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ד"ר קידר מארח את פרופ' האס: מה האג'נדה הסודית של התרבות האיסלאמית?

בשיחה באולפן טוב בוחנים מוטי קידר ופרופ' האס את תרבות האסלאם והתרבות השיבטית ממנה צמח וכיצד הפלסטינים משתמשים בשנאת ישראל כמכנה משותף לאיחוד השבטים 

בשיחה מרתקת באולפן טוב בוחנים מוטי קידר ופרופ' האס את תרבות האסלאם והתרבות השיבטית ממנה צמח וכיצד הפלסטינים משתמשים בשנאת ישראל כמכנה משותף לאיחוד השבטים

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How can you support multiculturalism if you hate Jews? I get it, people do what they want, but its maddening how bad they are at thinking. The moral standards of every single empire that ever existed seemed to grow worse and worse, as they reached their end. Isn’t that amazing, that peoples opinions would change, at least a substantial enough percentage of the population, that made it no longer possible to be a great nation? I wonder if people were confronted with that fact, if it would make them think that they are not all powerful, and correct in their thinking?

Your children’s love for you, will translate into honor for your virtues and standards. They will remember your demands, even if you cant articulate them. They think pain is bad, standards are bad. But we know so much more than we can articulate. In an existence made up of millions of choices, with some being good, and some being bad, how much do you have to lose by rejecting the advice of your parents, who probably cared more about you than any other people in the world.

If feelings matter so much more than truth, that you can deny what a boy and a girl is in sports, then large parts of our population is probably to hopeless to be counted on to vote rationally.

No muslim majority has ever voted for a Jew or other non muslim, but only Israel is accused of racism, because our critics are racist, and ignorant of their racism. Even hearing that they are racist is withheld from them.

Who can outbreed the less than equal? They are driven by their hatred, their satisfaction with making the women of the more than equal their servants. What do women care? They will serve someone regardless, and they are in denial that a hate filled competition is occurring. They are trying to survive. If we are not going to gain the right to speak the truth, we need a basis to fight for the women. A lessor truth to help society a little. Most of life lives in suffering and pain, and the temptation to compromise is so great.

Having critical thinking skills is not the same as waking up. Waking up is a vague description that implies a radical change from one state of thinking to another. Leftists might imagine that waking up is graduating from hoping for equal opportunity, to realizing that the less than equal were doing all the suffering in capitalism, which is not at all the same as taking care of all americans, it is more akin to burying the lives of some americans, so that others don’t have to deal with upsetting thoughts, or need to expose their real racist natures. Still others might imagine that waking up is realizing Jewish influence, or realizing that the government has far more influence than the law permits, and its owned by the wealthy.

If you take away peoples ability to believe in things, that’s not the same as persuading them to believe in good things. Those are censored as well. If all we can attain is a partial truth, meakly stated, then its better than nothing. Let the people hate the Jews and the government, I would explain things to them more, but if their leaders refuse to allow them knowledge than what can be done?

If the slave master can distract you from getting organized for all the days of your life, he has succeeded in subjugating you.

The Israrli government is often full of shit. It doesn’t matter if you expose the pa, or hamas, or the egyptian tunnels, that america probably knew about. The american media wont report it, and the left dont care.

The left should understand that they do not want the end of the world, and if they do get that, they will try to make it so Jews can be part of the community, otherwise Jews will complain, dislodging the precepts that uphold the world.

Imagine how many Israeli and Jewish girls have died strangled to death, in gentile dungeons, in america, europe and the rest of the world, for the sin of prostitution. All the hate in the world directed at them for being Jews.

If you half the number of palestinian women and children killed by Israel but keep the total the same, your statistic is obviously made up. In G-d I trust.

International law went wrong when the world got a vote. The world is censored in white gentile nations. B"H

In a certain way, the biggest mass murderers in the world are not the evil people, their existence is inevitable, but its the censors who cause the greatest amount of preventable death in the world. They have created this world of lawlessness, where most of the victims of evil cant get help.

The white women, who love dark skinned men, wont let white nations go to war with dark skinned mens nations, regardless what they have done. They have white gentile nations in a stranglehold. The women cant stop them from controlling the community, because the community is ruled by feelings, and their feelings are the strongest. The women control critical percentages of society.

You failed the second you accepted that Jews shouldn’t control Gaza. In G-d I trust.

