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אבישי מתיה: איך יכול להיות שסוף אוגוסט ואני עדיין לא יודע איפה היה חיל האוויר ב-7.10?!

אבישי מתיה וגלי בת חורין בשיחה על התקשורת הישראלית שרק זורעת פחד, פילוג ושנאה בעם, מכניסה את האנשים לדיכאון והכל בעבור בצע הרייטינג

אבישי מתיה אומר לגלי בת חורין: הפנלים של הברברת בערוצי התקשורת לא מעבירים לנו שום מידע חדש. בגלל התחרות בין הערוצים, החדשות עוסקות בריגושים והפחדה שרק מכניסים את הציבור לדיכאון. כל הרעש התקשורתי הזה מהדהד את עצמו גם ברשתות החברתיות. מתיה ממליץ לציבור למעט בצריכת החדשות כדי להוריד את סף הדיכאון. עם כל שפע המידע והסקופים, כמעט שנה אחרי ועוד לא הסבירו לנו  איפה היה חייל האוויר ב-7/10.

ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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6 חודשים לפני

It may be possible for the left to care about Jewish inequality. If they are explained reasons as to why Jews are different, and if they were able to understand, that race relations towards the Jews could be manageable in a way that protected leftist interests. Probably not, just think of how radical the muslims and the left are on campus. I am going to try to indulge the train of thought. Perhaps we can make them feel guilty, or reduce their hatred.

Jews are a special and different group than the white gentiles.

I bet its frightening to be a fish in the sea, every night, especially when its cloudy and you live in pitch black for 12 hours.

Europe and america want immigration? Not accurate. Stand up for yourselves, or be abused by non whites who 'redistribute your wealth', and lie about robbing you to your faces. In G-d I trust.

Some women are little more than dumb dick suckers.

Its ironic, that the more a man hates a woman, or is angry at her, the better the sex is for her.

If you support muslims being permitted to act violently towards non muslims, because you feel guilty over racial inequality, then you support the continued domination of evil over humankind. You support corrupt politicians, and pedophile mafia gangs. You may not understand it, but if you oppose Jews or white gentiles ruling the nation, then you oppose the solution to end the conflict between people. There are a vast mass of hundreds of millions of people, willing to stab anyone who supports justice for the Jews, or free speech, and A right to have a community, on the part of white gentiles. They are willing to arrest them, deny them a right to representation, and mass murder them. For you to only support people not being allowed to say mean things to them, means you are on the side of that vast horde. Voting for their candidates.

Jewish supremacy would be a spectacularly unpopular government. People do not seem to consider that Jews are not a popular people in the world. Jewish strength, comes mostly through the importance of merit, to resolve peoples disagreements, pertaining to what rights and access to resources they should have.

The people in charge appear to desire to oppress the right wing and religious effort to defend the Jewish people and nation as long as they are able, until they are forced to permit Jews to defend themselves. I believe this is due to the fact that the expectation is that the lefts anger over Jewish resistance to leftist discrimination, as well as muslim desire for supremacy will be very strong.

Im thinking Shas and UTJ are leftist run organizations.

I am still looking for the straightest way to explain this idea, but human beings in vast numbers, cannot seem to separate the idea of racial inequality, from those who benefit from it, and those who talk about it. They are also not aware of their own racism, they do not know that most latino countries discriminate in their immigration criteria’s, as do most muslim countries. Even the African nations, shamelessly impose their own supremacy, over foreigners wanting to do business in their nation.

A right wing president Trump in America would act like an emergency brake against the lefts plans. But he would be a threat to a two state solution being forced on Israel.

When being taught about the holocaust, muslim children clap in support of the mass murder of Jews. There are dozens of land disputes worldwide. Can you think of any others where the people being denied autonomy, clap at the idea of the mass extermination of the peoples who deny them sovereignty?

