, and they don’t want to know, and they can endlessly generate digressions, then is the objective to transform the world? Maybe to dramatic, pierce the censorship on the tv, forcing them to deal with the reality of the majority of human kind holding what they consider to be racist thoughts?

 Sad that Jewish society has been captured in this manner. I can so see how ancient Jews were overwhelmed, not understanding that they were slaves of their societies, no matter what convictions or hopes they had, Hashem could make demands of them to please their wives, to marry them, to dominate them, and if we didn’t comply, we would be conquered, enslaved, and attacked by gentiles for thousands of years. I really must submit to Hashem in every way, fear Him more than I fear the world. But still I do not know what is our religions policy, and what is the way that Hashem wants us to navigate the physical world. If they try to disrespect G-d, fight.

If a girl is not impressed with brad pit, or a rocket scientist, she has probably been stretched out to much.

Trump gets angry that Jews vote for democrats, but not black americans, or orientals.

I don’t think Vance will ever become president. I bet Trump is going to be the last American president, and he and his people know it.

How do we function in a government that has good and evil in it, yet lies and is filled with corruption, by every measure of integrity, failing miserably. It could so easily be a deception. I wonder if the Torah commands us to behave well, it seems immoral to act morally in a tyranny, and let secular men do the heavy lifting of terrorism. It is also an overdue concept to talk about what it really takes to rebel in a government of the modern technological capabilities. Its like an all or nothing thing. You will go to prison for spray painting, or making unapproved images, so the grassroots lacks a valve for frustration, allowing only explosions, and the tremendous stress they require.

I worry my faith in the pursuit of knowledge may be flawed. There are vast numbers of justifications for mildly immoral tyrannical ideas. The children are being massacred, Israel cannot tie its shoes. Our time is being robbed from us. It is a hard thing to convince Israel to attack hezbola in Lebanon. Is it? All we need to do is speak of the probability of a diplomatic solution. Their statements call for the destruction of Israel, the highest ranking officials, all of their media, the statements of their religious leaders. The media limits this point to the statement of believe what they are saying, but it seems close enough.

That is not a 'self own'. People dont admit to disliking you usually. Are we pretending that a substantial percentage of religious people do not intertwine their disapproval of homosexuals with hatred and supposed perfect love? It is also a strong secular reaction to be repulsed by homosexuals.

I share condemnation of homosexuality, but it seems like the religious and moral right in the media are making wild claims of the non existence of hatred of homosexuals, and black people, as well as others. In G-d I trust.

I do not believe this claim of 70 or 80% of americans supporting Israel, but I can tell you the number would be much lower if the leaders of Israel were actually standing up for Israel, rather than pretending to be multiculturalists to the americans. The simple fact of the matter is, that Israel cannot survive as a multicultural nation, a multicultural nation would solve its problems by assimilating outside people, or censoring any evidence of foreign loyalties of non whites. A multicultural Israel would eventually allow a right of return, it would grant every muslim a vote in Israel, because multicultural leftist dictatorships, like the one they have in America and Europe, do not see any fault in racist non white or anti white political parties, only white ones.

The fact that there is no real free speech in the American media, and predictably wont be, means, that Israeli arguments against multiculturalism, will not be permitted on American media.

Black africans routinely pass laws discriminating against white people, even if they were born in Africa, as well as discriminating against Indians, and Chinese, even if they were born in African countries. They openly say they are passing laws to assist the majority black population. So how is it that leftists are not anti white when they have no problem with all the non white people of the world discriminating against whoever they choose to, but they do have a problem with any white person supporting pro white policies? Leftists also accuse Jews of racism, even if they are defending themselves from racist non whites.

The newest American aircraft carrier costs according to Wikipedia, 12.8 billion to make, and 4.7 billion in research and development costs, equaling 17.5 billion. It holds 75+ airplanes, at 200 million each, figure another $15 billion, which adds up to $32.5 billion. I bet there is plenty of other expensive equipment on board, so we are talking $35-40 billion dollars each?

Wouldn’t it be rational to say that human society has never been good at recognizing the right time to go to war, and therefore, we should not hope to convince society that they should deal with a problem of islam and inequality, that motivates many people to go to war in our streets? Most of history people were more religious, and more grounded than they are now, and they still needed false flags in order to go to war.

Its kinda funny, Zelinski, the Jewish president of Ukraine, is angry at the Jewish president of Mexico, for inviting Putin to her country.

 Putin works with Iran, which openly says they want to wipe Israel off the map, so they seem clearly to me to be enemies of the Jewish people, and enemies of merit for all the world, since they basically want to use violence and nuclear weapons to establish Islamic supremacy. But if it wasn’t for the Russia-Iran-China challenge to America-Europe, then America would set up a left wing dictatorship, where Jews are perpetually depicted as aggressors, muslims are perpetually depicted as victims, and Israel would have no right to defend itself, and Jews would have no security, no right to pride, to self defense, to free speech, to representation.

It is within the range of Jews, many of whom are women, to accept racial oppression and discrimination. It is a spell that can be broken, it can be defeated, but people will really try to get Jews to accept different double standards, where they are accused of racism for standing up for themselves and their people, while muslims speak hate speech in their largest institutions, in a majority of their mosques, in their schools, and school books.

Not only are many Jews willing to live with racial oppression of themselves, and the Jewish people, but many Jews will fight to implement racist antisemetic policies. In G-d I trust.

אל האופק
אל האופק
7 חודשים לפני

זו ממשלה שמתכופפת בפני בג"ץ .
ממשלה ריבונית שמפגינה משילות היתה מעמידה שלט עצור בפני הבג"ץ , לאמר אני הריבון והמחוקק , שבו בשקט !!!
ממשלה חלשה ופחדנית .

7 חודשים לפני

דוקא כן יאומן. כשלא עוצרים ואומרים: עד כאן! זה קורה ועוד יקרה ואנחנו העם הסובלים במשחק הדמים הזה

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