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עו"ד אילן ציאון: כל המוסלמים בעולם הם האויבים שלי – זאת הסיבה

עו"ד אילן ציאון בשיח מרתק עם ד"ר יחיאל שבי על האיסלאם והמוסלמים. למה אילן ציאון טוען שכל המוסלמים, גם אלה שחיים בדובאי, הם האויבים שלו?

עו"ד אילן ציאון בשיח מרתק עם ד"ר יחיאל שבי על האיסלאם והמוסלמים. למה אילן ציאון טוען שכל המוסלמים, גם אלה שחיים בדובאי, הם האויבים שלו?

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Israelis need to understand that America can choose good or bad, it is up to them, it is between them and G-d. Israel should try to explain why America should stand up for what is right, but, Israel should stand up for what is right regardless if the americans stand up for whats right or wrong. Any Jew who says America cannot do right, or cannot do wrong, is not a Jew capable of having a rational conversation on the matter. The same goes for Jews who say whatever the americans choose, Israel must accept it.

If Israel wanted to, with some of the most advanced companies in the world, including the military, Israel could substantially alter the balance of power between China and America. There is no reason they would not be willing to pay handsomely for that trade, with their 20 trillion dollar economy. It would also be a gigantic influence on the future development of research and high technology. If Israel cannot use its American planes against the Iranians, they are mostly useless. It is unlikely that the Saudis will attack Israel in a conventional war, for a very long time. The same is the case for other nations in the middle east, except for Lebanon and Syria which side with iran, which is at war with Israel.

 In order to understand the situation, Israel must measure America. What is Americas middle ground as far as muslims go, what is their middle ground about what the Jews of Israel should do to the muslims. As well as, what are the stated policies of Trump, the right wing American candidate for Americas presidencies policies.

America is somewhat obsessed with Israel and the Jews. It is hyper critical of Israel and the Jews. Large percentages of the American population either believe that the Jews are the enemies of the non whites of America, or enemies of the white people of America. They are hysterical, and regardless if you examine the administration of Biden or Trump, you will notice that Israel was attacked, with many missiles, and many other ways, and Israel was pressured not to retaliate, despite domestic Israeli support to do more. This has been the case under Trump or Biden.

Most of Americas media does not admit that the American left, or that muslims are racist against Jews, although clear evidence for this is available, but mostly censored in the American media and educational system. They do not admit that the Islamic religion is massively influential among muslims, or that the Islamic religion demands the conquest of the Jews, the koran demands Jews be denied equal rights before the law, that the Islamic religion advocates using violence and deception to achieve that task.

The americans are therefore not capable of recognizing the threat of theocratic islam, especially for the Jews, or not able to support policies that lead to rational security policies in majority numbers, without the topic being shown on their domestic media and education system. As of now, the general public of America, last I checked, supported a cease fire. Allowing hamas to stay in power, in majority numbers. We know that Biden wants a cease fire.

Trump says that he will stop the war when he gets into office. The most likely way he can do that, is by leaving hamas in power. We do not have a good enough press to find out what he means for sure. I didn’t even see his statement about ending the war in gaza make any of the English language Israeli news. He said it to a muslim UFC fighter. We know he used to be a supporter of the two state solution, now he says that is a tough sell. That’s not very clear either. He is intentionally leaving himself room to change his policies, that most likely will be against us after he is elected. Many republicans would not want to hear anti Israel policies like dividing Jerusalem mentioned in the deal of the century.

Israel should not spend the next 5 to 6 months, sending its troops back and forth in Gaza, letting them die, waiting for an American president who will not boycott Israel for occupying Gaza, and defeating hamas. It is silly to pretend that hamas can be defeated, without occupying gaza. No nation is going to send troops into gaza and keep hamas out, with maybe half of the hamas fighters defeated, waiting for the Israelis to leave. According to the Israeli government, a brigade has been destroyed, when its numbers dip below 50%.

Trump could not say that muslim immigrants were bad for America, because the majority of americans, or the balance of power with American interests, result in no negative aspects about islam or muslims, to be possible to mention. They do not recognize that the people of the world think very differently than americans and Europeans do. That is a deeply ingrained phobia, that Jews are not limited to. The American first amendment is a weak deception, like so many laws written but not followed. It will be a considerable change for the white gentiles to finally become aware of the people of the world in more than a superficial manner.

Israel may suffer economic hardship if Biden does the most he can to boycott Israel, and Trump reverses Bidens policies. But there is nothing in Trumps statements, that implies that he would. Additionally, if you look at his talking points during his previous administration, as well as since then, they did not disturb the exposure of arab muslims as deeply anti semetic, they did not expose the koran as hostile to the freedom of the Jewish people, nor did he expose the fraud of the palestinian identity, or Judea, Samaria, Gaza, and east Jerusalem’s previous recognition from America, and most of Europe.

 He is not disturbing the frame work and balance of lies that maintain the rigged state of facts that incriminate the Jews of Israel as serious violators of ‘palestinian’ rights. If you do not know that muslims have consistently rejected peace with Jews, and they have consistently rejected multiculturalism, you are inclined to conclude that both sides have reasonable grievances. The muslims have mass murdered and expelled the Jews from their nations on 25 occasions, denied them equal rights before the law for 1400 years, none of that is clearly stated in the west.

It would be illogical for Israel to wait to defeat hamas and the Gazans, for 6 months, while a candidate who will not say anything that would expose the aggression or immorality of the arab muslims. A candidate who has a history of not doing so.

 It does not make sense, and it raises the question on if Netanyahu and the likud are anti Israel. We can speculate by their comments that they are center right, or even more right wing. But if they do not occupy Gaza, neutralize hezbola, and remove them past the litany river, they are making it clear they don’t have the power to defeat Israels attackers. As well as exposing Israel to an existential threat through the complete break down of all of Israels national borders, as well as internal borders with arab muslim towns. That would make Netanyahu and the likud, radical leftists, and undemocratic.

Delivering the Jews of Israel into bondage and death. In G-d I trust.

Spain, Ireland, Norway, and Slovenia, have the least number of Islamic immigrants, in the shortest period of time.

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