סגור את תיבת החיפוש

Judges appoint judges

Lawyer Ziv Maor continues the series of videos that explain what the legal reform is really about

Justice Minister Yariv Levin. Photo: Olivia Pitusi, Flash90

Israeli legal system is deformed and it needs to be reformed

On the previous video, Ziv Maor talked about the lack of a constitution in Israel, and this time he will talk about the problematic way in which judges in Israel are appointed: Judges appoint judges

As a lawyer, Maor clarifies that the judges of all levels of court are not committed to the law. Once you go to court, you are basically subject to the hunchase of the judges

This is a systematic thing that has been existed for years. This is the reason why large companies that operate in Israel do not do business here

The reform is actually about who makes the decisions. There is no point in electing politicians to parliament, if eventually the judges do not follow their laws

Watch the video

אבי וייס: "מי שמציע עסקת טיעון לנתניהו חי בסרט"


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