סגור את תיבת החיפוש

מרב מיכאלי מקדמת את חוק הגזענות?!

כמה שניות מנאומה של ח"כ מרב מיכאלי מספיקות כדי להבין כמה נחוץ לחוקק כאן את חוק הגזענות

פלאש 90

ח"כ יעקב אשר לא יכולל היה לבקש מסע הסברה יעיל יותר לטובת הצעתו אודות "חוק הגזענות", כלומר שהסתה נגד חרדים תחשב לעבירה פלילית.

ח"כ מרב מיכאלי במספר שניות של שנאת חרדים יוקדת מוכיחה עד כמה חשוב לחוקק את החוק הזה,

כפי שמסביר לאחר דבריה, ח"כ יעקב אשר.


ערוץ ToV אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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1 שנה לפני

למה רק החרדים? גזענות יש כלפי שמאלנים..מרוקאים..תימנים ימניים וכדומה.. חוק מיותר ומפגר..

1 שנה לפני

I love reading and engaging with your materials; however, I have an issue with this particular one. Firstly, let's address the headline. Claiming that one can't learn ANYTHING from a few seconds of listening is misleading. Such a statement can make you appear foolish, shallow, and disconnected from the way people consume news today, often leading to misinformation. The truth is, many individuals do form their opinions based on heavily edited snippets that fit a particular narrative. This approach is incredibly dangerous!

If I had come across your publication for the first time and encountered such a headline, I would have been reluctant to return. It's crucial to understand how people consume news and how snippets can shape their perspectives. Misrepresenting this reality can create a disconnect between your publication and its readers.

Secondly on to the topic of laws and freedom of speech, I firmly believe that no law should restrict freedom of speech, even hate speech. The challenge lies in determining who should act as the arbitrator, deciding what is hateful or racist and what is not. Introducing laws that limit any kind of speech sets us on a treacherous path.

As a resident of the United States, I am deeply concerned about the current climate here. In certain places, expressing objective truths, such as acknowledging that a boy is a boy and a girl is a girl, can now be considered racist. This chilling effect on free speech is alarming. In our neighboring country, Canada, individuals can face severe consequences, including fines and jail time, for making similar statements. It is imperative that we carefully consider the implications before endorsing any form of speech limitation.

Before advocating for restrictions on speech, I urge you to thoroughly contemplate and deeply ponder the consequences of such actions. The changing landscape of free speech demands careful examination, as statements of objective truths can sometimes be misconstrued. Let's ensure we think critically and thoroughly before
venturing down this dangerous path.

"Unless a speech explicitly incites physical harm towards others, it should be allowed. The collective judgment of the people should serve as the arbitrator in determining what is considered hateful and what is not. While we may have differing opinions on this matter, it is crucial that we never impose limitations on speech itself. Open dialogue allows for the free exchange of ideas, even those we may strongly disagree with, like the one displayed here by Merav Michaely

Last edited 1 שנה לפני by Shmulik
1 שנה לפני
הגב ל  Shmulik

"By the way, the presence of individuals like Merit Michaely and their ideologies played a significant role in reconnecting me with my Jewish roots and tightening it. It motivated me to make the journey back to Israel in November and cast my vote for Bibi.

If someone had merely described her ideology, I would have dismissed it as fiction, as it seemed too surreal to be true. However, by allowing her the freedom to express herself, I had the opportunity to witness it firsthand and form my own beliefs based on what I saw
You do not want to have what we have in the
United States and you have to stop it and use every legal means to do it.

The ability to observe and make personal judgments is invaluable. It empowers us to choose what we believe, rather than relying solely on hearsay or secondhand information. Thus, granting individuals the freedom to speak their minds is crucial for fostering understanding and individual exploration.

1 שנה לפני

עצוב לנו ואבוי לנו שהגענו עד הלום
רק מצדיק מוכיח שאין שום קשר למגילת העצמאות ולא לערכיה וכל הכוונה היית פריקת עול מצוות והקמת יהדות חדשה ועל זה נאמר
העולה על רוחכם לא יהיה

1 שנה לפני

מהבת של משת״ף עם הגרועים שבנאצים, אין מה לצפות

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