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ד"ר עדו נתניהו: "זה לא שבג"ץ מתעלמים מהחוק, בג"ץ פוסקים נגד החוק!"

ד"ר עידו נתניהו מדבר עם סמדר הילה שמואלי על פסיקות בג"צ בניגוד לחוקי המדינה ועל השמאל שמעדיף את "נאורותו" של בג"צ על שלטון נבחרי העם

ד"ר עידו נתניהו אומר לסמדר הילה שמואלי שבג"צ פוסק פסיקות בניגוד לחוק, בצורה אנטי דמוקרטית. הפכנו לחברה חסרת חוק וזה דבר נורא. התקשורת נתונה בידי השמאל ושולטת ביכולת הביטוי. השמאל מעדיף לראות את שלטון בג"צ "הנאור" מאשר את שלטון העם.

ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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Gopstein, from the Israeli organization Yad lachim was arrested. Maybe a majority of Israelis opposed his arrest. Maybe they didn’t. If they did, then it would seem to me that they deserve to die and suffer, until they support the Jewish men who actually try to stand up to the Jew haters. Maybe it was American Jews fault, if that was the case, I would hope they suffer, but they are being destroyed in silence. I cant remember if Gopstein was arrested on charges that were legitimate, or made up.

 Either way, Jews have a right to defend ourselves from Jew haters, and we have a right to defend our people from assimilation, just like most of the people of the world do, and some like the muslims, who do so violently. I see no way of getting around the idea, that justice must exist, that we are getting as much information as we deserve. Perhaps my sins are to blame, perhaps the people of Israels sins are whats holding us back. There may be a procedure, for breaking free from white American and European thinking, and perspective. I should try harder to learn more, and to be a better person. Write more articles, make more videos.

If Irans nuclear weapons program was hit, but its oil refineries were left untouched, the Chinese might not care, lowering the risk of WW3.

What we are talking about, is declaring multiculturalism a failure in Israel. What we are talking about, is declaring western democracy in muslim nations a failure. Just like Trump said that America would no longer get involved in nation building. What we are talking about, is recognizing that Jews are enraging to muslims, and therefore maximizing peace, requires maximizing distance and boundaries. That means that pseudo states, and autonomous zones, with lessor and greater rights of sovereignty, used all around the world are not available.

Furthermore, we must recognize what type of world we live in, what are the dominant belief systems of this world, and how long lasting do we think they will be. For instance, the American and European left believe that inequality is caused and continued by racist more than equal races, like white people and the Jews. This is a highly entrenched belief system, with followers who believe it is the most moral lie by which to maintain the stability and affluence of the west. Leftists often believe it is the most moral solution for the world, and many of them are motivated by the emotion of revulsion to the idea of the permeance of inequality.

These leftists will break the law to promote their world view, they will censor their opponents and digressers, they will use economic warfare to attack Israel, and any other nation that defies their beliefs. They will not care about the truth, they will blatantly repeat their worldview, that depicts Jews as white and oppressive, due to their economic and intellectual success, and they will depict muslims as victims, due to their economic and intellectual failures.

In addition, it is massively unlikely, that muslim opposition to Jews in every way, will not continue, due to fundamental anti Jewish policies, in the muslim religion. Islam declares that muslims are supreme, and modern Christians do not declare Christians as supremacists. The influence of islam in muslim nations, influences a critical percentage of the population, A majority, while the influence of Christianity over the policies of western nations, is a minority consideration.

The best stories, are often the most truthful.

 In America, tribal Indian lands are permitted to keep non Indians out. Blacks are permitted to complain about whites moving into their neighborhoods, which they call gentrification, and when they use violence to keep whites out, or commit hate crimes against whites, the American media under reports it, if it doesn’t censor it altogether. We must get used to the idea that there is nothing more than packaging in western media and conclusions. They pick their targets, and then paint the parameters of their debates around it.

I wonder if the computer chip boycotts of China, has given America a strategic advantage, at a critical time for AI development, resulting in a period of western military dominance, or economic dominance.

I don’t believe the Israeli right wing is trapped by the leftists in the Israeli government. The Israeli right might be complicit with the Israeli left, in promoting the idea that there is nothing that can be done, but there is in fact a proper procedure to deal with a violation of Israeli democracy. Either the people dominating the Israeli government are tyrants, in which case, the steps to be taken is to expose the tyranny of the Israeli government as best as our representatives are able, through escalating levels of confrontation, passing legislation that contradicts those in control of the Israeli government, as best as they are able, tempting the Israeli media as much as possible, culminating in a confrontation that maximizes the delegitimization of the Israeli government, as much as right wing religious politicians are able.

