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המסר של רמי דוידיאן לעם ישראל: "אנחנו צריכים אמונה"

רמי דוידיאן יוצא בקריאה לעם להתחזק באמונה ולהרבות באהבת חינם

רמי דוידיאן, במסר חזק לאומה, מדגיש את הצורך בפעולה במקום בדיבורים. הוא קורא לחיבור הלבבות ולהרבות בנתינה ובאהבת חינם. בעיניו, כשיש אמון הדדי זה מחזק את העוצמה, והמציאות הופכת ליותר ניתנת להתמודדות. הוא משתף בחוויה אישית שבה, בזמן חילוץ פצועים בשטח, הרים עיניו וביקש עזרה מבורא עולם. באופן פלאי, הוא מציין, נתגלה אליו מסוק ששימש כמצפן וסייע לו במבצע החילוץ, מה שמדגיש את האמונה והעזרה העליונה שליוותה אותו.

ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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1 יום לפני


The way the Arab Muslims currently see Israel, does not allow overlapping borders with the Jewish nation, it does not permit the continuation of made up land disputes against Israel. It does not permit lying about Muslim rejection of Jewish equal rights before the law in 1948, rejection of peaceful coexistence, democracy and multiculturalism. Arab Muslims will not accept large scale Jewish impositions of security policies, they don’t agree to hunt terrorists at all.
Not the Arab Muslim people. The American and European media may be happy, to get some Muslim representative, trained in diplomacy, calling for a two state solution, but the vast majority of Arab Muslims support continuing the war against the Jews, at any cost.
The people of a nation heavily influence the government. The governments of the Arab Muslims, be they hamas, or protected, unelected palestinian authority, do not even say they support hunting down terrorists for the Israelis. All we are hearing are single voices, perhaps representatives of the PA government, making statements to leftist Americans, Europeans, and Israelis, that have nothing to do with their entire belief system, government, and community. It is a terrible, unrepresentative, weak lie, and it must end for Israel to have real security. In G-d I trust.

14 שעות לפני

Mixed reactions as Yeshiva university, which settles their lawsuit in America, and accepts LGBT club. Mixed reactions according to our radical leftist media, equals overwhelming opposition to having an LGBT club, in a religious school, whose religion opposes LGBT sex and relationships. Our entire religion was established by A man named Avraham, who realized there was a G-d, that there was right and wrong, that it could be applied to every aspect of a persons life, including their sexuality.
 We should argue against LGBT relationships and sex, and as the story of Avraham, the first Jews life told, fight against LGBT supporting fascists. Angels of G-d literally descended from heaven to the towns of Sodom and Gemora, cities that celebrated LGBT sex and relationships, and they destroyed them, while Avraham saved his nephew Lot from the doomed city.
How much more evidence do you need to prove that religious freedom does not really exist in America. An endless expression of female revulsion to G-d and His discriminatory and unchangeable laws. You can dress like your ancestors, you can celebrate the holidays they did, but you are not allowed to agree with the religious convictions that they held. Or implement the laws they wrote in our Torah. The ones that the vast majority of Jewish Temples still believe in. Accommodation of LGBT supporters completely contradicts the professed beliefs of the vast majority of Jews.
Notice this is happening while Trump is in office. While many right wing and religious people are asleep. They do not stop pushing homosexuality. Part of it is because Trump hugged the rainbow flag. He claims to be the best at everything, which causes many right wing religious people to hesitate speaking out against him.
Its hard to tell who the fascists are, leftist people, or leftist leaders, but what difference does it make. They violate our rights. We should express our disgust, and undermine their vile moral framework, to the best degree we are able. Remember when they claim that we are being intolerant, and discriminatory, that they care nothing for our rights, they do not tolerate our beliefs, our most basic claim that right and wrong can exist in all parts of a persons life. Nothing for the rights of your children to avoid being indoctrinated to self destructive behaviors.
 Leftist forces in America might be to strong, to enable a clear identification of LGBT relationships as unhealthy for a persons mind and soul. But it is our responsibility to fight against tyrannical imposers of deviancy under the guise of toleration and multiculturalism, as best we can. In G-d I trust.
We do not give drug addicts the opportunity to form clubs, to generate an environment of acceptance for their unhealthy behaviors. Having a genetic inclination does not mean that you should indulge it. We are all inclined to eating sweet and fatty foods that are unhealthy for us. We see in history, that the natural revulsion to homosexuality, keeps it as an extreme minority, and the removal of that opposition and revulsion causes homosexuality to become so rampant, that it overtakes most of society, and causes its utter destruction.
 Who says we have to be crippled by our inclination towards compassion? who says our society must be dominated by emotion? So what if many females irrationally and relentlessly disapprove of judging others, and condemning sexual deviancy? Many female opinions are directly associated with their own behaviors not moral standards, they mindlessly fight for whats in their best interest, showing no signs of caring about truth or justice. Men can have ideals, and convictions, practice condemnation for mostly destructive behaviors, and the survival of a civilization is built on that critical ability. Our cause is just, and our enemy is immoral and ignorant.

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