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הרב יוסף קלנר: צריכה לבוא פה תחיית רוח לאומית

הרב יוסף קלנר אומר שישראל השיגה צמיחה ושגשוג חומרי ועכשיו עליה להתחיל לצמוח רוחנית

הרב יוסף קלנר מציין כי לאחר ההישגים המרשימים של מדינת ישראל בתחומים כמו מדע, תעשייה, ביטחון, חקלאות ומעמדה הבינלאומי, הגשימה ישראל את שלב  "תחיית הגוויה". כעת, הוא אומר, יש צורך בהתחלה של תחייה רוחנית, שהיא לא בהכרח קשורה לדתיים. לפי הרב קלנר, על החברה הישראלית ליצור משהו רוחני גדול, עוצמתי וחיובי, שיהיה מסוגל לסחוף את כל המגזרים, גם את החילונים.

החילונים, לדבריו, מרגישים באופן אינסטינקטיבי שהדתיים לא יכולים להיות התשובה לתחייה הרוחנית הזו, וזה מה שמקומם אותם. כוונתו היא שיש צורך במשהו שיחבר את כל החברה הישראלית לרוחניות גבוהה יותר, לא בהכרח קשורה למסגרות הדתיות הקיימות, אלא בתשובה חדשה ומרוממת שתהיה גשר בין כל חלקי העם.

ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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I often get the feeling that American Jews married to gentiles, that don’t convert, are more loyal to multiculturalism and America, than their Jewish identity or Israel. Even if its immoral to support multiculturalism.

I don’t think that no nations in the world spell out their racist policies. I think the media lies about it. No way they aren’t writing down their acceptance of east Asian tourists, and rejection of black, and middle eastern tourists. No way that Japanese restaurants are hanging up signs saying no foreigners allowed, which probably doesn’t apply to east Asians, isn’t codified in law. Muslim nations do codify sharia law in their governments. That means that Jews are openly second class citizens.

We Jews should remember that, when the fake leftist americans claim that Israel is being racist, and violating international law, implying that racism is illegal. America and Europe lie about their racial discrimination policies as well. They cover up their recognition of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza, as parts of Israel.

 That is an official racial oppression policy. Keep the Jews down, force them to suffer muslim abuse. America and Europe clearly racially discriminate against Jewish victims of leftist, muslim, and black hate crimes committed against Jews. They cover up violence against those Jews, in their media, they silence politicians who should be calling attention to the massive numbers of leftist, muslim, and black Jew haters, exposed in polls. I read that as of recently, Germany didn’t recognize that muslim racism, hate crimes and hatew speech against Jews, did not even exist.

We have all read the racist policies of the American and European establishment. Some youths beat up a man in A Jewish neighborhood, some mentally disturbed person drew some swastikas, description is withheld for promoting of social cohesion and multiculturalism. Supposed debates, in countries that claim they have freedom of speech, where violence in the present is excused because of colonialism, because of slavery, because of foreign policy, which means helping Jews protect themselves from mass murder, because of the crusades, or racism.

 The evidence of the censorship are all around us. We should expose it, and reject it. It does not reflect our nation or people. It is a radical leftist imposition, meant to maintain the continued harvesting of Jewish wealth for the west. It may not even reflect the will of americans and Europeans, who are a very leftist people. 

We must break this lie the west puts Jews in, that only Israel can be criticized for racism. The truth is the arab muslim nations are very racist, they have codified their racism in laws, and the American and European media will not report on it. They coverup leftist hate speech against Jews, they cover up racist hate teaching in American and European schools, where Jews are blamed for the hatred that they invoke in others.

 They are the big liars, they do not admit that Jewish inequality existed long before European empires. America has racist unwritten policies covering that all up. Go on the offensive, expose Americas immorality, the illegitimacy of their accusations, and entire system of managing race relations. The result of Americas claims are dead Jews. Expose it, and soon enough we will find ourselves desensitized to it. In G-d I trust.

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