סגור את תיבת החיפוש

הוא נלחם לבדו ב7 באוקטובר ועכשיו נרדף באכזריות ע"י הפרקליטות השמאל והתקשורת

תמיר דורטל מארח את הח"כ אלמוג כהן בפודקסט על המשמעות ודן איתו באירועי ה-7/10 ובמצב הביטחוני במדינה

בפרק זה של הפודקאסט עו"ד תמיר דורטל מארח את חבר הכנסת אלמוג כהן לשיחה על אירועי השביעי באוקטובר ועל מצב הביטחון בישראל. כהן, שלידיו הגיע מידע מסווג על פרשיית ריגול חמורה, מביע תסכול עמוק מחוסר המעש של המערכות הביטחוניות ומותח ביקורת נוקבת על התנהלות הצבא והשב"כ. הוא טוען שהמחדל חמור מזה של יום כיפור, ומתאר כיצד אזרחים נותרו חשופים ללא הגנה. כהן מדגיש את חשיבות ההגנה האזרחית, מתאר את פעילותו במסגרת "צוות בראל" וחולק תובנות אישיות על השימוש בנשק ועל חשיבות האימונים. הוא מנתח את פעולות חמאס ומאפיין אותן כמקצועיות, אך טוען כי מדיניות "כיסוח הדשא" של ישראל אינה יעילה ויש לפעול באופן פרמנטי למיגור הטרור. כהן קורא לאחדות וחושף את סיפור רצח קרובות משפחתו בציר כיסופים, אירוע שהגדיר את חייו. הוא טוען שיש להציב גבולות ברורים בנוגע לסרבנות ומותח ביקורת על התערבות פוליטית בצבא. לבסוף, הוא מביע דאגה מהאכיפה הבררנית של המשטרה וטוען שיש לשמור על שוויון באכיפת החוק.

ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות   🇮🇱

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7 חודשים לפני

צריך לקום מנהיג שיעשה פה סדר שימשוך אחריו את רוב העם כלומר משיח

7 חודשים לפני

Bonus, the story of Moses leading the Jews out of egypt, was the story of the Jewish people, throwing off the shakels of our african slave masters. The real history has never been told.
I wonder to what degree Jew hatred is a media invention. Usually, nations without Jews, do not hate Jews, they actually want Jewish technological and economic contributions.
We should form a committee, of the smartest men on earth, to figure out how to get those stupid women to sleep with us.
Massive amounts of testosterone in young men, means that they are inclined to fight, to attack, to insult, to threaten. That is bad for young male Jews living among the gentiles, they are only learning about their impulses, it will take them years to master them, if they ever do, and in the mean time, young Jewish males in exile will receive the worst of the abuse. You can tell many of them are hysterical over their childhood ordeal, they are riddled with insecurity, completely lacking in confidence, and not grounded in the ideas of how they should live, because they have not received that advice, and their learning process was shattered, because there is no real way to manage gentile hatred of Jews. It is tolerated, it is survived, during the generations between mass slaughters, culminating in the exposure of the lie of equality, and the reality of persisting inequality, justifying and inducing an unmanageable opposition and hatred.
If you are a Jew who makes fun of other Jews, for having a large amount of gentile blood, regardless if it is white European gentile blood, or middle eastern, Arabic gentile blood, then you probably have a great deal of gentile blood yourself, because that is not a very Jewish way to act.
It would be cool to make a movie where Trump destabilized race relations. The right wing could not give up or manage their commitment to free speech, and the left could not stop wanting to shut down free speech, so in the end, there was a ball, of how to manage the conversation responsibly, but the ball was dropped. In 2030-2032 the new democratic administration was openly talking about the terrorism and mass slaughters in Americas race war could not be stopped, and the streets of America were lost.
A project was launched, to help America if it did collapse, a project to build a cruse ship slash cargo ship that would house 5,500 trained soldiers, and 2,250 support staff, on 3 separate boats, carrying substantial numbers of tanks, Humvees, helicopters, and vertical lift f35’s. Crew lived in the cruse ship apartments top side with their families. Equipment was below quarters. There was a big extendable ramp, when deep water access was limited.
What could 5,500 troops do? They could crush most local warlords, they could create a skeleton leadership over a large population, or adequate security for smaller populations, as well as locations of valuable natural resources. The ship had thousands of gallons of diesel ethanol that never spoiled, the ship was powered by 2 nuclear reactors. The population size might need to be smaller, I am not sure how much food could be stored on such a ship, but for a good story, it is fine to bend the truth a bit.
The ships permitted the worst chaos to be avoided, and expediate the transition from chaos to order, when the people were ready for it.
How is it right for non whites to oppose white nations closing their borders, when they support closed borders for their nations?
Lets pretend I agree with your assessment about the state of europe, which I suspect of being a propo opportunity. What is the consequence to europe of a russian victory, that will unite it? I think the russians would accept a cease fire now. You really believe the western europeans will send their few children to perish in war with russia? That they can fight without casualties? That the muslim youth of western europe will fight for it? If you are to scared to say it, I will assume they do nothing, and fail some more. Eventually a cease fire will be accepted, europe will not fight for the globalists empire who overthrew the ukrainian government. They wont do a thing till after ukraines strength is spent. Then nobody will be fighting for their country, other than the russians. In G-d I trust.
Indulging in this idea about how most humans mix up ideas, like blaming all Jews for the actions of a few Jews, because their minds are dominated by the idea of racial inequality, and most of them lack the precision to be capable of western ideals of toleration. Another example that will help justify the constructions of the parameters of that notion, is, imagine if you are a soldier, or a police officer, and you forgot to put up those yellow warning signs about a wet floor while you were moping, and someone slipped, but was not seriously hurt.
 You would probably forget about that in time. But if you were on the trail of a terrorist with a nuke, and you got close, but failed to stop him, causing the death and dismemberment of hundreds of thousands of people, due to no fault of your own. You would probably spend the rest of your life thinking about that day. You would second guess yourself often, because of the scale of the event, even if you didn’t do anything wrong. 

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