סגור את תיבת החיפוש

מטריד: הקשר שלא סיפרו לכם בין אבו מאזן לנאצים

ד"ר מוטי קידר וד"ר מור אלטשולר מדברים על מנהיגים פלסטינים שעזרו לנאצים לאתר ולהשמיד יהודים במלחמת העולם השניה, ועל ההשראה שאירגוני הטרור הפלסטינים מקבלים מהתורה הנאצית

ד"ר מוטי קידר וד"ר מור אלטשולר מדברים על דברי הקב"נית שקראה לחיילי חטיבת אלכסנדרוני "אוכלי מוות". ברל כצלנסון כבר אמר ב-1936 שליהודים יש מחלת נפש שגורמת להם לשנוא עצמם ולאהוב את האויב. לדבריה יש קשר מהותי בין התנועה הנאצית, לתנועה הפלסטינית שקמה בארץ ישראל. גם בטבח ה-7/10 ראינו קו תאולוגי משותף בין החמאס לנאציזם שבא לידי ביטוי בהשחטת גופות ובהתעללות שמחקה את אנושיות היהודים. השריפה הרצח והאונס של הנוחבות הזכירו את הפוגרומים באירופה.

ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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6 חודשים לפני


Multiculturalism and peaceful coexistence have failed. They failed under the boot of islam, but it failed before islam, as a result of multiculturalism’s inability to deal with hatred over inequality, illegitimacy, freedom of speech, and equal rights for all people. We the Jewish people of Israel, are the only people with access to the media, that are discussing the issue of multiculturalism’s failure. As a part of that discussion, we will determine what the next best steps to take are, from the current security and morality paradigm, to the next step in protecting Jews and other people, from those who are filled with such hatred over inequality, that they reject peaceful coexistence and multiculturalism.

It is a journey that the nation of Israel takes alone. Although there are some brave americans and Europeans who are willing to talk about these issues, establish media beachheads, and form political action groups, the nations of the west at this time are overwhelmingly dominated by forces that advocate avoiding recognizing the ongoing threat of islam to Israel and the non muslims of the world. The influence of these forces are such that they relegate the west’s policies and influence to a constant call for the Jews of Israel not to defend themselves perpetually, demanding that Jews cease fire, while not demanding that the arab muslims stop their attacks to establish their real desire for peace. America distorts the media to the majority of the wests population, essentially entrapping the people of the west, and making their liberation through discourse a long term effort.

Getting used to the fact that a mostly brown people exist, who are racist, and supremacist, expansionist, and willing to commit almost any form of human rights offenses, is a long term project for America, that may require need in order to gain acceptance, assuming they are not permanently inclined towards compassion and pity for arab muslims to a degree that they are incapable of defending themselves and their allies from them. It is not within Israels power at this time to alter the public opinion of America. To much of America is enraged at peoples it considers more successful than average. To many white American women are angry at white American men, who are going to be associated with Jews, since most American Jews are white.

American demographics are also shifting in the direction of permanent hostility to Jews, from the democracy perspective.

The people of Israel, and their government must take their security into their own hands, or face the inevitable consequences of entrusting their security to an America that does not care enough if Israel survives, is in denial about how many americans want Israel to fail, as well as being in denial about an arab muslim threat existing.

When you realize that multiculturalism is not going to solve the conflicts that the people of the world have with one another, a new security posture and policy naturally become the question. I believe that once you ask yourself that question it will become clear that islam will continue to war with Israel for a long time, and if muslims in Gaza, Judea, or Samaria, are permitted to choose their own leadership, they will choose the biggest Jew haters available. The americans will censor all breaks in policy and narratives against multiculturalism for a very long time as well, and that is assuming they change course before they become an leftist authoritarian dictatorship first. In G-d I trust.

6 חודשים לפני

חסר לכם עוד פרט אחד בפאזל – יש גם נאצים בתוך המדינה (וגם בתוך עם ישראל)
קוראים לזה 5 כתות של ערב רב. עיין באריז"ל שמדבר על זה.
אני חושב שיש לכם כיוון מעניין אבל עדיין הרבה סברות ופחות ידיעה השואבת מן המקורות.

6 חודשים לפני

Only A Jewish man can tell you certain things.

Maybe Kursk is only a distraction, I cant even find out in a google search, how man ukranian troops there are in kursk.

In a way there is no point in blessing the white gentile race, or America, because for now, they seemingly would use any power they have to fight for evil and ignorance.

Imagine the emotional state your biology would have to compel you to feel, if you growled at people who knew you, and hissed at them, people who probably raised you, every time you seen them. The cats thoughts are probably very dark, while the cat does not attack those who care for it, so far. As far as we know. In G-d I trust.

Interesting propaganda, but since palestine was literally made up, I suppose manipulating the emotions of Jew haters is acceptable. In G-d I trust.

The people in charge make sure that the white gentiles have a choice, to hate Jews or not to. I advocate for less ignorance and censorship, but it appears that they will be permitted to believe stupid things if they wish. Which means no inescapable truths perhaps. As of right now, americans don’t know for sure if Jews are to blame, or they are good or bad, they need to choose.

My sense of history I read implies that in white homogenous nations, as well as multiculturalist nations, the stress of racial inequality always succumbed to morals and standards being disregarded. The rules of permanent inequality being to hard for white gentiles to accept. Very possibly Jews as well.

The majority of the population might have thought in terms of centrist thoughts, but it was not universal, it was not even all the time for most centrists. Like watching the American debate on stopping racist dei and affirmative action. Most support getting rid of it, many of them do so for the benefit to their race, but those who believe that DEI and AA are immoral are tormented by the vast majority that knows that racial inequality exists, and must be concealed.

Even if ‘they’ win and get rid of it, they will lose because then it will become obvious that inequality persists. It is good quality progress. In G-d I trust.

6 חודשים לפני

פרופ'.משה שרון ממחיש את התנהגות הכפולה של המוסלמים, כאשר הוא הזמין תלמיד ירדני אחרי הסכם שלום, הירדני סירב להזמנה ואמר לפרופ.: יש הסכם בין מדינות, אבל אין הסכם בין עמים.

6 חודשים לפני

בגלל שהעם הנבחר שוכח מעצמו, אז האומות מזכירים לו שעם ישראל חי, אפילו שהוא רוצה ההפך, מזכירים לו מעצמו, החיות שלו. אם לא האומות היו מתבוללים. חבל שעל טיפשות משלמים בצער.

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