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אביה של התצפיתנית רוני אשל לא מתכוון לוותר למערכת הביטחון: "אנחנו מתייעצים עם גורמים משפטיים"

אייל אשל אביה של התצפיתנית רוני אשל ז"ל מדבר עם סמדר הילה שמואלי על ההבטחות השווא שניתנו להורים השכולים של התצפיתניות, ועל התחקיר שצה"ל טרם ערך על הארועים בבסיס נחל עוז

אייל אשל אביה של התצפיתנית רוני אשל ז"ל אומר לסמדר הילה שמואלי: אלוף חליווה הוא מאבות הכשלון שהוביל ל-7/10, ומחליפו בינדר אף הוא תרם לא מעט למחדל. עד היום צה"ל לא הסביר והראה לנו המשפחות השכולות מה קרה לתצפיתצניות. עד היום לא נעשה תחקיר צה"לי, ואספנו בעצמנו פרטים כדי להגיש תביעה משפטית. יש שרשרת כשלים גדולה בה מעורבים קצינים רבים שממשיכים לשרת בצה"ל ולקבל משכורות. צה"ל הוא תרבות אירגונית כושלת.

ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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6 חודשים לפני

הגיע הזמן שלא החייל הפשוט יקח על עצמו את האשם. מי שנמצא למעלה חייב לשלם מחיר כואב מאוד למען יראו ויראו. נתנו להם את הילדים והילדות שלנו ואת הדבר הכי פשוט לא השכילו לעשות! להקשיב למה שיש להם לומר!!! כי זה היה תפקידם! להתריע! אבל לעלוב חליווה היה יותר חשוב לישון!! על זה לא נותנים צל"ש. על זה נותנים טר"ש. כל מה שהיה צריך זה להתעורר. זהו ! אבל היה חשוב לו יותר לישון! זה עלה לנו ב 1400 נרצחים ומעל 200 שבויים!! בושה וחרפה !

6 חודשים לפני


Will Netanyahu apologize to the families of the Israelis hospitalized by hezbola? Will Galant tell us we should abandon the plan to control Lebanon to the Litani river, like he recommends we trade patrolling the philidelphi corridor in exchange for some hostages?

How do Israeli leaders pretend that negotiating a settlement is possible, when it is clear that the koran calls for war against the Jews, it permits deceiving them, and breaking any agreement with them made? While the vast majority of arab muslims support war against Israel and the Jews, and they dont support any leaders they have who oppose that goal? Is there anything that can be done to stop multiple nations from attacking Jews, if the majority of its people desire war with them?

If a peace agreement is not possible, or dependable, then isnt the main other option to control the population against their will, and indoctrinate them to accepting unequal Jews, as best we are able, till a longer term solution can be found? In G-d I trust.

When the germans supported the nazis, what could be said or negotiated that would achieve peace with them? On what basis is the claim made that all wars could have been stopped by negotiation and peace agreements?

