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ההשפעה הקטלנית של הפרוגרס על מדינת ישראל! האם תישאר מדינה יהודית?

כלי בת חורין בשיחה עם ד"ר מורדי בן חמו על חדירת הפרוגרס לישראל, וההשלכות שלו על כל מה שסובב אותנו

גלי בת חורין וד"ר מורדי בן חמו משוחחים על חדירת תפיסות פרוגרס קיצוניות לישראל. הפרוגרס מביא לרמיסת הלאומניות. ככל שתנסה להזיז אדם מזהותו הוא יהפוך לאומני יותר. בישראל יש תהיך "החלנה" נסיון להפטר מכל מה שמריח מיהדות. יש בארץ אליטות שטוענות כי הן יודעות מהי דמוקרטיה ומהו מוסר, כשתפיסת המוסר שלהם אוניברסלית ללא כל קשר ליהדות. הן מביעות דאגה גדולה יותר לזכויות אדם מאשר לזכויות האזרח הישראלי. הטענה של הקפלניסטים שהם שומרי הסף של הדמוקרטיה צבועה. הם קוראים לעצמם פלורליסטים אבל בפועל בזים לכל מי שלא חושב כמוהם.

ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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5 חודשים לפני

התמונה של התנועה ליהדות מתקדמת , חחחח
הנה מודל הפרוגרס שהמדינה תשאר מדינה יהודית? חחחח. כל הכבוד על הומור.

5 חודשים לפני

I think this realm of political vague speak that we are currently living through is not easy to navigate for most people. I have faith that G-d will grant us victory over it, but what we are trying to expose, in order to end it seems inherently flawed. Our people are inclined to vague thinking themselves, all of our guiding teaching are based on determining an individuals integrity, which is not useful, in a contest where almost all politicians are speaking vaguely. They few politicians who speak ‘strongly’ not clearly, do not explain themselves, guaranteeing their defeat. It is as if the scenario is designed to permit our people to suffer so much that in their rage, they choose the politician who speaks strongly, but not clearly. Saving the regime from ever having to lift a finger, or spend much money.

Some problems have no solutions. Not having a path through which we can communicate and debate, means we are at the mercy of our leadership. Vague speaking politicians in America and Israel, means they offer us the path of greatest suffering. Second to damnation. I imagine they might be enthralled by their tricks, their ability to double speak, to say the opposite and be understood by some. But that is not leadership, nor is that victory for a people who struggle with clarity themselves. A spectrum of intellect and morality.

For instance, you rebut Harris’s lack of clarity with a claim that they should hang their heads in shame, for supposedly choosing the wrong path. In an article complaining about the lack of moral clarity. But then you do not lay out the case that human beings can lie, brown people can be selfish, anger over racial inequality has transfixed a majority of the people of the world, and compelled them to support evil over good, in their minds in order to avoid a greater cruelty, of living with the shame of racial inequality.

Perhaps the scale of the omitted facts have deflected your support, but consider more precise information the public would benefit from having, pertaining to the immorality of perpetuating attempts at hostage negotiations. A people, such as the arab muslims, whose identity is facing the exposure of their inequality, who is aware of inequality, and does not believe in equality, will be very radically opposed to peace with the unequal Jews. I went radical again, let me try again.

The vast majority of arab muslims do not have access to freedom of speech. They live under tyrannical governments, that censor their internet, and completely control their tv and schools, institutions of great power and influence among the population. Europe no longer has much of a right wing media. Most of Europe does not speak English, and therefore, does not have access to English speaking internet, or has reduced access to English speaking internet. So the majority of the arab muslims of Europe, a vast population is being fed left wing media, that believes in selling out the Jews, and allowing the muslims to express their feelings of anger over inequality, just so long as they are able to not attack Europeans.

They are self deceiving, self deluded, and they believe their made up stories about a palestinian nation, and to some degree, about the Jewish people not having any connection to Israel, or Jerusalem, which has been officially rejected by the united nations.

Facts of importance, there are boundaries of discourse where communication of truth are no longer possible. There are motivations more important to many peoples of the world of greater import than truth and justice. They will have an entire circus of media supporting the lies that they prefer. When a people embrace a state of war, that commitment is very strong, it includes the interests of the community, in all its various facets, which is able to perceive the importance of fighting foreign enemies. Even Jewish ones, who contribute so much economically and from a perspective of rights. What does it matter if Jews celebrating their achievements without being censored, cause people to realize arab muslim inequality, compelling them to live in shame? A motive of far greater importance than wealth and freedom, which is unproven in the minds of arab muslims.

Generations of people have gone to war, not because they wanted to, but because they were not able to avoid it. If you get angry enough, if you feel justified enough, then war crimes become acceptable. It is very unlikely that the cowardly west, that is unwilling to confront arab muslims, or say anything to them to contradict their thinking or beliefs, will be able to avoid their radicalization, which will lead to war. They are fighting a race war, they want to defend their pain, they want to be in charge, they want to rule over Jews and white people, and the resistance to these forces is very weak indeed.