Im thinking americas government is actually fascist. As Israels right wing religious narrative replace americas left wing censorship, americas government will reveal itself as a tyranny, doing all it can to oppose Israel, and oppress the religious right wing domestically.

Then the american government will reveal truths about the Jews, and the permanence of their inequality, and white gentile inequality, provoking the american people to become majority leftist. In G-d I trust.

Americans are future nazis.

How do we deal with the idea that the american gov does not legitimately represent the american people.

Not guilty of voting for hitler.

There is hatred even among Jews because of inequality. Ashkenaz Jews are thought of as authentic, or less mixed, and are therefore hated by many Mizrahis, leftists and women.

You are missing some words and ideas to help secular americans understand. The truth about morality and justice dont matter to the radical white haters. So, policy is weighed heavily to the left. The pressure is for the Israeli government to cease fire, stop attacking the muslims, as the white haters see it. By putting our people there, by litigating the illegal expulsion, we can force the foreign Israeli government to protect the Jews of Gaza. In G-d I trust.

I wonder what percentage of german muslims think that the money given as restitution to Jewish holocaust survivors should be redistributed to palestinians. In G-d I trust.

Just to see who has gone mad with hate.

Jews were discriminated against until segregation for Jews ended in 1965, and then we got discriminated against under affirmative action and diversity equity and inclusion. So for Jews, systemic American discrimination never ended, first by the American right wing, then by the American left wing. Now they are censoring that we ever were discriminated against under segregation.

Every Jewish Torah student, including the amateurs, should attempt to write a paper, towards the end of their lives. It should express the persons genuine opinions, perspective, and hopefully, give representation to their soul in our time. A Jew should also pick their favorite parts of the Torah, and try to articulate them, lending your skill to our oral Torah. This can be done on video or audio at this time. Although paper is safer in certain ways.

Might makes right is the law of the world without G-d.

Jews have sacrificed buckets of blood, educating the white gentiles over thousands of years. They inherently benefit from white gentiles being aware of who they are, respecting themselves, and having reasonable attitudes towards others, including the Jews.

Many white gentiles dont want to live in a world of justice where Jews are on top, and so they support tyranny and authoritarianism, so they can mischaracterize what the reality is.

White gentile nations can fall to the non whites and low birth rates slowly, or quickly. Quickly is more educational. They are attempting to force an understanding, as well as other motivations. Some motives are moral, others are not. Some are complicated. In G-d I trust.

Its kind of amazing, the women dominate the men, but they are completely wrong about racial inequality, violence, war and crime. So, society crumbles as long as it doesn’t stand up to the women. That is what G-d has made.

Its good to remember the importance of family, and having children, even if you live under a dictatorship. But lets not pretend that a dictatorship is not able to destroy your ability to have a family, or the vast majorities of the peoples ability to have a family, or the poor, or the middle class, if they are targeted by the wealthy. Sweeping generalizations help humble critics, and give voice to the downtrodden. But, lets remember, G-d controls the world, the forces of good always have some influence, and they often have a great deal of influence, enabling us to succeed and have successful lives.

 Human kind appears to be confronted with gigantic taboos, that seems to be unleashing the long spoken about end times. Human kind has avoided confronting racial inequality, as well as Jewish inequality. Today with the level of intelligence of the people, their ability to see what is not being said, meager as it might be, means that awareness of the Jews and racial inequality, are unlikely. So the traditional minor, regionalized blood lettings are seemingly not possible. This induces strains on society such as have never been seen before.

Perhaps the level of education and ideas pushed by Israels leaders are credited, despite being censored. Perhaps their level of holiness is as well.

There is this generational aspect to morality, which doesn’t make sense, or seem fair, although we inherit an evil world. Being promiscuous is wrong, in a time of race war, and war between good and evil, and great confusion and suffering. We should understand the plight of the women, accept her inequalities, and rescue her. But when I was a kid, I never heard why promiscuity was wrong, not in school, not in books, not in Synagogue. So the original sin must have occurred generations ago, and we were stuck in the time of that test being censored. Perfection is not natural, nor is super intelligence maintainable by our elites, who are more deficient than that. So a societal standard is not possible in any imagination. Other than blind faith? Not even. Whats wrong with concluding that illegitimate white gentile rule is incapable of embracing and maintaining reasonable standards. Some standards are bountiful, others maintain your survival, and others are self destructive. In the empire of ignorance and censorship, all the elites strive for is to slow down the collapse, or to try to entrap human kind.