Then allowing the laws of G-ds creation to free His people, when He chooses, causing as much suffering and loss as we must suffer, in order to escape those bent on the destruction of Israel and the Jewish people, or perhaps the right wing and the religious, critical parts of the Israeli society and soul.

No, it matters not, to stay in government and influence things as much as possible, when the desire of the west, and or the left, are impossible things, that cannot be managed. Such as maintaining the leftist multicultural narrative, in a world of massive, exterminist Jew hatred. Other absurd hopes of the modern left, wanting Jews and white men to have confidence, successful courtship, and healthy families, when it is staring them in their faces, that they as a group are hated, and being massacred.

Hoping that the leadership of the west has legitimacy, when every fact and law of the universe, screams out to the people that their leaders are their enemies, leading the massacre of the people, based on some old model of making men know their situation, because of the suffering they have gone through. To bad, a complicated, shameful, and gut wrenching situation, that men must explain to their women, cannot be navigated, by young men who have been denied an education, and all preparation available for the conversations and situations they are going to be confronted with.

The left wants something that cannot be, and they are now trying to force Israel to live with being massacred and slaughtered, and to not care. The numbers are to high, the hatred is to obvious, the history is all wrong for this leftist utopian delusion. But still they try to force Israel into it, with no concern for the tremendous suffering and anguish they cause. A system of government that no longer works in the west, the people it was designed for, much less the heavily persecuted Jews, who they want to pretend they are not hated, not discriminated against, not victims of violence, and they shouldn’t want to do anything about obvious threats against their very lives, and their nation.

A compilation of human knowledge exists. I do not know if it is possible to roll back the knowledge of human kind, I suppose it probably is to a degree, but not without great suffering, and not without extinguishing a considerable light of knowledge that has exposed itself to the world. That knowledge compels the Jew haters, as well as the Jews, the right wing and the religious.

The western media says crazy things all of the time, which are not believed, and are obviously not true, so it is silly feeling, to point out what is missing. Like listening to americans argue that boys and girls are different, at some point you should recognize that you are having a stupid conversation, because either your people are very foolish and weak minded, very hateful of anything you could describe as traditional masculine values, like nationalism, in group preference, security, or equal rights before the law.

 Or your government is tyrannical, and it only permits you stupid conversation, because it disarms a massive, possibly critical number of your people. The women are a critical component in the families ability to get outraged, and fight back. If they have been separated from the men, due to their crazy ideas, as well as their government, then the American society may have been defeated.

It sounds like America is actually planning to abandon the world, and go home. Imagine thinking that America could do such a thing. That as long as multicultural America continued, it could defend itself from the influence of the entire world. I think such a policy is a danger to Israel. If Israel is the source of light, then America may side with Israels enemies, to extinguish the light, in order to protect their way of life.

 Once the light reaches a certain point, life for American Jews, the source of American exceptionalism, will become impossible. America firsters know that, and they will oppose progress in Israel, which is critical for Israel to maintain dominance over the narrative of our time. The main impediment we face, is the tremendous wealth in America, and the tremendous poverty in Israel. The consequences of poverty are the death of the mind and soul. There appears to me to be no escape from the effects of a 50 to 60 hour week. The mind is reduced, as is progress and potential.

 So many Israelis work two jobs, just to make ends meet. At my age, with my ability to learn, without the Hebrew language, with only a couple of decades worth of work in me tops, with a desire to start a family, if there is time. According to the rules before me, I don’t see how I can move to Israel and continue my discourse. I will be severely constrained. Even in America, I need to aggressively pursue a career, hoping that growth remains in the nation, just to escape poverty, to be able to retire, to start a family, and to move to Israel one day. A considerable effort, I am not ready to embark on, and I am in denial is my fate. To have such influence, and to be so incapable of providing for myself, or a family, is a wild contrast.

 I know war causes casualties. In our G-d I trust. I wish for all Jews to be freed from these harsh prisons. Just imagine the accounting when you consider lower IQ Jews, lower morality Jews, weaker or confused Jews of any sort. All are precious to our G-d, and valuable to me. I see not sinners. I see a people capable of discourse, reduced to mediocrity, while western fools and G-d hatters celebrate.

It seems like with ease, a critical percent of the western population can be enticed to ban home schooling. Home schoolings existence must be protected by some other power and interest. Considering the miniscule number, I don’t know the details. Obviously, most of the government is run by fascist secular leftists, that permit no openly right wing schools to exist, even religious schools are entirely or mostly a farce. They do not stand up for religious values, or right wing values, so they only pretend to be religious and right wing. The laws of our creator cannot be defied without consequences, and even then they cannot be permanently defied. In G-d I trust.

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