סגור את תיבת החיפוש

אלוף גרשון הכהן הוריד את הכיפה, אחיו הרב אביה הכהן מסביר לו מהי מדינה יהודית דמוקרטית

אלוף גרשון הכהן בשיחה עם אחיו הרב אביה הכהן על החלטת עיריית תל אביב לאסור תפילה ביום כיפור במרחב הציבורי. לדבריהם ת"א הפכה לעיר מונוליטית שאסור להשמיע בה דעות שונות

אלוף גרשון הכהן בשיחה עם אחיו הרב אביה הכהן על מדינה שבה מותר לערוך מצעד גאווה במרחב הציבורי בירושלים, אבל אסור לנהל תפילה בציבור בתל אביב. בעיר העברית הראשונה אסור להתפלל כפי שהתפללו יהודים 2000 שנה בכל מקום בעולם. מאיפה העויינות בתל אביב לציבור הדתי? המרחב הציבורי צריך לתת מקום לכולם. בתל אביב יש מונוליטיות מחשבתית. אסור לאף אחד לחשוב אחרת. קורה פה משהו רע,לא מחלוקת. במחלוקת יש מקום לשמוע את שני הצדדים ופה אין יכולת הכלה.

ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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6 חודשים לפני

I think it seem obvious, that the majority of the American people do not care about the evidence about islams attack on the Jews of Israel, they don’t care about evidence that its racially motivated, or that its also religiously motivated. Americans just want to cover it all up, and not talk about it.

The way the Israeli government uses Israeli soldiers, reminds me of Vietnam, where the troops are not allowed to win, until the population grows tired of the casualties.

Infinite truths, like those that point out that it does not make sense that a tremendously talented people like the Jews, would behave spectacularly immorally, or use force, when they could behave peacefully and attain positions of leadership and tremendous affluence. Those are good, and maybe I get credit for them, perhaps they unlock more truths, but I should also engage where the discourse is. I do both, sorta. I have been demoralized by awarness of the fact that so many are just lying. What remains about making the case for Israel? Even the transition to an Israel that is aware of islams inherent hatred of Jews can be resolved by relocating them.

Sure we can relocate the muslims out of Israel, with a check, that should reduce the criticism against us, but why should that stop our narrative from one of supporting massive death and suffering among the muslim nations and communities that attack us, and support our extermination? The americans and the Europeans have killed millions of muslims, directly, or very close to directly, in the past few decades. I even suspect the intelligence agencies being in charge of many of those killings. How can it be acceptable that the western media doesn’t report or care how many people the west killed, but Israels actions are held to impossible and dysfunctional standards? We cant even make much of a case for relocating the muslims.

Most of the inventors and business makers, in the history of the world, were men. Women don’t understand what it means to think, they don’t appreciate it, they do not know the ups and downs, the losses of faith in our own beliefs, because their world is based on their husbands and children.

It seems like right and left politicians help each other with their talking points. They speak vaguely often, and jump to many conclusions.

They say birth rates for arab muslims in the middle east are dropping, but I bet the birth rates for arab muslims in Europe and America are even higher than those in the middle east.

Multiculturalism for Jews has failed 100% throughout history. How is it moral to force the Jews of Israel to embrace multiculturalism and peaceful coexistence? When the west and the arab muslims openly demand Jew free zones? When most of the nations of the word reject open borders, and don’t suffer criticism by the western media?

We should promote legislation stipulating that racism is not legal even if it is based on a status quo. In G-d I trust.

The waqf are guilty of violating the rights of Jews, which Israeli leaders should reasonably have predicted.

I don’t think Jews should leave Israel like the Torah says, and I don’t think that gentiles unselected and unvetted should reside in Israel. So I don’t care about the financial empires of Jews outside of Israel, other than their ability to make trouble.

In a very real way, all the attacks on the children, all the inflation, all of the crime, the murder, the theft, the open borders, all of it, is a question of how much do your women need to suffer, before they recognize the truth. Not the Jews are trying to break our civilization, and make us more playable to being ruled. How much can your civilization suffer, before it succumbs, will your women permit order, healthy families and healthy demographics reign? Or, will they choose suicide?

If the white gentiles embraced merit and inequality, and all the rules that must be followed as a result of its offense, then the Jewish people would be better off, they wouldn’t have to go it alone. Two peoples celebrating high IQ’s are better than one. Two peoples, working, inventing, making contributions, are better than one. We would not agree to sacrifice our lives, and allow our people to suffer under Jew haters, in order to crush the competition. We can recognize our contributions, good people do not care about the freedoms and liberties of other good people. In G-d I trust.

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