America and Europe are nowhere in the field in battling the unhealthy arab muslim narratives and mentalities. They are of the left, the believers of indulging emotion, and relieving themselves of frustration. A female perspective, one that comes from white western females, who do not know anything other than what they think, and they don’t like talking to men whose thinking disagrees with theirs. They are not aware, nor do they like the idea, that their emotional confession and vomiting, does not work for men who motivate themselves through understanding, confidence in their individual abilities, who love the truth, and like what is good, and hope that the good is better than the evil, stronger than the evil.

 They don’t want to be bad, because bad destinies are in store for men who celebrate what is evil over what is good, so they examine situations, and determine what is most good and what is bad, and what they are able to contribute to them.

The arab muslims are a completely separate people, and the idea that a brown people could have evil motives is frightening to women, because it implies we are not all equal. A perspective they are not able to walk around with without exposing, and endangering themselves, rightly. It is because they know that the arab muslims are not equal that they are terrified. If they were white men, with the exact same beliefs as they do have, they would be branded as racist nazis and opposed with passion, and confidence that the women had nothing to fear, in fact they have an opportunity to display how virtuous they are.

Even war is preferable to the white women of the west. Because then it is their men who do the fighting, not them. They get to pretend to be supportive of equality in the streets. It is the more moral solution though, because she will be in danger if she speaks truthfully in the streets. Her mouth betrays her, she forgets the rules, she is ruled by her emotions, dominated. But even the men are comforted by the uniform of their government, surrounded by their buddies, armed with all the newest equipment.

Those of us who are fighting for what is good, want the conversation to be most convincing as it can be. Which means we arm people with an understanding why including violent individuals, whole peoples, religions and nations as potential supporters of supremacy and war, for completely immoral reasons is a path of thinking we must blaze. It does not matter if they are supporting violence because the pain of racial inequality is to great, or if they are doing so because they are selfish and evil, and oppressing people and committing war crimes targeting civilians, is evil, far more than dealing with inequality.

In the end of the day, we have responsibilities to our own women, our own children and families, our communities, our nations, religion and races. All is sanctified, all has worth, and woe to any man or woman who disregards the powers of this world because they don’t like it, or they don’t feel it. We have a right to protect our own people, and whomever among our people who opposes that goal increases our suffering, nothing more.

Hamas has the support of the entire muslim world, an intoxicating disposition. They also have massive financial support from the muslim world. They also have considerable support from the western left, and the western media. A media dedicated to claiming that coexistence is the highest moral value, denying Israels ability to separate itself from those who cant control their desire to kill, attack, intimidate, and sabotage Jews.

Hamas and the muslims who they represent are on a lower moral plane than Jews and white gentiles are, as is customary for peoples and individuals of lower IQ’s. In their moral plain of existence, to take advantage of a foreign people to your own people is a great victory, enhancing stature, desirable and permissible. To harm others, to show domination over them, is also a pleasurable display of your patriotism, elevating the honor and glory of your people.

It strikes me in attempting to explain the situation, the degree by which the white gentile leftist nature is not condusive to accepting facts that are to destructive to their narrative. To accept that arab muslims could be so different than they are, is to make it impossible to believe that they only need to learn something new, make some changes to their religion, allow their culture to change, get some more degrees, and they will become Norwegians.

There is a level of truth, a level of deviation, that the white gentiles will permit, from their assertions and beliefs, but they will say no. They are liars, they already know that we are not all equal, they desire to manage the situation correctly, in the manner that permits them to avoid danger. That simply is not possible to overcome all critics, acknowledge that there are reasons for inequality and hostility, and implement the proper security dispositions to accommodate that situation.

The white gentile majority will say no, they will want to say they are multiculturalists, they support peace and equality. I have reasoned it is the same logical position for me to take in the streets. The other factor remaining, is who are they going to vote for at the voting booth, and their leftists and women are angry at those who speak any truth, and it is a narrative to complicated to manage in speech via millions of people, all of the time.

The Jews of Israel also believe in lying about racial inequality. It does not allow a defense from assimilation among the Jews of lower intelligence or adherence to the Torah and virtues. To a lessor degree. The bottom line is that we support a Jewish nation, support Jewish demographics, support fighting Jew hatres. If it was not for American influence on Israel, Israel would be a very right wing, religious, conservative homogenous nation. That union is on its way out, when we are rid of it, if Harris is elected, we will become much stronger.

 All we have is our narrative, our closeness with G-d and the ways He desires for us. Our narrative is much better than the americans, who cannot muster a defense against non white immigration, which will result in permanent wealth redistribution, and oppression of whites.

This will be a struggle, a journey to establish a narrative that disregards the claim of multiculturalism which will never be reached. Inequality will always be a source of anger, and radically poor, shamed, and violent people like the arab muslims, will always be hostile to Jews to a degree that makes them incompatible with living with Jews, outside of hand selected choices, praying at the Temple on the mount, to protect the dignity of the arab muslim people.

