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גדי טאוב: "כדאי שנתחיל להפנים את זה מבחינת השמאל הישראלי מירי רגב היא סכנה גדולה יותר מהחמאס"

ד"ר גדי טאוב מדבר עם הילה סמדר שמואלי על הפחד התהומי של אנשי השמאל מהימין הדתי והמסורתי שעולה על פחדו מפני החמאס

סמדר הילה שמואלי בשיחה עם ד"ר גדי טאוב על הפחד של השמאל מהציונות. הקפלניסטים רוצים להיות אנשי העולם דוברי עברית, ואנחנו מושכים אותם חזרה לתוך הביצה היהודית. המלחמה האמיתית של השמאל היא עם האויב מבפנים ולא החמאס. הם באמת מרגישים שהמודרניות הליברלית הנאורה שלהם מאויימת על יד הימנים המשיחיסטים, הדתיים והמסורתיים. לאחר ה-7/10 רוב הציבור זז ימינה והשמאל מרגיש במצוקה קשה.

ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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5 חודשים לפני

אם הייתי בא מפלנטה אחרת ואני בכל זאת מאד דומה בפרצופים שלכם, והייתי שומעת אתכם על היהדות והייתי רוצה ללמוד ממכם, מה זה חיים כאלה שאתם קוראים יהודי, איזה זהות אתם מדברים, אז האם היה לכם משהו אמיתי מהחיים שלהם למסור?

5 חודשים לפני

This idea of billionaires standing in judgment of human kind can be expressed in secular terms easily, the words seem to escape me though. I will give it a try. The billionaires have many scientific advisers and psychologists, who will asses the Jewish people and nation of Israel, to see if their belief system is strong enough to overcome their enemies, or not. For instance, if the champions of peaceful coexistence dominate Israel, either through the voting booth, or due to fear of America, then the question would become, how effective is that belief system of stopping arab muslim outbursts of anger and violence towards the Jews of Israel?

Compare that to the religious-right wing thinking process, of believing that people can choose good or evil, and evil people should be defended against, and treated with suspicion and distrust. How well should such a mentality work at defending the Jews of Israel from the arab muslims? I consider a big part of the problem why so many leftists and americans do not think clearly on this matter is that the left supports censoring people who do not support their ideas about being supportive, giving, and kind, to arab muslims in order to achieve peace.

Overlooking the fact that the koran still commands muslims to conquer all non muslims, and make them into their servants. Ignoring the fact that according to our history, Jew hatred is the natural first reaction a people have to Jews, A reaction to what is foreign, a fearful reaction, that worries about being dominated, abused, loosing their wealth, and freedoms. Dealing with the shame of inequality, a fact that many people would rather live in denial of, especially those of masculine nations, that ‘submit’ to no foreigners, and establish their dominance over all.

Anger over inequality, religious convictions, racism and intolerance of minorities, are not issues that will disappear quickly. In fact religious convictions are very difficult to overcome, and Jew hatred may not be possible to defeat at all, until the muslim media forces a conversation about justice. Point out the fact that the giant megaphone of the American and European media are supporting the muslim victimhood identity, and the overwhelming conclusion is that the muslim faith, and media, and western media, are going to reach more muslim minds than any efforts by loving and compassionate Jews would. They are teaching hundreds of millions of adults and children for hours every day, and the efforts of individual Jews reaches very few, in brief interactions, over mostly long periods of time.

Just think of the scale of anti racist media and schooling, America and Europe went through, for how long, in order to attain a more sophisticated understanding about race, that might be more acceptable to the women of the west, and heal the rift between western men and women over the matter of how to deal with intolerant, violent, hateful foreign peoples.

To a degree I think in the west they will only act if they have to, if they are forced to. Sadly, pertaining to the potentially damaging in the short term issue of Israel fearing western sanction, the result may be similar. A counterweight to those fears, would be to point out that the billionaires who run this world, often do not care about public opinion.

The Billionaires have a ruthless scientific perspective. They know that multiculturalism is failing to defend all nations demographic health. They know that as long as the Jewish people submit to America and Europe, and by extension, submit to global public opinion, the Israeli attempt to defend themselves from the radical hatred that Jews live with in this world, Israel will only lose ground, it will be attacked over and over again. No matter what is happening in the Israeli economy, and high tech industry. Technology and military is useless, if you don’t have the public opinion to use it properly.

If the people of Israel understand this, that they should fear the billionaires more than America, because the billionaires follow the strict rules of logic, science, and psychology, laws which were all written by our G-d, then the Jewish people of Israel will be well equipped to overcome the challenges that they face.

America recently stated that they do not oppose Israels long term occupation of Gaza. Their policies also change, perhaps after Israel insists on imposing progress, perhaps due to other billionaire rules that demand that they speak more honestly about the arab muslim threat, and the strength of the internationals establishments standards. Perhaps a Trump administration would permit Israel to occupy Gaza, to attack hezbola, to roll back Irans nuclear weapons program.

A Trump administration could be a threat of deception against the Jewish people of Israel, they might be better off with A Harris administration, helping them cut their dependance on the west. He did try to deceive in a two state solution. I am inclined to believe Israeli willingness to break relations with the west, is more what force compels change.

 If you add the billionaire controller perspective, the Jews of Israel must be willing to break with American public opinion, because they are far more horrified at the idea of defending a white voting majority, despite the facts that unequal non whites will support the redistribution of white wealth when they are in control. A concept Israelis are far closer to being ready to confront, even though there is still a way to go. They are far more open about defending Jewish demographics from assimilation. The Jews of Israel already consider themselves a Jewish nation, not a multicultural nation, a concept a clear majority of americans are not willing to discuss in public. Their silence might be appropriate, but it still has consequences.

Trump would make it more difficult for Israel to defy American preferences. American preferences, and many of their interests, are to maintain social cohesion, by maintaining a narrative that is as least offensive to Americas productive majority as possible. Perhaps the laws pertaining to the Judo-christian nation, is to chase after Israel, and what is good, within the context of the available narrative. An unsubstantiated theory. Even if I were to accept such a pretense, the advice for the Israelis should be to go as far right wing as possible, and defy western sanctions should they come under Trump. That would be a considerable deviation from what he claims to believe.

If Jews have peace and security, they will be the most successful people in the world. The arab muslims are not going to allow that image to be formulated. Peace means accepting that arab muslims are among the least successful people in the world. They choose in overwhelming numbers to wage war against the Jews instead. They also choose to war against the white gentiles, but they do have the option of being the Sunday people not the Saturday people.

We are not only in a military war. That is why it doesn’t make sense to release 6,000 terrorists in exchange for our hostages. The minds and convictions of the Jewish people of Israel are part of the battlefield, and deviating from what helps them maintain clarity of thought, and purpose, to fight against the arab muslims is of far greater importance.

We are also under massive diplomatic pressure, the Jews are important to the west and the people of the world, and they intend to use their wealth and its ability to buy Israeli politicians and Israeli media to persuade or trick Israeli Jews into surrendering to their enemies, and not standing up for themselves or their people. Again resulting in a situation where the main battlefield, is in the minds of the Jews of Israel, a people who has little notion of the power and influence of the billionaires over their institutions, they are only aware that their leadership behaves treasonously at times, and they cant understand why they cant get rid of those not loyal to our nation and people. In G-d I trust.

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