I wonder if the west, aka the white gentiles, have ever struggled against their women in history before. I am not sure if the Jews have either. Outside persecution has always been so massive, that it was less necessary to deal with Jewish females leftist fanaticism. Its still strikes me as wild at how devoid of thought so many leftists are, that they would allow pre teens to sterilize themselves, because they have been convinced by their evil schools that they are of the opposite gender.

The problem with all of these conversations about the war in Gaza, is that they don’t talk enough about the Jews. There are all kinds of things you can talk about, how to fight wars, casualties, iran, terrorism, international law and more. But its really all a talk about the Jews. None of the other stuff matters, nobody cares about international law pertaining to the 800,000 dead in Ukraine, or the 500,000 dead and 12 million refugees in Syria, or the 250,000 dead Yemenits. Don’t care about iran, or proportionality, don’t care about human rights laws, don’t bother asking how many people have been displaced, or how many homes have been destroyed in Ukraine. It’s the Jews, its all a conversation about the Jews.

Do the motives of the western government, aka the western empire run by the wealthy, or the gang, press the people of the west to be more leftists, or are white gentiles more leftist than the media admits? The tv is so stupid its hard to tell. The left are certainly more passionate, they were in control before the Jews and they were conquered by the non whites since long ago, so yes, the west is way more leftist, more passionately leftist, than the media admits.

The media claims most people aren’t racist, but look at the palestinians, claiming to be philistines, a people who looked differently than they did who disappeared 2500 years ago. Besides the fact that this amazing rules that are permitted to critics of Jews, imagine if the people of the appellation called themselves after the Indians who had sovereign land there. People would say they are disqualified because they are white, and the Indians were oriental people.

Whats the point of rebuilding, if radical Islamic Jew hatred, hasn’t been recognized, or condemned? If the muslims of gaza and other parts of Israel still support hamas, and its objectives of attacking the Jews, then they will succeed in doing so, causing themselves to be attacked again.

more than 50% of Americans think accusations against Trump are political. In G-d I trust.

Things make more sense if you think of the shareholders and the Connecticut judge as a part of the same company, and Mr Musk as part of a competing faction, negotiating terms. In G-d I trust.

Technically, A self hating Jew also hates their own people. Not just themselves. Perhaps hating their identity is a better description. Popularity, society, the media, combine to be to much for some minds to withstand.

The jihadis act like savages against non muslims, but you should remind muslims that groups like the touregs, other north African groups, do kidnap muslim women, and force them to marry them. They will always use the excuse that you are not muslim enough, and use it to attack you, and your government, destroying your standard of living.

Will Israel develop its own AI chatbox? What opinion will it have about white people, Jews, and muslims? It will probably depict America well.

Think of the palestinians as a buffer for Jews attaining human rights.

Shows you what a strange world we live in, where half of the people of the west seem to be oblivious to the reality that muslims are still racist against Jews in massive numbers, where most Jews do believe in tolerance and mutual respect. How can you not know that Israel faces massive illegitimate criticism because they are Jews?

Who says G-d did not plan for us to conquer the leftist mind? We are supposed to cover the entire world with knowledge of G-d.

America has never had free speech, but many americans talk as if it has, especially when you point out how America hasn’t been that good to the Jews in the free speech department.

Just because a minority of good looking white gentile women are dumb and immoral, doesn’t make them bad partners, and bad mothers. But if a majority of them are ignorant and evil, then its appropriate to make weeping generalizations about them. It is your failing, if you cant tell the difference between a smart good looking woman and a dumb one, or a moral good looking white woman and an immoral one. A separate factor to be measured, is white gentiles and Jews struggling with the difference between judging bad brown people, bad brown governments, and religions, and judging all brown people as incapable of civilized behavior. Proper sophistication would be able to measure individual outliers, and common behavior.

I wonder what percent of married Jewish and gentile men, lie to their wives about their belief in racial equality.

Gantz timed his removal of support for the Israeli government, precisely with the Biden administrations, requirement to force Israel to surrender land before Trump gets into office.

G-d is the inventor of racism.

They have videos talking about the epa making small fuel efficient cars illegal. Why would the rich people who run the American government want to do that?