Jews must recognize that the americans and the Europeans are actually the crazy people for not recognizing Islamic terrorism worldwide. It is not a question of when will there be peace between the Jews and the muslims, it is a question of when will the American and European media admit that every single muslim nation in the middle east, denies Jews equal rights before the law, as well as many other non muslims. When will America and Europe admit that muslim mosques are riddled with very real hate speech. No more censorship claiming that islamophobia is the main concern whenever we point out that muslims are committing major human rights violations against millions of people world wide. The west is dysfunctional, the west is trying to pretend to be democracy, while imposing a radical left wing narrative.

It is reasonable to speculate that American air planes and other equipment has a kill switch, turning of the ability to use them whenever the new American administration chooses.

Recognize the situation, the left is not able to live with any criticism of its fundamental precepts, whatsoever. The left is like a university white girl, who runs away from every person who says anything she finds offensive, or disagrees with. That’s who they are today. So don’t say anything radical at all. Pick a handful of unarguable points, like its sad how many hindus are being raped in Bangladesh, Pakistan, and india. Or its tragic how many Christians are being murdered by muslims in Africa. Or say I don’t think white people are responsible for creating inequality, it existed long before white empire.

The left cannot stand for their fundamental precepts to be contradicted. They can insult you a 100 times, they can claim you are a racist or a homophobe, and you can apologize. If you make one comment contradicting their narrative, they will be in a rage for days. They cant deal with reality, and you saying anything that contradicts them, is a giant fu to their fascist witch hunt government.

If the government of Israel wants to return the citizens of Israel from the north to their homes, they would attack Lebanon. They refuse to do so. The same goes for Gaza, if the Israeli government wants to make sure that Gaza is not conquered by hamas again, it will need to occupy Gaza, but it refuses to do so. How long before Israeli troops grow tired?

There is no better way to fight islam, than by burning the palestinian flag.

Back in the twentieth century, leftist leadership lead to the death of millions of people, should we separate leftism from the state?

We persist against tyranny, to honor the effort of our G-d towards goodness. As well as our souls desire to express itself, while we live in this world.

Hamas knows it has unlimited support from the muslim community, and massive support from the white western left.

I don’t think that women can think properly without men. Their thoughts are overwhelmed by their feelings. Their standards and fortitude is compromised. They need access to good and wise male minds for years in order to improve their thinking, to strain it through the male mind. A mind that will not support their desires, but instead criticize them, where he thinks and knows they are wrong. I bet women can tell if a man is certain as to the truthfulness of his observations.

Really it is the women who have something of value, that causes a disruption to a normal dating life. If men had the opportunity to sleep with beautiful women, it would take them a long time before they found the good women who were on their level, that connected with them.

Between American dating advice, and gender relations, not to mention movies, you get the impression that the main solutions to all problems, is to go to the gym more.

The whole concept of fighting on the streets, in order to maintain your own dignity, as well as to maintain the dominance of good men over bad ones, is a bad plan. We are in a time of great anger over continuing unsolvable racial inequality, and the willingness of people to be heartless, to have a screwed up governor, is very big. They will use weapons, they will keep kicking you, if you lose the fight. For a Jew, all races are potentially homicidal, even for a white gentile blacks are limitlessly dangerous. Fighting for honor, should be more limited to higher generations, if at all. Within racial groups only, if at all. I would love to see statistics, about long term injuries, caused by fighting, what are the probabilities?

The Jewish people have known since ancient times, that the forces of evil have a propensity to destroy Jewish identity and history, so they prepared many hiding spots for Jewish history and knowledge.

The white leftist womans mentality is not long for this world. Hundreds of millions of white leftists have been wiped out in our generation.

I don’t think Christianity is a good fit for most middle easterners. The white gentiles are different than the middle easterners. There is no getting around that, a completely different culture and mentality. We should find a way to create a bridge for muslims wishing to end their war with the Jews and the non muslims of the world. Possibly only the Jews, or possibly only ending their war with the non muslims.

There is nobody who is more frightening to an tyrant than a genuine fool or genuine believer. Everyone whose faith is not aligned with G-d, is flawed and paganistic.

