ד"ר משה ברנט אומר לסמדר הילה שמואלי הפתרון היחידי למדינת ישראל הוא שלטון ישראלי מהירדן ועד הים כל פתרון אחר יצמיח ישות טרוריסטית.
סמדר הילה שמואלי מדברת ם ד"ר משה ברנט על ההתמודדות של ישראל עם האויבים הערבים שמקיפים אותה והאיום הקיומי שלא השתנה מימי מלחמת השחרור
ד"ר משה ברנט אומר לסמדר הילה שמואלי הפתרון היחידי למדינת ישראל הוא שלטון ישראלי מהירדן ועד הים כל פתרון אחר יצמיח ישות טרוריסטית.
ערוץ Tov אקטואליה יהודית ברשתות החברתיות
פורטל החדשות של TOV, הוא זירת אקטואליה ותרבות המשלבת לראשונה עדכונים מכל הנעשה במדינה ומאפשרת צריכת תכנים תרבותיים נקיים ומסוננים. באתר תמצאו תוכן הנוגע לכם בכל תחומי החיים כשהוא נקי ומסונן.
אפשר לבחור ערים מסוימות בלחיצה על המיקום
הפרופ. דוגל בהתבוללות לרבים. יש מושג רשות היחיד ורשות הרבים . אין לפרופ. מושג בהם.
The only real solution the arabs can accept, is A greater Israel, based on G-d, spreading morals about chastity and virtue. Muslims hate leftists, and atheists, and deviants.
The problem with secular studies, is that we have seen that the majority of the people in charge are willing to use media and schools for propaganda purposes. Its not even disputed. Most of them believe in authoritarianism and oppression, and the best way to achieve that goal is to trick people into sinning, into compromising their standards, their morals, so they will accept greater and greater debasement.
Telling small lies can resolve conflict by mostly reasonable unoffended parties, but pretending that is enough to defeat the mass murdering and oppressing jihad, is madness. I think Israel needs to talk about the fact that the Europeans and the americans are basically committing suicide. They speak words that reflect the mentality of a people who are committing suicide. How can the politicians of Britain claim to oppose anti semitism, if most hate crimes committed against Jews, are committed by muslims, and anyone who implies any association between islam, intolerance and violence gets arrested? How can the germans claim to oppose anti semitism, if they uniquely claim that there are no hate crimes being committed by muslims against Jews, in wild disproportion to the amount of hate crimes committed by muslims in the uk, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and more?
It is a tall order, for American Jews who have never been allowed to have their own racial identity, who have never been allowed to make the case for their rejection of multiculturalism, unlike non whites whose culture is celebrated. To embrace breaking with the country, language, that they know, with all their degrees, with most rational hope for a career in their life times. To vote against multiculturalism, is to a degree, to vote against their right to be a minority.
The Jewish people, the white gentiles, and the orientals can work things out between themselves, because they do not want to perish under mutually assured destruction. Can the muslims join this union? Can they live with an agreement, that allows the fullest blessing possible for us all to flourish? Or do they demand special treatment in order to comply? They seem to represent a certain and definite threat to all non muslims in the world. Why should they not be dealt with or contained?
Perhaps straight talking is not good enough, why else would it be acceptable for the brits and the French to be conquered by islam, and have their nuclear weapons captured by the muslims, who will certainly use them to force us to accept their domination, due to their inability to accept their inequality.
If western support for Jewish security, only exists, briefly, after Jews have been slaughtered in mass, and all crimes committed by muslims are censored, then the west can keep their strong support of Israels defense, and opposition to anti semitism.
It would appear that our best hope is with the empire, with freedom of speech. What we need is to convince the white gentiles, the orientals, and the Jews of Israel, to make a deal to control the world, so that nuclear bombs, and other weapons of mass destruction do not proliferate. The only backup plan from that is to hope that G-d wrote rules for the human kinds interactions that permit us to survive, while the rest of the world is subdued. Either way, we try our best, tell the truth, fight for the progress of the narrative, and live with what happens.
Butch dikes are a front for the old white nazi males billionaires, who really control everything.
By the time that young women realize the problems with their impulses, they have already racked up numerous bodies. By which time the good men are so disgusted by their humiliation, that most are not willing to marry them, ruining both their lives.
I think we already are at the point where every Israeli should know that Israels security concerns are valid, and that muslim desire for reform, and peace are non existent. Are we all on the same page about needing to occupy gaza? That I will have to think about, but it seems like they are voting mostly for security hardliners, even if they are getting deceived. The level of deception is to high.
How can Israel work with the world, when the UN is so impossibly anti Israel?
The Israeli right should be told to wait, till after we see if the war effort is sabotaged by Netanyahu and the likud. Our protests should correlate to that event, but I know that claiming that Jews rapped an arab is a filthy blood libel as well.
Who ever heard of such abominable people, who dedicate their lives to fighting against the Jews, because they are certain that they are immoral, and represent a negative influence on the world. Never throughout history has there been a nation or people recorded, who thought to consider that maybe Jews were a positive influence on the liberties of nations, and their wealth.
But I guess it makes sense, that a mans mind will testify what the world is like, according to his place in it, and if he is among the suffering poor, then he will think the world is cruel and unjust, and he should take what he can by hook or crook. He will perceive the Jews, and the leaders of his nation as evil. Sounds similar to all those immoral women who think that all men are bad. In G-d I trust.