24 times more likely to die than car drivers is actually insanely high. I wonder what the number is for riders with helmets, who were no drunk, but it sounds like its still going to be a to high number. In G-d I trust.

We cant defend the Ashkenaz from the Mizrachi.

If some crazy Jew was to blow up the al aqsa mosque, he could force the billionaires to expose themselves, and defend the Jews.

What this debate about the existence of biological boys and girls in sports, and the fat acceptance movement, and the climate change without debate shows us, is that large percentages of people in the west are not very smart, the idea of helping, kindness, and other simplistic leftist mantras are very strong, and massively impervious to logic.

The debate in Israel is if to stay in Gaza, or will more Israeli troops die if we don’t leave. Completely detached from the narrative that does not acknowledge that muslims are a threat, that needs to be defended from, with deadly force. They still censor the fact that the elected muslims in the Israeli Knesset have overwhelmingly been hostile citizens of Israel, supporting terrorism, violence Israelis, sabotage, and overthrow of the Israeli government.

Perhaps Israels military, media and political policy towards arab muslims, is more based on Israels acceptance of American domination, and the resulting balance of power between Israel, the people of the world which America represents.

Hamas releases video of bloody Israeli girl hostages, and the international community calls for punishing the Jews. Either the entrenched powers of this world are very hostile to Jews, or the Jewish people is very inclined to cowardliness, and support for their own enslavement. Jews are not as impressive as many think they are, especially Jewish women.

The vast majority of the people, are small in their thinking, they don’t like thinking about unpleasant things, they don’t want to know that societies and nations can lie to themselves, because they like thinking popular things. Do you think most americans and Europeans like thinking that they believe lies that are causing their nations to perish?

You are mistaken, either Israel rules the gaza strip, or hamas does. In G-d I trust.

Just trying to find the wording for making the choice to save your own mind, rather than submit to the lies, and become entrapped. For sure if we had the productivity and intelligence, to identify the good, the social skills to befriend them, and the time and energy to become wealthy then we would. But most of us dont have options to achieve everything yet. In G-d I trust.

Trump doesn’t have ideological reasons to be anti Israel and anti Jewish, like Biden and the rest of the DEI left. But, he is still inclined to be a fair weather friend, and like his deal of a century, he already shows signs of being willing to throw the Jews under the bus, if popular opinion goes in a direction he doesn’t like.

Indias modi may not have done as well as they hoped. Islams war on the hindus will continue, but I suppose as long as the media keeps censoring the issue, the suffering rate is not great enough for the Indian people. I wonder how hindu crime rates compare to white gentiles and orientals.

We Jews don’t need war. We don’t want innocent people to be hurt, but we believe the Israeli government that they are not intentionally killing civilians. Why should Jews want war? If there is peace, we can compete economically, and we Jews will come out on top, we will have the per capita highest success rates in the whole world, we will have the richest nation in the world, if we are allowed to work in peace. You think that makes us violently angry, when so many people are desperate for an excuse to pick a fight with us?

I don’t agree that financial privilege of some Jews, is worth being denied a right to my identity, or being exposed to the hatred of huge masses of jealous people, being attacked by substantial percentages of the American population, and having those attacks on us covered up.

The system uses some language that is like diplomacy speak, for instance, Canada complained about an Indian murder I think, and the American democratic government complained about a Turkish journalist killed by the Saudis. I don’t feel I know what the heck is going on over these events. I guess manipulations are being made, but they are meaningless to me. I think a large part of the population feels the same way I do.

Its true that criticizing Israel doesn’t make you a nazi, but treating Israel differently than your criticisms of islam, does make you biased, and in most cases, justifies being called a racist.

Some children are born evil, but the vast majority are not.

When you hate the Jews badly, you stop saying what is rational, and you only say they are bad, at every opportunity. So they can be capitalists, or communists, etc.

Inequality doesn’t encapsulate what the moral people of G-d represent in the minds of leftists, who mostly think they are good people. A shinning example of how their morals, and those of their community, are deficient, is a threat to their entire value system, and identity. We may dislike the fact that humans only see the fault of the kings, the president, the rich, and their leaders. But that is how humans are, billions of south americans, africans and Asians watch soap operas and news made by white people, because they are prejudice against their own people, in favor of intelligence, beauty, skin color, and Jews.

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