Christianity is more racist than Judaism, the least racist is not the person who refuses to talk about racism, or acknowledge their own racist standards, but the person who respects the rights of other races, and permits their right to exist. Not only the races that assist in their quest to pretend not to be racist. Most Christians discriminate against Jews and hindus, attempting to defend themselves from muslims, while ont allowing muslims to express themselves for their own benefit, supposedly. Racism is judging others by other standards, to suit your preferences and advantages. Christianity is also highly immoral. They are doing what everyone else does, claim that their standard is moral, and censoring all criticism.

We may need G-ds help to defeat the Jewish women of Tel Aviv, we put our faith in Him. We do have enough votes for a right wing government, only deception makes elections a contest between left and right in Israel.

Men and women have different jobs. It is the womans job to be the critic of the man, to build him up, and to cut him down. It is very easy to forget yourself, when you don’t have agency. You could be to demanding, unhappy with your lot in life.

It is kind of strange, that the brown people hate us, for being white, when we did nothing to them ourselves, it was G-d who invented inequality. But they don’t see it that way.

Its silly for Jews to declare they are not white, in order to avoid being hated. If arab muslims and leftists are going to hate white people for being unequal, obviously they are going to hate Jews for being unequal.

The question for those who claim the secret money government is anti white, attempting to replace the white population, is why is it that Poland, Hungary, Russia, and other white eastern European nations have effectively blocked non white immigration, for over 30 years now? Maybe you should consider blaming your own people, rather than blaming the government, or the Jews.

Why do Jews move so far away from Jewish communities? Don’t they know what that will do to their children’s options and probabilities of marrying a good Jewish husband?


Its not really a workable situation, that right wing americans support equal rights for Jews, and a large percentage of the democratic party, doesn’t recognize racism from muslims and leftists, and choose to gas light us all into pretending the problem doesn’t exist.

We didn’t invent inequality, G-d did. We are just trying to deal with the world like everyone else. We love our people more than others just like everybody else does. We don’t think its fair that we shouldn’t be allowed to defend ourselves from violent crazy people of any color. We think if someone insults us, we should be able to insult them back.

We have a right to our own community, our own establishments and organizations, even if that means telling people who are different than we are that they cant be a part of us in every way. Just like others do. We have a right to our own nations, a right to protect our own families, and to recommend to our kids that they stick to our kind, or those who achieve most of all, with consideration of inequality persisting in the world.

Its funny that we men find it surprising that so many women and other people in this world do not think clearly, when we have so many examples of us acting in ways that we cant explain, or saying things that are not logical or intentional. To think that females are animated by a completely separate range of thoughts, to think that the truth and logic can be rejected, or that we do not recognize the power of other truths in this mortal plane, is a testimony to our own obliviousness. No reason not to believe that you need G-d to think correctly at all, either.

When you watch the western media, white gentile media, it is striking the degree that they repeat how unpopular hamas and hezbola are. Like they must believe that the people they oppose agree with them that their leaders are terrible. A people incapable of imagining that other people in the world actually think differently than they do. Unwilling to admit that brown skinned arab muslims, actually have immoral aspirations. They know that white racists and supremacists are different than them, they just cant attribute racism and supremacy to non whites. That failing is leading the white gentiles to tremendous suffering, possibly destruction. If the Jews of Israel do not stop clinging to the white gentiles, they to will suffer tremendously, and possibly be destroyed. In G-d I trust.

6 חודשים לפני

זו הודעה לגלי.

לצערינו ערוצי התקשורת הפכו את עצמם ל"קול הרעם מקהיר"
אני הייתי בחינוך בצבא בשנות השמונים.
אני הכרתי הרבה אנשי תקשורת אז. השינוי הגדול מאז. שהיום אנשי התקשורת והכתבים, סובלים מחרדה מתמשכת. מחוסר קשר לשורשים של העם לחלוטין.
ומכאן התוצאה שאנו רואים בתקשורת.

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