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ד"ר מיכאל בן ארי: בגלל המשפט שהתקיים נגדי – לא היו התרעות

ד"ר מיכאל בן ארי מדבר עם זיו מאור על משפטו שאמור להתחיל לאחר החגים, בו תובעים אותו על הסתה לגזענות כי כתב בספרו שהאסלאם הוא אומה רצחנית

ד"ר מיכאל בן ארי מדבר עם זיו מאור על המשפט נגדו. מדובר בכתב אישום הזוי לחלוטין. כתב אישום בן 50 עמודים. אני  מואשם בהסתה לגזענות כי כתבתי  בספרי "חזון ופגיון" שהאסלאם הוא אומה רצחנית. אני ראיתי לנגד עיני את מה שיקרה ב-7/10 וכבר ב-2018 התרעתי על כך. כבר אז אמרתי בשיחה עם אישה מנתיב העשרה- העזתים רוצים להיכנס אליך הביתה להחריב אותו ולאנוס אותך. אמרתי שצריך לכבוש את עזה ואם לא נעשה זאת נשלם על כך ביוקר.  להערכתי לא אזכה במשפט ממשי, תהיה סתימת פיות

ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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6 חודשים לפני

אסלאם זה לא עם , זה דת .

6 חודשים לפני

Its interesting watching this story about the rulers of medieval Japan. A familiar narrative, one about elites leveraging for power. They can say very little, they are familiar with the laws of war, and the narratives of the people, they play within the rules they easily understand. Yet still, such a group, has little ability to change anything other than which people get to be in power, pretending to be and believe things they do not. You would think that such a system would be incapable of change, but I supposed if the right sentiment of the people was constrained enough, then change would slowly occur.

I think I should vote for Trump, but I worry my blessing will end up being a curse for Israel. In Israel I would vote for Ben Gavir without hesitation. If Israel is trapped behind Netanyahu, because they cant understand, or they think a religious Jew is foreign, dangerous, and inclined to thinking in a way they cant comprehend, then we might be stuck. I know Hashem can do anything, and I believe He has created the means for us progressing, but it is not certain it will be through peaceful means.

 To unforgiving I am against the Jews of Israel. Most of them have been conditioned to believe that knowledge of G-d is illogical. I did not build up to knowledge of G-d. It was a choice that I was willing to consider, which then resulted in a complete change in the perception of reality. I don’t believe that most Jews intellect is very matching of my own. But knowledge of G-d, the influence of ideas, the irrational existence of positive moral standards being more powerful than negative ones, is more common today than it was two decades ago.

Netanyahu is very close. If I said he was only a centrist, it would still make sense to occupy Gaza, deflate Hezbola, and occupy Lebanon to the Litani river.

High IQ people do not need to oppress low IQ people. Its only the other way around. High IQ people don’t need to rob low IQ people, only low IQ people who demand to be equal, who need to rob smart and talented people of their wealth.

The black people of the world have always had the worst human rights records of all of the people of the world.

Why would there be no concerns about polio in Syria, or Afghanistan, or yemen? Places with far greater death tolls, and far less humanitarian assistance?

The happiness of the wise grows out of their own free acts? I dont think the wise walk around with an appreciation for their freedom so much, nor does practicing their free will give them such pleasure. Unless you grew up under communism, you probably get used to whats better, like america. Self improvement is a satisfying work. The bar for happiness is constantly moving. But if you know a good G-d, and you grow in happiness and understanding as to the goodness of His creation, and you derive pleasure in building His kingdom of pleasure on earth, where the right order of men and their desires is understood and maintained, then you have the greatest task a soul can have in this world. In G-d I trust.

6 חודשים לפני

Once upon a time, we used to be told fables about reporters, who would actually document the opinions of people on the streets, but I suppose that is to much information for us to be permitted. Understandably, it contradicts western multicultural propaganda! Right comrades?

The next step, I hope you get to in the next few decades while we rot in hell, would be how stupid and hateful are arab muslims to believe in such wild revisions of history? What is the level of honesty and integrity among the arab muslims? Then we can begin to develop the consent to disregard their opinions, and hopefully the american peoples opinions as well, so we can implement rational security policies for the Jewish nation, and establish for ourselves safe living environments.

You should be honest, and say are they really confused, or do they want to hear that they are right, and they are willing to fight for it?

Also I would like to buy the book, but I am not sure where to place the order. I need something to practice my Hebrew. In G-d I trust.

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