6 חודשים לפני

I think the fast of Tammuz is to commemorate the Temple on the Mount, probably its sacking. Interesting that the desire to comply, to help, to do something that furthers our cause, is so strong that I agree to it without knowing what it is. I will look it up.
Many Israeli news sites dont even report it when missiles are fired at Israel. Imagine thousands of missiles being fired into your country and your media doesn't even report it. Our system of government makes us wildly exposed to tremendous harm, and most of us dont know it. Most Jews dont know that muslims are murdering hundreds of africans every month, neither do most americans. In G-d I trust.
I would extend the classification of autonomous citizens without national voting rights, from muslims in Judea and Samaria, and extend it to the muslims behind the green line. Whats the point in ignoring the major security risk they represent? Or saying they cant sit in the government, because they will sabotage and betray it, every election? They have been consistently voting for candidates who speak hate speech against Jews for 80 years. They call for the destruction of the country, they openly support terrorism, or sympathize with it to the point of being completely incapable of defending Jews from them.
If we are going to break with the multiculturalists of the west, which we need to do, in order to be able to even talk about the muslim threat against us, as well as do something about the muslim threat against us, then we might as well be as consistent and coherent as we can, and maximize our own security. The people of america will disapprove, they will boycot us. We should prepare for this, thankfully, it will happen if we stand up to their suicidal beliefs, or if we dont. In G-d I trust.
Thats why its hard to trust Lieberman, because he sat with arabs, rather than Netanyahu, so it would seem he is invested in the western globalist camp, that surrendered land to hezbola.
I dont understand breaking of a fast for no reason. But for the Temple on the Mount, we should not weep, we should call for action and fight for our rights.
What really remains for the Jewish people, other than to support taking the Temple on the Mount by force? We know that the American media will oppose us, they care nothing about justice, they will have their rigged discussion about the matter, and ignore the fact that we Jews have not had the ability to return the Temple mount to its rightful owners, for thousands of years. Due to middle eastern racism, and European racism, that compelled our leaders to conceal us for all this time. Do not honor the fast of weeping over the conquest of the Temple on the mount in the past, when we must overcome the censorship of the present, to assert our rights, that we finally are able to assert. In G-d I trust.
This fast day is not the 9th of av, which commemorates the destruction of the last Temple. I will honor this fast about the breach of the walls of the Temple, and the breaking of Moses’s tablets.
They believe that the only way that Jews can survive, is by appeasing the americans, the europeans, and the UN. Keeping their heads down, letting Jew hatred take some Jewish lives, while others survive, until europe is forced to fight for its life due to islamic immigration, and then the truth will be impossible to deny, and an opportunity for defending Israel will become possible.
That is why they were promoted. The other reality is that financial interests of the world dominated by the west, have also dominated the Israeli government, infiltrating all parts of the Israeli government. In G-d I trust.
They do not believe that a little Jewish people can stand on their own like the north koreans, and iranians did. The hatred against Jews is to great, Israel must beg for the protection of the americans and the europeans. Even if the west should fall, Israel would still end up wiped out in a nuclear war, because there is no way Israel alone can police the world alone, and stop nuclear proliferation.
I wonder if Noah sinned by not being able to find any righteous people? Aren’t they always there? Just few in number. Leading to the situation of realizing there is no peaceful way to alter your government past a certain point. Sometimes death is certain, but we will always be back. Because the building blocks of the universe confess to being underpinned by morality, and the only reason the universe would be built in such a way, is if A good and conscious entity decided to build it that way.
Its kind of amazing that the white women are so upset at the idea, of the existence of racism and nationalism, that they can literally wish the idea away from their minds. The entire planet is divided into nations that are massively divided by race, all of the worlds religions, for most of history, have been overwhelmingly grounded in one group of races or another, as well as the people who make up a majority of the people of the world, who believe in races, and support immigration policies to match it.
 That massive world defining human division, the white women push out of their minds. Maybe they know that such divisions can cause them harm, so they want to pretend they don’t exist, so they don’t think about the pain they will experience if they are deceived, and romanced into a relationship with a man from another race whose only real interest is hurting her as much as possible.
Each people in the world, has their own way of managing their race relations with all the other peoples of the world. Every people, has a nature, and a policy, usually followed by most, but sometimes with big divisions, on how they feel about black people in the world, and how they feel about white gentiles in the world, and how they feel about Jews. This includes how they should ‘play’ the interaction, what they should do to gain advantage, or if they should or should not speak in friendship and curiosity.
