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האם טראמפ באמת ויתר על התוכנית שלו לעזה כמו שהתקשורת אומרת?

קובי ברדה מסביר כיצד נוצר הרושם שטראמפ נסוג מתוכניתו לפנות את עזה

ד"ר קובי ברדה מתאר את מדיניותו של דונלד טראמפ ככזו שממוקדת בניסיון לזהות את נקודות החולשה של השמאל ולפעול לסגור אותן. ברדה מזכיר שבראיון עם עיתונאית מ"קול אמריקה", טראמפ טען כי לא התייחס לטרנספר בעזה אלא להעזיבה מרצון, אך המהלך שלו והפסקת השיח בנושא יצרו בלבול בישראל, ולכן היו כאלו שחשבו שהוא נסוג מהתוכנית. בנוסף, ברדה מתאר את ההתקוממות של שלטון טראמפ כלפי בזבוז כספים על ידי גופי התקשורת הפדרליים, מה שמעיד על גישה שמאתגרת את ההתנהלות הממסדית והתשומות הכספיות של אמצעי התקשורת.

ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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A moving appeal, but hamas should not stay in power, and Israel should do what all countries do when they are attacked, and win a war against their attackers, occupy the territory for a time, and attempt to neutralize the dictatorial mentality among the people, that probably motivated the aggression in the first place. In the context of hamas in Gaza, its more like hatred of Jews, and religious convictions play a part. Justifying the relocation of Muslims, rather than their rehabilitation.
Further supporting this conclusion, is the fact that the white gentile nations of America and Europe, are currently deeply invested in a belief system they call multiculturalism. It has a considerable amount of hypocrisy in it, which works on the basis that the American whites and Jews vote for equal opportunity for all, and the government interprets that as those groups not being willing to stand up to non white anger over inequality.
 Then the government elevates the less than equal, to have superior rights and privileges, according to the law, and how it is implemented. Until the native population realizes they are under attack, by an inherently hostile enemy, and no other possibility exists, other than defending yourself from them, permanently. No consensus, inherently different motives and objectives. White gentiles claiming they want fairness, while they rob the Jews.
What that means, according to American news media, and schools, as well as politicians, is that Jews are guilty automatically, and Muslims are their victims, regardless of what the facts propose. America is a nation mostly dedicated to that global view. The solution comes when Israelis recognize that Americans are deficient in their ability to deal with the inherent evils of gentile kind. American people prefer to lie, they want to stand there saying I support equal opportunity for all, when that doesn’t satisfy the non whites, they need help, they need to know they are getting a fair deal. They want more than they deserve, and they are willing to lie to themselves about it while supporting it. They are triggered by endless videos of rich white people. There anger over inequality is unending.
 Saying there could be peace if hamas releases the hostages, is not enough. It is positive that he points out that hamas said it will take hostages again and again. Its been awhile since that was mentioned. Probably his statement was a win for our team. But convincing American gentiles is a goal destined for failure. Their majority will probably not support legal Israel, greater Israel, or Jewish rights even if they require discriminating against gentiles. Disparaging Christians and Christianity. Declaring multiculturalism fatally flawed, justifying segregation as a step along the path to separation. Neither do Israelis.
I think the Israeli relationship with America is an echo of this articles theme. We acknowledge that America has a right to abandon Israel when they are confronted with a level of Israeli rights they cannot follow. Then Israels government declares I am not ready to condemn americans and view them as hostile, and therefore more betrayal is ordained for us. Sounds concerningly true, except I spend a vast amount of time pointing out that the average opinion of America, is really weak pertaining to brown muslims, they are downright mad.
 The best part is it will probably invoke the gentiles to attack American Jews, who have little chance overcoming the familiarity, normalcy bias’s aligned against them. As well as the financial hurdles of moving to Israel. Your convictions must be very strong to learn everything anew. Most of us are not high IQ learners.
Israel needs to recognize that America is still part of the problem. The vast majority of the American establishment does not openly acknowledge that islam is a great source of muslim violence against Jews, racism is a great part of the motivation, and ignorance is a great part of the belief in ‘Muslim Palestine’. As long as most of America and Europe are cheering Israeli muslim freedom fighters, the ability of Israel to establish a conflicting narrative, that jihad is bad, that is what is being promoted against the Jews of Israel, is not good. B"H
Non whites don’t believe in sharing equally with whites and Jews. That’s not even on offer, most money comes from the government, and corporate monopolies. Whats on offer is the promise that the money is being distributed equally among the races in america. Hypocritical multiculturalism, is what America promotes.

Emniyetevleri su kaçak tespiti
Emniyetevleri su kaçak tespiti
1 יום לפני

Emniyetevleri su kaçak tespiti Su kaçağını kısa sürede tespit edip onardılar, beklediğimden çok daha iyiydi. http://impw.net/2012/10/

Bulgurlu su kaçağı tespiti
Bulgurlu su kaçağı tespiti
1 יום לפני

Bulgurlu su kaçağı tespiti Küçükçekmece’deki evimizdeki su kaçağını kısa sürede tespit ettiler. Kesinlikle tavsiye ediyorum. https://odooscan.com/domain/uskudartesisat.com

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