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טל גלבוע תוקפת את התקשורת והמחאה: "מפקירים את החטופים ואת המשפחה שלי!!!"

טל גלבוע מדברת עם זיו מאור על הסיוט שעוברות משפחות החטופים ועל התקשורת שמציגה מצג שווא של עסקה כשלמעשה אין כזו בפועל, והכל במטרה ללבות עת הפילוג בעם

טל גלבוע אומרת לזיו מאור: כל עוד צה"ל לוחם לחימה עצימה בעזה יש סיכוי להחזיר את החטופים. אני מעדיפה שאחותי שבנה חטוף, תדע את המציאות מאשר שתחיה באשליות על עסקה לא קיימת. אין היום שום מטה שמייצג את כל משפחות החטופים. יש ניסיון לפלג את העם, כי התקשורת טוענת שכמעט יש עסקה ומישהו ספציפי מטרפד אותה. בפועל היחיד שמטרפד עסקה זה חמאס. הדבר שהכי מפחיד אותנו זה הברחת החטופים מעזה, ועזיבת ציר פילדלפי תאפשר זאת. אי אפשר להבין מה עובר על משפחות החטופים מאז ה-7/10, אבל אנחנו מאמינים שרק המשך הלחימה יביא לשחרורם.

ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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6 חודשים לפני

Why would codifying our commitment to stay in the philidelphi corridor, promote a deal? hamas wants to be able to continue the war, and continue the terrorism, and controlling the corridor, limits their ability to do that. Wouldn't Israel maintaining control of the Gaza border with Egypt, represent a step away from hamas's desire, to continue the war against Israel? I dont understand that idea. Nor do I understand why Ben Gavir would abstain from voting on the resolution.

For sure, I believe that the only real solution to arab muslim societies passionate Jew hatred, and religious convictions calling for conquest of all non muslims, especially the Jews, is the presence of Israeli soldiers and administrators, putting their thumbs on the balance of power in the Gaza strip and all other arab muslim communities living in close proximity to the Jewish people.

 Especially the highly passionately disputed territories. Where leftist utopians hysterically assert the arab muslim equality with western people, their toleration and lack of Jew hatred. Some believe that one day there will be no hatred of Jews, nor compelling religious or philosophical convictions to war against Jews, but clearly that day is not today. I think one day we will see arabs who hate Jews far less, but that wont be till after we come up with a solution for inequality.

Arab muslim nations with millions of citizens, and infrastructure to lose, separated by some distance, appear to be able to control the hatred of Jews in their society. Disputed territories, incited by islamic religious leaders to war with the Jews, as well as western leftist media, seems to have no ability to regulate the hate in their community, instead a limitless expression of hatred and opposition, defying all logic, appears to be decisively the way the arab muslims relate to the Jewish communities expression of their identity and interests.

 They seem confident the Jewish nation will tolerate any level of hatred, and western promotion of the arab muslim narrative, depicting them as victims and Jews as aggressors, radicalizes muslims even more. Western anger over Jewish inequality is also very deep, and will require years of expression of hatred to resolve, when it begins to be discussed in the western media. Jews must learn to live with a biased west, and prepare for it.

We should stay in Gaza, not just the philidelphi corridor. Because it is in our interests to do so. To control to the maximum degree the terroristic forces this world promotes against us. Our commitment, to our people, asserting that we will not allow hatred to fester under our midst. Not in northern Gaza, nor southern Gaza. We will do all we can to squash the threat under our noses, and if the west uses that assertion as a justification to declare economic war, so be it, and it was meant to be.

 I repeat, we are two months away from an election in America which will decide if we should bother to care what American government policy towards Israel is. We should use the opportunity of this small window, to show the people of Israel, what blatant tyrants the American left really are. It will strengthen our position via a Trump republican government, which is still mostly committed to multiculturalism. It will educate the Jews of Israel, and to whatever degree the covert courts formulate their power allocation to the peoples of this world, it should rearrange the grand chessboard in Israels favor.

There is no reason for Israel not to say that the current western media paradigm promotes an Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, but every assessment that Israel makes, concludes with the assertion that only Israel can alter the security and political center of the Gaza strip, as well as the arab muslim communities of Judea and Samaria. Creating a new vision for the arab muslim world, not built on incitement, hatred of Jews, or non muslims, will take time. We need to alter the entire education system of arab muslims, their media, the dominant power in arab muslim society, which is held by those who are passionate Jew haters, politicians and soldiers. Even if you think a complete overhaul is not possible, if we assert our need to dominate disputed territories, then some level of reform should occur.

Through awareness that the current arab muslim thinking promotes hatred of Jews and non muslims, crippling arab muslim society and economy, as well as compassion, mercy, free speech and progress, we can create a model that will help us navigate the current power distribution in this world that compels a continuation of Jewish muslim coexistence. By teaching the Jews of Israel that anger among arab muslims is inherent, we create awareness of a problem that only we have a will and desire to alleviate.

It can be reinforced by constantly reminding the americans and Europeans about their two tier human rights applications, which permits Jew haters violent aggression with support and a lack of condemnation from the majority of the western media, establishment and population, as well as covering up the massive discrimination that exists in the world, and is never condemned or boycotted.

 We will not achieve a consensus with the americans and the Europeans. They will probably censor all real discourse. But at least the Jews of Israel will be reinforced by the truth, that the americans are mostly hostile, they are censoring their media and education system, and they will continue to do so in favor of the arab muslims because they can, its easier, and it helps them alleviate their anger over Jewish inequality.

 Bias against Israel in the American media is massive, the UN condemns Israel more than all the other nations in the world combined, and the leftist media does not acknowledge that the world is racist against Jews, and muslims are the most racist in the world. The muslims literally had the UN declare that the Jewish people have no association with Jerusalem whatsoever. Jews are the most likely victims of hate crimes in America, and the American media radically misrepresents our position as most discriminated victim group. The disproportion between the amount of violent crimes committed by Jews against muslims in America, versus muslim attacks against Jews is massive, probably more than 100 to 1.

 The American media conceals this all, they are radically biased against Israel, and that is a big part of the reason that Israel should defy American pressure to submit to our attackers. Muslims are not nearly as open to peaceful coexistence as the American establishment claims they are. It is a fabrication, that must be confronted and named, exposed, and discredited, in order for the Jews of Israel to establish a sane and coherent security strategy. In G-d I trust.

6 חודשים לפני

רונן בר נפגע מחומרים פסיכיאטרים שסייענית נתנה לו בלי שיידע. היא רוצחת הזוג כדורי. והיא גם פגעה ברוני אלשיך ולכן הוא השתגע והמציא את תיקי האלפים.

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