If G-d tells me that I am the Messiah, I don’t think I will tell people, because I don’t think anyone would believe me. Even if some do, I think things would mostly be awkward after that.
Malka ended with some strong points. I thought she was loosing most of the time before then. If we dont go on the attack, if we dont reiterate that the muslims of Israel, and the muslim wolrd are filled with radical terrorist groups, that the Jewish people need to defend themselves from, then that aspect of things will be overwhelmed by the fear of treating muslims unequally. In G-d I trust.
The muslims are trapped in a hell of their own making, they cant get out on their own. The leftists leave them in their hell, and claim they are compassionate by hiding the images of their hell, and censoring descriptions of it. In G-d I trust.
So, Netanyahu asserts that Israel must stay in Gaza, while simultaneously saying that a coalition of arab muslim nations will assist in securing gaza? Seems like he is leaving himself and the regime, room to do whatever they like. He did ask that Gazan muslim leaders don’t call for the destruction of Israel, which will mean Israel will have to qualify and disqualify candidates, if it even happens. In G-d I trust.
Oriental exceptionalism is being used by white supremacists to harm black and brown feelings, as well as discredit the notion of white racism being the cause of inequality. Therefore, oriental exceptionalism should be censored and deterred as much as possible.
White gentiles have no right to steal Jewish peoples money, just like latinos and black people have no right to steal white peoples money.
Barouch Hashem!
To think that the western nations are doing this to force Israel to accept the lie of a palestinian people, so they can avoid facing the racism, violence and aggression in Islam is outrageous and disgusting. Tyrannical sanctions for evil motives, while Netanyahu gives speeches about a never ending union between Israel and america. If this celebrated union cant be criticized, it is because it is not very strong. How could it be, with nearly half of america wishing the Jews of Israel harm. In G-d I trust.
Like living with mindless ignorant haters. Any Jew, and any white gentile will be targeted by the left soon enough. In G-d I trust.
I think there are some nefarious dynamics at work with western support for the Jewish people and Israel. First off, on the part of the left mostly, but also on the right, western thinking is that you should never admit to support opposing the Jewish people, or anything racist, or oppressive at all. To always depict themselves as reasonable, and on the right side of history and morality.
I think this fake breaks down, as the secular head deeper into what they consider logic, and we call immorality. But even hitler and the nazis, had the sense to cover up their actions against the Jews, and their beliefs at the berlin Olympics to black american athletes. This year we may have islamic terrorist dominated Olympics in Paris.
I think it should also be pointed out, that even though the american right wing may have many reasons to support Israel, it is most often the case that it mostly becomes policy, when Israels justification is strong, perhaps irrefutably so.
The majority of the american right wing is probably aware that there is an aspect of diminishing american power to the ascension of the Jews of Israel. A rejoining with the gentile levels of exceptionalism. I imagine in the final analysis, american right wing politicians act in the interests of american power, not in the service and faith in G-d, not that such a posture is a great sin, but do not get confused that the clapping is not strategic. In G-d I trust.
I apologize, for all the times I think that violence is the only way forward. I hope October 7th was not a failure on my part. I do believe that Hashem makes ways for us to progress peacefully. Perhaps it is not always possible, but maybe it is. I am sorry my frustration sometimes gets the best of me. I know the people are slow and stubborn, but through repetition, and earning our Mitzvas, we can give words that change the minds of the Jewish people.
 I do believe that the facts laid out before us, make it better for us to neutralize Irans nuclear weapons program, reduce and contain hezbola to the greatest degree possible, and end the fear and the lies that created the palestinian state and people. My rational mind tells me of course some Jews will perish implementing this great upgrade of Jewish security disposition. Could we have declared war without an October 7th?
I am strongly inclined to thinking that current fundamental societal structures, do not allow such leadership, or deviation from public opinion to occur. Wild to think that the only way we can be justified, in the minds of the people of Israel, and the west, is if we are defending ourselves from direct attack. There is a physical component to this world. To what degree we can cause the Jewish people to transcend it, is not clear to me. In G-d I trust.
I get that such an article must be, but kind of a simplistic declaration that high morals of toleration and benevolence should be embraced, in the face of an angry unthinking mob of Jew haters. I suppose it is a blessing to acknowledge how easy it is to slip into open racism, how easily it is to pretend that you are acting morally right against Israel, when in reality your part of a racist gang, attempting to oppress the Jewish people, and millions of other non muslims, violently.
