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פרופ' משה כהן אליה במסר מדאיג: "יריב לוין יתקפל לאליטות יש בג"ץ מאחוריהם הם לא יוותרו"

משה כהן אליה מדבר עם זיו מאור על הדרך בה צריך להתנהל יריב לוין במאבקו מול בג"צ, ועל המאבק ארוך הטווח הניצב בפניו

משה כהן אליה מדבר עם זיו מאור על המאבק הקשה שניצב בפני יריב לוין מול בג"ץ. בג"ץ חזק ומאוחיו עומדות האליטות של השמאל, ואין לו שום כוונה להתגמש בבחירת השופטים. לוין צריך להבין שהוא עומד לפני תהליך ארוך טווח ויש מספר שופטים נטרלים שיוכל להציע לוועדה.

ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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5 חודשים לפני

אים מערכת המשפט לא תשונה לחלוטין זה רק יגרום ל נזק ענק ולגזרות קשות ביותר

5 חודשים לפני

הזדמנות גדולה לעשות שינוי מוחלט במערכת המשפט יש פעם אחת לא לפחדנים המלחמה
אני משוכנע שביבי ישפיע על יריב להתקפל
זו הזדמנות לגייס את הציבור כולל שוטרים וחיילים לטובת הממשלה הנבחרת , מערכת המשפט הולכת בדרך של כח לכן הפתרון הוא גם כח מצד הימין
אבל ביבי פחדן
אסור לוותר על מערכת משפט צודקת לכל הציבור בכל מחיר 🎻🌿

5 חודשים לפני

We will not stop seeing that the high court is crooked, and serving the interests of the americans in opposition to what is best for the Jews of Israel. Our disapproval and anger at them will not end. Once they are exposed, and they have been, just being questioned, is akin to being exposed, their legitimacy in claiming to represent justice is massively reduced.

There is a balance of power, between the power of financial interests, and the democratic self interests of the Jewish nation. A power quantified by the people in charge, and accommodated, when necessary. But the western and global wealthy are not real supporters of multiculturalism, they only pretend to be. They also dont want to be exposed, although they know that is a part of the process of progress, and they may as well choose the way they are exposed.

 Better for the narrative to have a righteous Jew in Israel, defying the evils of society, then for it only to be a story of evil elites leading a rampaging mob, crushing the western righteous, betraying the mob, exposing the elites as enemies of the people. This will make enemies of right and left, to the establishment. Jews fighting racism, and winning, will blind society, and focus their support of organized opposition to the Jews, maintaining order. A purely evil west might help focus the minds of western Jews, but I think they are more open to some nuance, and they and the narrative, would benefit from putting up a fight to blatant racism.

I think they will choose to depict a persecuted Israel standing up to an evil west, although I am fond of writing about our victory.. They may choose to depict an Israel loosing, or suffering due to a racist west. To what degree is convincing the american public to support Israel critical to Israels defense? I don’t see how America can be in a leadership position, in the war against islam. At best, a Trump can dominate and war against the Jew haters. On the other hand, I think a substantial muslim terrorist attack on the west is overdue, and at this high stakes juncture, would have considerable influence.

 As of right now, Netanyahu does not allow the conquest of Gaza, the only certain way to stop a haven for terrorists to be formed.

 Events appear to progress somewhat associated with the progress of the narrative, and the conquest and control of Gaza has been introduced, and deemed superior by most of the cognitive leadership. The people in charge perpetually pretend to be at war with the Jews of Israel, that dynamic has many motives, it helps cultivate the Israeli resistance, maintains appearances internationally, cultivates the human mind, and more.

The terrorists abilities have probably been reduced, if the philidelphia line holds, it will help slow them down, but they will likely achieve a guerilla war against the IDF quickly. Which will be horrible for Israels reputation, and give credence to the dangerous two state solution.

The other factor to remember, is that October 7th was allowed to happen. We came up short, we displeased our G-d, in the most fundamental manner. Perhaps it was meant to be, unavoidable, but I dont believe that. Our ideas were weak, to many Jews believed we should ignore the problem, that we should mow the grass, that we should not anger the americans.

By consciously not dealing with the problem, by remaining under the american wing, we are fundamentally making the same mistake, and a great many Jews are aware of it. Not occupying Gaza means allowing hamas or other terrorists, to win, to remain in power. An insult to G-d and the reputation of the Jewish people and nation. A clear sign that we cannot manage the situation, when in reality we can, if only we occupy every centimeter of Gaza, and accept responsibility for how much control is needed, to minimize harm to us, in the situation we find ourselves in.

If we arrest a murderer, we put them in prison, with a certain number of armed guards to control and rule over him. The prognosis for Gaza is the same, so is Judea and Samaria. If we allow them the freedom of self rule, they will use it to recruit, train, equip, and fund fighters against us. In an organized assembly line, from a government of hate.

Deny them the official apparatus of the state, deny them the billions of dollars of foreign aid, and you will substantially reduce the time before a guerilla war starts against the IDF, and reduce its potency. Not its existence. IDF rule over Gaza will go a far way at reducing the capabilities of large armies being formed and equipped, trained and paid. Pay to slay must end, it promotes numerous attacks on Jews every month. It will only increase when the guerilla war in Gaza begins, after the death of Sinwar.

By not acknowledging that islam and racism among arab muslims are deeply entrenched beliefs and feelings, among Israeli muslims we deny ourselves the means of discussing the problem and dealing with it.

The Jew is a holly being, with a mind with a sufficient degree of beast of the field, to be enslaved, to think like a mule. Both aspects are real, to varying degrees. The revulsion of A Jew in Israel, to enslavement, is overwhelmingly likely.

It is very antithetical to human nature, to submit to a foreign power, thousands of miles away, demanding that Israelis adhere, to their multicultural philosophy, in order to defend their narrative. They want Israel to ignore a massacre committed against Israelis, by a smaller power, vocal about their hatred for Jews, to avoid an economic boycott, by a portion of a big world, to feed and enrich a small population of the most talented people on earth. It is a bad proposition from the west.

A large portion of the west even admits that it is based in racism, which substantially reduces most moral claims against Israeli actions to defend themselves. I cannot imagine the reputation of the american claims, that Israel should face claims of war crimes and genocide, when they were massacred, and raped, and taken as hostage, in direct targeting of civilians, and executed, in defiance of everything we know about human rights.

The twig that is the high court of justice will not stop such an avalanche. There is no way for them to uphold leftist supremacy, micromanage the war, arrest Jews trying to defend themselves, persecute Jews building homes in the name of made up palestine, and not be branded the foreign enemies of the Jewish people. Not if the legitimacy of civilization is going to be defended. A blatantly anti life boot is all that would remain, worldwide. For what you do to the Jews, you justify against yourselves. In G-d I trust.

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