We need to latch on to the unique identity of the Jewish people, the unique history of being attacked and discriminated against so much, which is unique to the Jewish people. Our support for our own minority group is unique, as is our tremendous influence, ratings, and economic influence. We lose this when we maintain consensus with the americans, when we remain within the context of their range of thought. When we deviate from their standards, we will be sanctioned by them. They are authoritarians, who believe that they are correct.

The American and European parameters for existing in the world is not really based on a world of many different races, of inequal ability. They censor their existence, and their opinions, imply that they are all savages, and war against them all in secret, and under deception. We Jews must make our case openly, in order to gain the support of our people, as long as we agree to western ‘help’, we suffer the real consequences of the parameters of their support.

I am basically hoping that my writings permit greater free speech in the Israeli, western and world media, as well as permitting the shadow government to enable for us greater victories, G-d willing. We are not offering the solution, of man needing G-d to act right, and greater Israel should belong to the Jews because G-d said so. Or that G-d chose the Jewish people and made them superior to all others. Or that G-d created racial inequality. We are simply taking the next step, and altering the direction of our perception, to one where we are focused on managing an unequal world, which is one that I think Jews can live with and manage.

We will need a great deal of repetition, of the fundamental points, proving the case for the world being unfair to the Jews, building an alternative narrative, based on reality that allows us to abandon multiculturalism, and embrace homogeneity. We will need to do this for as long as we are able, without proving the biological inequality of people for as long as we can.

 The Jewish identity in Israel, permits us to build and protect this narrative, supported by the Jews who agree to fight for their people. Some points are stronger than others, and we will need to discredit those points that invoke strong emotional responses. The white gentiles associate criticizing muslims and islam with racism, Jews in Israel do not.

 Islam is a gigantic justification for African mentality and beliefs. It is a giant leap forward for human kinds understanding. There is little point begging the American people to support the war against islam, when they are debating funding the police, and what to do about racist black juries. They oppose open borders, but deportation of illegals is racist sounding to them.

 Israel supports occupying Gaza, that symbolizes recognizing that muslims are committed to islamic supremacy. They are willing to war with Hezbola, and occupy Lebanese land to the Litani river. That shows a willingness to treat arab muslims unequally, in a regional and global context, as threats. The same goes for Israeli support for neutralizing Irans nuclear weapons program.

Our objective, is to convince enough Jews in Israel, to embrace truths that constitute Israel gaining its freedom. This will allow Israel to go to the next level in discourse, and establish its basic security.

 The west may decide to go to WW3 rather than allow their narrative to be pressured by Israel. That would be their choice to make. If America starts WW3 because it rejects criticism of islam, then that is not our fault as Jews fighting for our security and rights. If we can convince a majority of Israeli Jews to support progressive actions that maintain Israeli security, as well as free speech, under a democratic umbrella, that maintains legitimacy, then we will watch the west be forced to deal with the contradictions in their narrative, fail to avoid conflict and loss of legitimacy due to their attempts at censorship, which will strengthen the case for embracing a multi homogenous nation model.

We are not declaring the truth and nothing but the whole truth. We are setting a clear goal that will create for us a safe space from which we can build a more sturdy and righteous Israel, where we can attempt every step in safety, going back and purifying Israel when we need to, for an easier passage to the world to come. In G-d I trust.

It seems contradictory, to desire to be saintly, and perfect, in a world filled with so much evil, that must be indulged, because so many of our own natures are evil, like sex for example. Not to mention making a living, which requires competition with all the other people in society, and the systems they build and the criteria for reward that they establish. You cant operate a business completely honestly. The goodness of every company ‘waxes and wanes,’ how could you keep a job and admit this to a customer?

If we are to be punished for our every immoral action, how are we to learn how to navigate our various systems, society and the world?

There is no other option, other than accepting that there are millions of white women and men, who will choose to lie, who will choose to deceive themselves, and refuse to listen. Facing the truth and talking about it, when you are speaking with a reasonable person, is in part a moral test, as well as an intelligence test, a moral test more I think. You must accept that vast percentages of the white women of America and Europe are committing suicide, and they refuse to realize it. The same goes for many Jewish women. Western nations in their entirety, have embraced a security level, an anti assimilation level, that will result in the destruction of their nations, the loss of their standard of living, and the loss of their freedoms and liberties, to such a drastic degree as to be considered total destruction for all who knew this world.

Blacks and arab muslims are going to speak in the language of them being victims and in the right, and Jews and white people being wrong repeatedly. They might not ever change. Self criticism is a high IQ, confident, sophisticated, persons attribute. They may need to be forced to accept Jewish security and white self interests, and they might violently attack anyone who disagrees with their victim narrative. Either way we will need to get used to it, or defend from it, or separate ourselves from it. B”H

5 חודשים לפני

not brainwashed, north africa, the middle east, southern europe, have all been browning for thousands of years. Sometimes slow, sometimes faster, but never looking at the problem and dealing with it like rational people. Thats not who white gentiles women are. Only clinging to G-d, and positive virtues, can maintain the awareness and the consent of women. If the men attempt to impose white supremacy, they will be rejected. In G-d I trust.

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