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מצמרר! משה פייגלין רגע לפני הידיעה על נפילת נכדו:"הר הרצל הוא כבר לא של הקיבוצים אלא של בוגרי עלי"

משה פייגלין אומר לאושרית גור בשיחה:יש היום חזון מדיני שלם ששונה לחלוטין ממדיניות אוסלו שבה דבק המטכ"ל העכשווי

משה פייגלין אומר לאושרית גור בשיחה:יש היום חזון מדיני שלם ששונה לחלוטין ממדיניות אוסלו שבה דבק המטכ"ל העכשווי

ערוץ ToV אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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4 חודשים לפני

אחוז הנופלים מההתישבות הציונית הוא הכי גבוה . החינוך שם לאהבת הארץ והמדינה אין כמותו .

4 חודשים לפני

To many Jews, especially exile Jews, seem to think that Jews cant act in a way that will make people angry at the Jews. But it makes no difference how Jews act, many gentiles don’t like our existence. They hate that there exist a people with a better achievement level than their people have, and they don’t care or acknowledge, that there are violent people, in large numbers, who self justify attacking Jews, under the most meager of reasons. They are angry over Jewish inequality, their reasons to attack are mere pretenses. They blame Jews when Jews are attacked, for making people angry, to justify their own anger.

Such a mentality, makes it impossible for Jews to be citizens in a gentile nation, in the sense, that in that nation, the Jew can forever be attacked, denied a right to defend themselves, and blamed for causing incidents, by large percentages of the population, who choose elected officials with governing power, and decide the guilt or innocence of their fellow citizens in jury boxes, when violent crimes occur. Such an attitude towards Jews means, that Jews only occasionally have rights, and will therefore live in fear, with no confidence of what the day will bring, because it could at any time bring an attack.

What we need is cheap homes, and jobs in Israel. It also makes no sense to live with gentiles in Israel. While the peoples of the world work through their homicidal rage against G-d for creating inequality, it makes no sense for us to live with them, their sabotage, their negativity. For what, to show that we support diversity and multiculturalism? Race relations are two way streets, they don’t work as long as people have not worked through their anger over inequality. The fact that we cant reach a consensus with the gentiles over this state of affairs is unsurprising.


No matter how Jews act, we will be told that we are acting wrong, that we are making people hate us, because vast percentages of gentiles don’t want to admit that their people are immoral, and filled with hate, and deserve to be treated as dangerous. The muslims like to say that islam elevated womens rights, and brought peace to the minorities. Most of what they brought was for themselves, the arab muslim man, and they censored all critics.

When you get to know individuals, you can learn that they are not that way, but you will still treat strangers from gentile peoples who hate Jews with suspicion, until you do get to know them. More gentiles will be offended why they are being treated with suspicion, provoking more conflict and counter insults.

The result of these inevitable dynamics are conflict and separation. Most Jews will react correctly by separating themselves, and their loyalties, from people who threaten them for being unequal, just like everyone else. The bonds of brotherhood and nationhood, cannot hold over the diverging interests of racial identity. Most of the nations of the world are homogenous, or mostly homogenous. The basis of the nation state, is mostly racial. Religion follows the same pattern. A radically unequal foreign people like the Jews, will be spit out of America.

For a brief period of time, people were traumatized into the delusion of universal equality. It is always only a matter of time before it is realized that, that destination is not forthcoming, by sufficient numbers of people. Enough to end the temporary accommodating environment that Jews experienced in exile. Replaced with a fundamentally rejecting policy by much of society. To a great extent, it does not matter if you believe we are all equal, if most people do not believe it.

 Most people support what is popular, despite being somewhat good, and what quickly unfolds, is support for a racist government that will redistribute Jewish assets, and wealth. A seemingly reasonable solution, for a people who mostly support affirmative action. Once it is permissible to redistribute Jewish wealth, it will be acceptable to redistribute white wealth, and inherent opposition, tyranny and illegitimacy will grow, till it is defeated. Exile Jews are doomed, even the intermarried ones, and the mixed Jews.

Jews should act proactively, allowing themselves to be blamed, hated and boycotted. The more the separate themselves from the gentiles, through Jewish schools, and moving to Israel, the more protected they will be. By moving to Israel, they are literally stating they have no confidence in the gentile majority, the gentile leadership, and instead saying they support a nation where the Jews make the rules, where Jews supply the security.

The Jews should embrace those conclusions, about the failure of multiculturalism, and relocate as many gentiles away from Israel as they can. Perhaps the Druze would be persecuted in the many Christian nations in the world, but that seems unlikely. They should be measured, and if their identity as accepters of Jewish inequality is deemed insufficient, they to should be relocated. No reason to permit large amounts of potentially hate filled Christians in the nation of Israel.

Having token representatives, is easy, and very effective in reducing hostility towards Israel. The gentiles do have influence over us and our nation, so lets do what we can to reduce anger against us, till anger over inequality dissipates, or we accept it as the natural state of affairs. Its no easy task to build up our peoples courage to break with gentile beliefs, so outrage and provocation may be necessary, but until that is clarified, there is no reason to escalate.

Finding it upsetting that multiculturalism has failed for the Jewish people, does not make it sane to force Jews to live with people who may hate them, who may want to destroy their country, or may hold a homicidal rage against Jews. Multiculturalism has already failed for the Jews in America and Israel, it has failed to achieve equality in America, it has failed to nation build in the muslim world, and many other places worldwide. In G-d I trust.

Its not a situation of first the Saturday people, then the Sunday people. Islam is committing massive human rights violations against Christians in the middle east, in Europe, and in America, right now. They have been doing so for decades.

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