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האם נתניהו יצליח להביא הישגים מהביקור בארה"ב?

ההיסטוריון ד"ר שי הר צבי בראיון עם אלעזר שטרום על המתווה לעסקת החטופים ועל ההישגים שיכול להביא איתו נתניהו מהביקור בארה"ב

ד"ר שי הר צבי היסטוריון מאוניברסיטת רייכמן אומר בשיחה עם אלעזר שטרום: המצב אליו נקלענו סבוך ונורא. כולם רוצים לראות את החטופים בבית אבל עסקה עם חמאס היא דבר מאוד לא בטוח. החמאס ארגון טרור מתועב, נבזה ושקרן. ראינו כבר בעסקאות קודמות, שהם לא שחררו את כמות החטופים שעליהם הוסכם. סביר להניח שעסקה עכשיו שכוללת חלק מהחטופים, תמנע עסקה נוספת בעתיד לשחרור השאר, ולמרות זאת אני חושב שאין לנו אפשרות אחרת.  לדברי הר צבי נתניהו יכול להביא מביקורו בוושינגטון מתווה סגור לעסקת חטופים, לקדם תוכנית ליום שאחרי המלחמה, לשקם את היחסים עם ארה"ב וכמובן לחשוב מה עושים עם האיום האירני.

ערוץ ToV אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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Why, the majority of NATO countries, are mostly Jew haters, white haters, and muslim lovers.

The media is covering up the scale and the magnitude of the impact of the failure of multiculturalism to protect the lives of Jews, and end racism for all. We are talking about the end of the Jewish American way of life. Years of study, years of building businesses, fortunes saved for patiently, all simultaneously loosing their legitimacy. An entire way of life ending. Assimilated families collapsing. The American people no longer believe in multiculturalism. The only thing protecting the Jews is the remnants of those multiculturalists, some Christians, and the few who know, completely outside the media, how massive the Jewish economic and liberty influence is.

The other more nefarious issue is, that many leftist know, if you cover up hate crimes, if you cover up murder, if you cover up genocide, the reality is, its almost as if it never happened. American leftists may not admit it to themselves, but they do vote for leaders who support censoring so called Jewish racists. Those leaders know what they have been hired for, they understand that their voters will be destroyed by the desensitization of the taboo against criticizing non whites, and they have their wealthy donors, who want to end democracy, so that they can protect their vast fortunes and sources of revenue, which the people will certainly seize and reallocate, if democracy and freedom of the press were to continue to be allowed to exist.

The west definitely plays the character of the excuser of the rapist of the Jews, the enabler of muslim violence against Jews.

Considering that we just had a worldwide internet crackdown, and actual articles, saying that the instability of the internet is a reason why totally digital currencies are a bad idea, it is no surprise that big techs stock value has declined. This happens at the same time when the biggest internet security company in Israel was in negotiations from google to be bought, for 23 billion dollars, which failed to achieve an agreement, and while Trump announced he would make America a giant holder of bitcoin.

If the people of the world are tolerant, and not racist or racist against Jews, then that’s wonderful, Israel doesn’t need a bigger army than other nations have, Israel doesn’t need more stringent security policies, or more critical conversations. Jews can compete economically, and intellectually, for influence, and for all the middle management positions us Jews are qualified for. Our women, and our men will benefit regardless of their achievement levels, for being of the people who produce so many successful men, and it will all happen peacefully.

 The Jewish Torah which has been copied by so many will be proven wrong, because gentiles are not liars or racial supremacists. There is never a reason for Jews to force any security policies, or to honor any past declarations about greater Israel. Because we were confused, the gentiles are good people now.

I will take the other bet, that the gentiles are liars now, like they have always been, as is their media. Supremacists who lie about it all. 800 military bases worldwide, and not a single nation has ever voted to remove Americas bases? I claim you are all liars.


I believe there is a way to weigh every idea, and see which idea outweighs another in which circumstance. I believe G-d wants the wise to rule over the foolish, and more importantly, the good to rule over the evil. In this way we can know what choices should be made, and what rights should be allocated to which people. Just because the people of the world are on different levels as a group, does not mean that we cannot determine what the right morality is.

 The americans representing a blockade of ignorance and evil, is of little consequence, it is a foolish challenge, requiring censorship and massive ignorance to maintain their system of government and narrative.

War is in the realm of evil, and we can go deep into the depths of hell, in order to establish the dominance of the good and wise over the evil and foolish.

The effect of being in large groups is very powerful on humans of every sort. In our anger, and desire to prove ourselves, and differentiate ourselves, we forget how dangerous we can appear to our lone target. In G-d I trust.

Is it not safe to assume, that all the boycotts of settler checking accounts will end in 4 months when Trump is re elected? I don’t assume it, but it would be good for Israelis to get their hopes up.


 There may come a time of stagnation. It feels like we may be in such a situation with hamas, hezbola and iran. Where what needs to be done seems obvious, and yet we cant discuss it, and we cant initiate the correct security disposition that Israel needs to have in relation to the muslim middle east. We are having difficulty conveying the knowledge of the seriousness of the threat of the muslim hatred of Jews, its persistence, to the people of Israel. Without control of the Israeli media, and Israeli schools, we may not be able to pass the democratic threshold.

We should all think about our world, that is mostly dominated by evil, and the influence that evil banks will be able to exert on events, until we can liberate them all. Sufficiently to create our nation of G-d.

Arab muslims kill hundreds of thousands of black africans, the western left does not care.

She is looking for a reason to attack you and claim you are bad. Take it from us Jews, we have literally spent hundreds of years hearing stupid attacks, which have morphed into modern statements like everybody cant be wrong, or there must have been a reason. Yes, they literally claimed we had horns according to historical accounts, or were waging biological warfare, against the people we lived with, or claimed Jews were bad for the economy, or robbed people of their freedoms, or killed jesus. I have heard Douglas Murray say that show me what you hate the Jews for, and I will show you your sin. Its probably true, I bet that those who claim Jews support tyranny, are often tyrannical themselves. What induces a man to see darkness where there is light? Maybe he just doesn’t want to accept inequality?

 We know the tone and type of questions. Yes, it is because they are bad, champions of ignorance, I would guess this particular woman is. They are not self aware, they only have a thought in their head, a feeling, it has little depth, being liked, being popular, being agreeable, that is the language of this type of female leftist, usually, but not always. Your advocating for right wing ideas, which make people upset, which is all that she needs to know. In G-d I trust.

Agree to surrender to the demands of the americans who have been colluding with hamas through Qatar, who obviously influence Israeli generals massively. Because Israeli generals and professionals, never lied or misled the people of Israel, as if we are not in a fight to win this war, with the minds of many of the people of Israel being unclear. You are the scumbags. You could have been honest that the threats are real, that we are not in control of the Israeli government, that pressure could work, and our insistence to keep fighting is the only thing on the planet that will remove hamas from controlling gaza. In G-d I trust.

The rich and powerful, sometimes the traitorous, have been opening the gates to cities under siege for thousands of years, according to their interests. The biggest question of our time, is are the Jewish people willing to stand up to the muslims, say we recognize that you are an enemy, that you are a threat, and we will implement permanent or long term restrictions on you, enforced by the Jewish people and nation, the only nation on earth willing to identify the issue, and confront it. In the middle of that test, conducted by the wealthy people in charge, in the middle of that battle of minds and wills, you want to accept a cease fire? Why censor these concerns? Because you work for the adversaries of the Jewish people. In G-d I trust.

Followed up with predictable Candice Owens, what a two step. Poison with sugar on top.

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