סא"ל איתמר איתם לחם בעזה ובלבנון, ולדבריו התרחש לנו נס גדול שהטבח היה בדרום ולא בצפון, ושחיזבאללה לא הצטרף.
"ככל שאני רואה את השטח אני נחרד, הכמויות של החימוש, התשתיות, הבונקרים, זה בהחלט יותר רציני מהחמאס".
הוא מציין שהחמאס היה יותר מצ'וקמק, ואילו אצל החיזבאללה הוא ראה נשקים מסודרים ומשומנים, אמצעי ראיית לילה, מפות מעודכנות וכו', ושקרה לנו סוג של נס.
The current argument in the media right now seems to be if Israel or hamas broke the cease fire. What seems to be missing in what I have heard and read so far, is that hamas was not agreeing to step down, as was required in the second phase of the agreement. Is there anyone who thinks that a terrorist group dedicated to the destruction of another country other than Israel killing 1200 civilians shouldn’t require an overthrow of that leadership?
I understand many leftists are paralyzed by the reality that they face that the Muslims of Gaza would actually repeatedly elect hamas, after they caused the anhelation of Gaza, after they intentionally targeted civilians, and committed war crimes. Dedicated to what ‘palestinians’ must mostly know is a lie, that there is no palestinian identity, and it’s all a ruse to destroy the Jews, a goal Muslims in all arab nations support. The American and European establishments cant deal with what that says about Muslims, especially after they have spent so much time propping up lies about ‘muslim palestine’.
It represents a radical contradiction to their claim that inequality is caused by racist people with privilege who don’t want to lose those benefits. To acknowledge that a poor brown people could desire supremacy through violence, makes the struggles of human kind much more dynamic, requiring on occasion the admonition of the poor, the immoral and foolish, by the wealthy, moral and wiser. The left is rooted in emotion, not ideas, so to punish the less than equal, completely contradicts their preferences. They would rather not permit it if they have the option to reject it. Right wing religious Israel must understand this, and impose Israeli control of all of Gaza, recognizing that the muslims and the people and leadership of the west, are mostly ineffective, and incapable of dealing with reality, until such time that they are shown as being capable to do so, if ever. In G-d I trust.