Do they know? Do they care, do they realize they are supporters of racism, terrorism, genocide and oppression? Nobody says so. They hide all questions behind the stupid shuffle of you can criticize the Jews without being racist, while opposing all criticism of islams numerous war crimes.
What will it be like when the left are actually criticized? I hope to know soon. In G-d I trust.
I bet they embrace open racism. They hate G-d for inventing inequality, they have already made their choice on what side they are on. Our arguments radicalize our own side mostly, theirs to, but they stay consistently opposed to Jewish rights, Jewish pride, Jewish inequality, which we cannot change.
The world is a G-dly place, a right wing place, and their souls oppose it.
We know there is a gap between what laws are supposed to do, and what the people in charge are actually doing with the laws that we support. It is unfortunate that the evidence appears to point to the fact that corruption has overwhelmed our government, and they are twisting laws in order to afflict their enemies, the champions of freedom and truth, in order to defend their tyranny. The general public still does not seem to understand the situation, making widescale opposition still difficult.
White gentiles are the left. With the diminishment of their power, and their monopoly over discourse, they lose the monopoly on the Jewish contribution to the wealth of the world.
I think the point to be made, is that the gentiles are not able to accept Jewish peoples differences, they are not able to accept Jewish inequality, they are not able to celebrate the merit of Jewish people, and once they break the taboo of discriminating against Jews, it will naturally be embraced to war against any group you don’t like. Ending western multiculturalism.
Or Netanyahu has been to weak. But the likud voted for the motion, so hopefully Netanyahu finds the balance of power sufficient to support Hashems laws. In G-d I trust.
This sounds like a repeat of the Torah story about the spies. Hamas had truck sized tunnels to egypt, which egypt obviously knew about. Hamas had thousands of missiles and could have smuggled more, or whatever they wanted, assuming G-d, and His bankers approved. This is a test, you pass by having faith, or standing up for whats right. In G-d I trust.
What if the Israelis know that the left is going to take out Trump? Less reason to keep playing along.
How can we tell we are being brave enough? First, we are getting our message communicated, second we confront tyranny when we hear it.
I think there is tons of discrimination in america. Especially by black women, leftist women, and black men, in that order. I bet Jews and middle aged white men are the biggest victims. Probably a good idea to have a picture of you taken with a black women with some sexuality in it.
Is trumps abas statement fake news?
It is inherent to the design of the Jewish people, the people inclined to knowledge of G-d, the people whose intelligence is beyond what is necessary, but instead in the confines of what can be seen among humanity and the laws of creation, to be a people who dwells alone, perceiving more than the gentiles, incapable of leading with popularity with the gentiles. Inherently divisive, inherently needing to say what is painful, not able to live or lead in words of kindness and similarity and shared values.
We include the left and the women by including them with our family identity, male unity, people.
Terrorist groups that hate Jews and non muslims exist all around muslim nations and they win elections, why wouldn’t the muslims of Israel face the same affliction?
Why aren’t there any Jews fighting with the palestinian military? Because they don’t accept Jews.
Its funny that israelis say they are allies of america while american flags are burned.
Eat pussy 5 times for 1 blowjob, women could gain for themselves so much sexual service from men, if they only knew how strong their negotiating position was, but they are not interested in their own sexual gratification so much, and they don’t like being demanding or asking to be served in that manner.
When you allow yourself to judge, you realize what a dumb discourse it is. In G-d I trust.
It is inherently shameful for women to try to be like men, or even to be the opposite of men. The only way you could be genuinely cool is you could care less about men entirely, and liked being who you are.
Jewish American men need to understand, they are going to come kill us, and Jewish women will not listen, and they will not want to believe.
Most of what women are, is kindness, non violence, unity, community and compassion. Racial inequality is the exact opposite of that, a massive contradiction of the female worldview and soul.
If G-d requires effort for the human mind to comprehend, then perhaps observing his miracles and signs in space require some effort as well.
100% of the generations and kings of Israel were religious nations, with the majority of the Jews of Israel believing in G-d. The white gentiles do not know or accept anybody on earth thinking diffirently, or being different than they are. Romans and greeks demanded Jews would take on their pagan gods, but speak nothing about the africans, nor explore there, nor about the mongols. Different races have different percentages of religious people. In G-d I trust.
I dont trust statistics, but those are frightening numbers. In G-d I trust.
If your kids are in financial distress, instead of helping them with their bills, buying them a car, is a socially acceptable thing to do, that somewhat protects you from having to constantly pay all of their bills. That way you are reducing the burden on them, allowing them to make the bills, with a much easier effort. You could even take payments.
The democrats want an end to settler violence, not muslim violence. In G-d I trust.

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